Remove Ability for Survivors to Tap Generators

This has been a problem for a long time and killers have accepted that "it's always been this way" when it's really unfair when you think about it. Killers take 1.8s to damage a generator, while survivors take less than half that to tap it, allowing them to stop regression with very little inconvenience -- especially when they're going for a hook rescue, or during a chase. Manually damaging a generator is unattractive because of this fact and that's why Pain Resonance and Jolt are so popular for generator regression perks. To an extent, this also affects tunneling because killers will ignore this core mechanic when given the opportunity to manually damage a generator. In all honesty, with the semi-recent nerfs to Pain Resonance and Pop Goes the Weasel, running generator regression perks may not be worthwhile. I've had no major difference in my games running with 0 generator regression perks recently. Something has to change, and to start I propose tapping be removed from the game. My ideas for how this can be changed doesn't hold water so I'd like to hear some ideas.
you could run overcharge. people that gen tap might miss skill-check. Other than that, don't kick gens if you think they'll be gen tapped.
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I think thats a fair change it is a bit obnoxious you can tape a gen mid chase lol
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Makes 3 gens stronger. So i dont think it's a great idea.
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3 gens suck because a) survivors complete only 1 side of the map's gens or b) the dispersal of gens on maps are absolute garbage (and it's often b)'s fault) thus it's a separate issue. I've posted a few examples in recently.
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3 gen strategy is such a boring strategy to play against, especially when you are solo queue and the randos don't pay attention to gen placement, or the killer is actively defending the 3 gen play from the start. It ends up with matches that last for very long times while you try to ninja bump generators up between gen-kicks, which only really works if survivors are coordinated enough to harass 3 gens at once to begin with. I'm looking forward to the offering of 3 gen counter next year.
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iirc there actually was supposed to be a channel time for survivors to put a damaged gen back on progression, just like there's a channel time for killers to damage a gen, but the devs left it out because they thought it was "funny."
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lol "might"
tbh it should just auto fail if u dont stay on but idc i never run that perk i just think thats kinda dumb
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Theres already an instant 2.5%
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Isnt that each kick removes some progress from gen? around 2s of progress? So actually each tap to the gen is worse than living it if killer decide to kick that gen again?
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There should be a "cool down" period for stopping regression. Just 2-3 seconds of uninterrupted repair, otherwise it starts regressing again.
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if my math is correct, a generator kick regresses 2.25 charges which equates to 2.25 seconds of regression. So net is 0.45 seconds.
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So if survivor tap the gen, its better to kick it again, its faster than passive regression
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I like tapping, both as killer and surv.
Is it worth going back to the gen and kick/tap it? Both hold risks for both sides. Adds just a smidge of strategy depending on where you're at that game
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My best suggestion is to make at least a second of repair to remove regression. If you leave a gen too early, regression comes back.
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Yes it's undisputed that kicking a generator is faster than natural regression. However, let me ask you: imagine if there was no passive regression. Do you think spending 1.8s to regress 2.25s of progress is worthwhile? The regression is where the value is.
Post edited by WashYourHands on0 -
Not a bad idea. Arguably the skill check part of Overcharge is more useful than the incremental regression in certain circumstances. BUT another beef I have with Overcharge is that you can tap the generator AND complete the skill check while running away, whereas any other time you leave a generator while getting a skill check, you'll damage it. Doesn't make sense. I'm going to make another topic about this.
I also had an idea that you are unable to repair a generator while you are pressing the run key, but I still think survivors will adapt quickly and tap like it never happened...
Post edited by WashYourHands on1 -
It was an idea, that I'm honestly not sure if they actually did once upon the time. But yeah, all this killer counter stuff yet here survivors go