why do we use such stupid logic?

bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

Survivors complain when they get tunnelled. They have no issues tunnelling gens though.

I see survivors always complaining about tunnelling but have absolutely no issues with just slamming the gens out and leaving.


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    3 survivors wait for 1 teammate getting tunneled out first before doing Gen.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    You compare tunneling with gen rushing.

    The latter has no meaningful interaction with the killer. The former does.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,348
    edited December 2023

    Because generators aren't players. People can say that shouldn't matter for balance or whatever as much as they want but believe me when I say this makes even developers view the two as fundamentally different scenarios.

    Post edited by oxygen on
  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    Never understood what "tunneling gens" means. Do you mean doing gens? You can just say that

    Sometimes I see people argue that completing a gen before starting a new one is "tunneling" gens, and that's silly. A gen can regress from 99% to 0% but survivors can't kick each other to go back to fresh hook. If generators had "safe states" where it couldn't regress past a certain point (like they used to) then that might make sense (because the survivors objectives would be comparable to killers in that regard)

  • Amshnock
    Amshnock Member Posts: 51

    well you say thats the survivors objective do gens rush off hook right?

    killer objective is to kill/hook. So whats the deal with tunneling a survivor its the killers objective to kill.

    Most of the time I play nice dont really care about the win. But You body block gen rush Im going to tunnel.

    You get unhooked bodyblock for the once that unhooked then run to the same gen and you expect the killer to just walk away hell no.

    survivor mains want killers to play fair BUT what about you survivors play fair.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    yea like when survivors aren't having fun when they getting camped/tunneled they can just let go on hook and go next where killers getting genrushed are stuck in match till survivors are done with all gens and t bagging at the exit gates.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    what agency? watching them leave do I have to hit them to make them leave?

    also tho who same they stay to let the killer hit them is bull I had them leave and I end up hitting the gate.

    and yes I do expect the match to be over fairly quickly with a de pip from a match I had no control over.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    that why I wish noed was basekit I mean when I play survivor I always check chest and do 2 to 3 totems if I find one and I still win some in solo,survivors need to do other things or have other objectives to win

    killers main objective is killing or sacrifice survivors but to get there they need to find a survivor chase survivor hook survivor kick a gen that been worked on and find a new survivor to chase and hook

    each survivor needs to be hooked 3 times where survivors only need to fix 5 gens and open 1 of the 2 exit gates

    even tho as a solo survivor I don't get out every match and I not meant to just like killers should be getting 4k every match but survivor still the easy kick back role.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I can chase 1 at a time and after the first hook 3 gens are done so I'm stronger now with less gens but by time I find a new survivor chase and hook them all gens are done and gates are 99 so I end up camping at this point and either trade hook till someone dead or camping fails which happens more offend and they all get out and I don't bother going to the gate.

    now that sound like fun?

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited December 2023

    What else are killers supposed to do but kill ? Gen rushing takes the killer out faster. Its fine though.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I mean I said this before but know one care but I do and what make me hate being tunneled/camped or being genrushed and getting 3 hook if I'm lucky is de pipping I can't tell how many time I been 1 pip away from grading up (still happen this season on both role) then I end up getting a lot BS matches I have 0 control over end up losing all pips I had

    I mean what the point in grades and pipping to get more BP not an outfit or shards not even auric cells just BP

    but I still get mad over losing my pips because it not easy to pip as survivor or killer when BS happens like camping/tunneling and genrusshing

    maybe people don't care about pips but if I knew I wasn't going lose a pip when I get camping/tunneling or genrushed I wouldn't care about that lose and wouldn't take it out on the next match trying harder making the game less fun for others.

    but that just me....

  • finalgrrl
    finalgrrl Member Posts: 30

    i think tunneling is worth complaining about because it’s just…. kinda stupid. and before you pull out a pitchfork, i play both sides 50/50.

    as a killer your function is to make sacrifices and prevent gen progress. because gen progress gets the survivors closer to escaping. duhh.

    when you’re obsessively tunneling one person just to make two hooks in the time it took the rest of the squad to crank out three gens, you’re just wasting your time and throwing the game lol. i’ve never seen a dedicated tunneler make more than two kills in a match and one of them is usually thanks to noed.

    so while yeah, it sucks getting tunneled because as a survivor you can’t get any objectives done, it’s also just a bad way to play the game because you as a killer also aren’t getting your objectives done.

    complaining about gen rushing is just complaining about survivors literally doing their objective. your main focus as a survivor is gens, you can’t escape without doing them, unless it becomes a hatch match. there’s no such thing as gen rushing. maybe you’re just bad at patrolling the gens and creating map pressure.

