Why do you use map offerings?

I am curious to see why most people pick map offerings. I personally use them for aesthetic reasons depending on the type of feeling I want for the next match.
But I also know that many people choose map offerings for strategic reasons. Why do you use map offerings?
Whatever your answer is, what is it about the aesthetics/strategy that you make you choose?
Why do you use map offerings? 37 votes
Strategic reasons
It is actually neither of those. I simply use them when i am tired of getting one terrible map after another like Nostromo, Toba Landing, RPD or other indoor maps.
Then i use mostly McMillian, Autohaven, Crotus Prenn or Coldwind Farm. They are equaly ballanced and for both sides enjoyable.
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Strategic reasons
I rarely use them but I remember using them for the RCPD challenge.
If it is not a map specific challenge or achievement I sometimes use an offering as I believe a challenge can be easier done on a specific map (e.g. for stuns go to pallet-ridden maps).
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I haven’t used any map offerings since the beginning of the year except once and that was because my friend had a daily they wanted to do and they asked me to bring the map offering for it
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Aesthetic reasons
I use map offering for meme reasons.
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Aesthetic reasons
What do you enjoy the most about maps? The art style or the gameplay?
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Strategic reasons
The gameplay aspect, but it does not hurt if a map is also pretty.
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I wanna add something
honestly I would love it if the devs could make badham balanced but keep its aesthetic cause I sometimes wanna bring the offering for it but I end up not doing so cause it’s not a fun map for the killer side and I’m also always low on bloodpoints so I usually just bring blood party streamers or escape cake offerings
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Aesthetic reasons
I mean, technically it's strategic to send Myers to RPD, but it gives an atmosphere to the trial if you know what I mean. I pick maps that I think are gonna be fun for both sides.
I do it for the fun of the game rather than a competitive advantage.
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Aesthetic reasons
It's simply whether they appear in the randomizer or not. Probably confuses the crap out of Survivors when my Hillbilly bring The Game to the table, but it makes for a challenge!
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to not be sent to swamp or rpd
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Strategic reasons
More specifically I use them to go to maps that synergize with the power of the killer I'm playing. Midwich offerings on Dredge, RPD offerings on Nemesis, etc.
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Aesthetic reasons
Usually I use map offerings when I'm tired of getting the same maps over and over.
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Strategic reasons
Scratched Mirror Myers
Trying to do that without a map offering is just asking to have a bad time.
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neither. Be it for challenge reasons (say the game for a pallets challenge), or because i dont want to go emptyhanded into the amtch lol
I usually choose ome at random to offer
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Strategic reasons
I often use Midwich as survivor. Reason being is I know its one of the best maps for a lot of killers. As a survivor, I feel if I can improve, it'll be on maps that are clearly killer sided. I enjoy the challenge :)
R.I.P. if its nurse lol
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Strategic reasons
I think it's more nuanced than "Aesthetic" vs "Strategic" - I use them for achievement hunting, mostly. If I need to get a main building gen and escape I'll lock the map until I run out or get it.
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Aesthetic reasons
Realms are one of my most fav parts of DBD.
I don’t care which side is considered favored in a realm, or whichever role I happen to be playing at the time; When I feel like enjoying a certain vibe that any particular realm I wanna enjoy offers, I’m going to use that offering.
Atmosphere is everything for me, especially while gaming. I love immersing myself in the surroundings and DBD does well at providing that pleasing aesthetic to be enveloped within. It’s the enhancement to my fun levels, and where I prefer to be, casually speaking, as opposed to concerning myself with feeling the need to ever sweat or go overboard for a W.
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Aesthetic reasons
When i first started playing it was for SH. I kept using Mary's letter lol. Probably one of the coolest maps. That and RPD. I thought it was so neat when they had a replica of the one from the rer2 remake before they changed it.