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What is your current opinion on "The Pig"?

Question is in the title.

I personaly mained this Killer for most of my Time playing Dead by Daylight but then switched over to the Xenomorph simply because i wasn't a big Fan of Amanda's current State.

I did play through her entire Tome and enjoyed that too.

In my opinion she deserves a Few Buffs in some Categories as she is lacking behind in them.

It would also be cool if she finally recieved an Updated Model, Her Own Chase Music or even Voicing from Shawnee Smith as she stated that she would be up to voice her.

I dunno, those are my views, what are yours?

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  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Very "convinient" and relaxing to play killer: no hard mechanic, built in slowdown and stealth.

    Attack power is trash (used basically to scare survivors out of loops).

    If devs tweak her just one bit: make her roar at the start of actual rush (like Chucky), not at the beginning of charging, she would be perfect killer.

    But we all know, Pig can get only nerfs, that's life.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    I like the Pig, on both sides. Overall she is in a fine spot. Most people think Pig is trash but often forget that she has the best basekit slowdown in the game. If they want to buff her stealth and her ambush, she has to receive a nerf in that regard.

    Out of curiousity: If you mained The Pig, what do you think about Chucky? He is kinda like her, but on steroids. Minus the slowdown of course.

  • Member Posts: 662

    Her chase power would be one of the weakest among all the killers, and this means that it is also difficult to use reverse bear trap because she can put bear trap to survivors when she downed survivors, unless she is using iri add-on. She desperately needs big buff for her chase.

    But you know, there are only nerfs for her.

  • Member Posts: 4,701
    edited December 2023

    The slowdown is what makes her strong.

    Chucky just has the stronger chase.

    I like chucky. I just like Amanda way more.

    Nobody comes close for me. If she wasn't in the game, I would have probably stopped playing dbd a long time ago.

  • Member Posts: 3,987
    edited December 2023

    I love the Pig for the fact her chase is 100% mind games. She can't brute force a down like a lot of killers can, and her RBTs are the best slowdown in the game, there to buy her the time to actually win those exchanges, giving her a unique and interesting identity.

    Making builds for her is fun, cause you have to think around your weak chase, find a way to make yourself more potent, and there are a lot of way to do it, which makes Pig a lot of fun to build around.

    That said... this design does lead itself to a first chase problem... where basically your whole game it quite dependant on the success/failure of your first chase, and ofc the better survivors are, the harder it is to make every chase count.

    This makes her very potent at low levels, but struggle heavily at high levels.

  • Member Posts: 2,511
    edited December 2023

    Not sure if underrated or just an underdog.

    She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts

  • Member Posts: 1,193

    I like to go against her. It can be annoying if the person who plays her is fan of slugging and using the traps too much. But I'm a fan of stealth killers in general

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Nerf immediately. SOMEBODY has got to stop her.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    She does have good slowdown (at least, ever since she got the buff to her Trap consistency), but the problem for me is that her slowdown is 100% reliant on winning chases, which would be completely reasonable if her power wasn't one of the worst anti-loop/chase powers in the game IMO paired with one of the worst stealth powers in the game IMO. If you aren't playing against potatoes, you are going to struggle hard with accessing the good part of her power.

    At this point, I would gladly accept a nerf to her traps in exchange for her ambush attack not being completely reliant on opponents playing badly. I've actually put the Pig on the backburner in favor of Chucky myself because I think Chucky outclasses the Pig entirely. As much as I enjoyed some good 'ol headtrap shenanigans over the years, they're not worth dealing with the Ambush feeling so shoddy when I can just use perks to provide slowdown to Chucky. Here's hoping the tweaks the Pig is planned to receive will make her Ambush feel better to use, even if her Traps end up being nerfed a bit in the process.

  • Member Posts: 109

    Why does Chucky have the same powers as The Pig but 5x better than her versions of them?

  • Member Posts: 1,528

    Another m1 killer to loop endlessly, good cosmetics tho.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    It still bothers me to this day that they had a very reasonable problem they wanted to solve (Reverse Bear Trap timer + End Game Collapse Timer = death sentence), there was a very reasonable solution to that problem (pause the End Game Collapse Timer while one or more Survivors are wearing Reverse Bear Traps), but instead of the reasonable solution, they opted for the heavy-handed solution and neutered her endgame viability.

  • Member Posts: 65

    She's one of my killer mains, lots of fun.

    Against though...the pigs I see use a super evil build that I hates.

  • Member Posts: 2,511
    edited December 2023

    It still bothers me to this day too fellas. That Nerf lives in my head rent-free. It was so long ago I know it shouldn't even matter, but it does because they did her so so dirty with that nerf specifically. 😤 😤


  • Member Posts: 2,444

    Not really an opinion but every single pig I have gone against has been hard lagging. It's not common for me to get hit 4 feet from a window but every pig does.

  • Member Posts: 1,925

    My current opinion: I see Piggy - I must boop at least once, no matter whats gonna happen to me.

    Low - medium killer in terms of chase.

    Pretty hardcore in terms of built-in slowdown.

    Very jumpy and scary sometimes. (depends on a player)

    Her "squicks" at the pallet stun are adorable. (Almost like Xeno's)

    I haven't played as her, but it's always fun to watch when someone playing as her.

  • Member Posts: 4,701

    Meet my p100 piggy.

    I'm waiting for you in the shadow realm.

  • Member Posts: 4,701

    It was a good nerf. She would have been really dumb without it.


    She should have gotten an exchange. On top of generators, traps also get activated when the exit gate lever gets touched.

  • Member Posts: 2,511
    edited December 2023

    Agreed that they should have added some form of buffs. Unfortunately, they didn't even give her a chance before destroying her and her endgame playstyles. They had options too like Tag was sayin. From something like you mentioned with exit gates, Tag mentioned with the END Game timer pause, to a different view such as disabling RBT on hatch close, even tinkering with RBT timer or her TR (and I do not mean nerfing it from 28 Metres, which all the newer killers get to break or bend that rule anyways -🐽-).

    I'll leave it at yes, she would have been pretty strong, but still very much beatable in ~3-4 minutes. Pig putting you into a tough situation due to RBTs has always been part of her uniqueness.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I know, better than anyone else, how that feels.

    I mean, almost everything I liked about DBD has been taken away, so essentially all that was lost since July of 2019 lives rent-free in my head, sadly.

  • Member Posts: 3,043

    I like Pig's idea, I want to play as her, but every time I do I'm reminded of her problems. Useless stealth, useless dash attack, and her reverse bear traps feel like they don't do anything to survivors of moderate skill or higher, if you can even catch them before three generators pop anyway.

  • Member Posts: 4,701
    edited December 2023

    Agree! I made an entire post about pigs TR and how weird the rule about the generalization is at this point.

    (also, love that we all use the same pig emojis now. WE ARE THE LEAGUE OF PIG! UNITE!)

  • Member Posts: 2,511
    edited December 2023

    I got those emojis from the list The Council sent out in an e-mail back when I joined the local. Pig mains stand united!

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I can agree with your assessment...

    Getting her own chase music would be great

    Getting something added to her Ambush would be good

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