  • So_Saucee
    So_Saucee Member Posts: 21

    Isn't that the purpose of the game tho, to do gens and get out? Or did want the survivors to do NOTHING so you can get an easy 4k and complain about nothing.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Talking about logic. Hahahahaha.

  • So_Saucee
    So_Saucee Member Posts: 21

    Survivors have more than gens as objective, we have to safe hook rescue, evade the killer, all while trying to escape. Most of the time survivors play extremely fair and we still get tunneled or camped. I can't speak for other survivors that bully the killer. But bodyblock shouldn't be considered a bad thing if helping a teammate.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,140

    I mean there quite literally is tunneling gens by leaving people to die and ONLY doing gens. Since tunneling comes from "tunnel vision" which that fits EXACTLY with slamming gens.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700
    edited December 2023

    Drop a guy on the hook and go for someone else. You don't need to tunnel, but survivors do need to do gens.

    That's hardly the killer's problem though, is it? If they never go for unhooks, you are going to have a VERY easy game.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,969

    You have a good 60 seconds that the survivor can sit on the hook per health state (and reassurance can increase this time as well.) Gens before Friends can absolutely be the better move for survivors, especially if the gen they're doing breaks up a 3 gen. The idea is to get to the hook toward the end of the stage, instead of right away. I get your logic, but its not always applicable.

    This is also one of the situations where people complain about proxy camping, because the killer goes back to the hook to confirm the hook stage instead of letting them wait until the last minute to make the save. It can be punished as well as rewarded so it's a risky strat (especially in solo queue.)

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 659
    edited December 2023

    Tunneling is actual proof that DBD is survivor sided. I play both sides, and noticed something.

    As survivor we have influence over everything, but tunneling. It’s the killer’s choice. Killers can chase anyone for as long as they want, and survivors have no control.

    As killer our perks/powers can be heavily countered by survivor perks, and comms. Totems last as long as survivors want. Gens get slammed whenever survivors want.

    That’s why survivors hate Ultimate Weapon. Saying Ultimate Weapon is strong like claiming Infectious Fright, or Rancor is strong. Sure, it makes killers like Wesker; However, high mobility killers are always mega powerful. So it’s a moot point. Again, the killer has full control over WHEN to activate Ultimate Weapon. It’s something survivor mains cannot counter, or exploit. a “problem”.

    Killers can NEVER have control over all 4 survivors, but the 1 we chase at a given time. In that time all the other survivors do is gens, right?? Which can all be done in less than a minute with 4 survivors alive.

    The smartest thing a killer can do is chase 1 survivor at a time as quick as they can until they’re completely dead. Basic killers cannot achieve this without the busted add ons that can shorten a chase for them below 30 seconds…

    Post edited by WaveyTrey on
  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited December 2023

    I love getting tunneled just means were getting 3 people out since the killer cant spread pressure im going to comp drop on them till they learn they picked the wrong one.

    A good killer has control over multiple survivors at the same time. Hence map control.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 659

    Exactly. If you know how to run the killer tunneling doesn’t matter!

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Because at the end of the day there isn't too much variety to how you play.

    Both are tunnelling something and that's how it is unless the devs decide to switch up the gameplay loop.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 54

    That's a bad narrative to paint in saying the player never played the game?As they did play the game the just didn't win.

    Every player and trial are different?Whatever happens to that survivor in the trial can still be considered play time as it still counts in the game hours you mass overtime 🫤

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962

    You ever play tag at school and have the person who was "it" only ever chase their crush and nobody else?

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 378

    Everything is correct except the devs revert all healing back to original except Boon of Healing. This was done quietly and I think 4 or 5 updates ago.

    The only time I am "gen tunneled" is when zlI am concentrated on a daily challenge and lose what I am doing. Mainly the Gunslinger and bird lady. Other than that patrolling is the main thing. I have killers hardcore tunnel and slug at 5 or 4 gens and they blame me for not running gen rushing perks, really though why is it my fault I didn't play the game the way you wanted it to go? I really question the mentality of what's left of the player base at times and a long break is maybe what is needed.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    Everything is correct except the devs revert all healing back to original except Boon of Healing. This was done quietly and I think 4 or 5 updates ago.

    Unless I missed something, if we're talking about the healing nerfs that actually went 'live', we haven't had any changes since the nerf went into effect. Those were medkits and circle of healing. They had experimented with slowing down team healing as well in the PTB, but they thankfully walked that back.

    Both of those changes are substantial though, especially circle of healing. Survivors, sometimes foolishly, would run across the map for a self-heal. This gave the killer massive slowdown, but from the killer perspective it looked like free heals.

    I actually support both changes, medkits were way too powerful and circle of healing broke team interaction, but it had a substantial shift in how survivors play.