Why was the Survivor Lightborn Notification removed?

According to an old YouTube video, you used to get a little red notification in your perk window when you tried blinding a killer using lightborn.
Why was this notification removed? It would be nice to get it again especially since we have other blinding perks such as blast mine and flashbang, not to mention firecrackers.
They probably wanted to put the game more into skill and game sense instead of just having information handed to you for free. You have to determine what perks are in play instead of simply knowing.
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Honestly I wish they'd do that with some hexes as well. Hex: Huntress Lullaby is horrible because it's immediately shown as active when the round starts and when I actually get value from it, it feels like a good hex otherwise.
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It's a great hex, especially on backwater swamp. I can never find it when the killer plays it on that map.
Edit: Just had a Trapper send us there using that perk lol 😆
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I mean, telling you that the killer cannot be blinded the second you try defeats the perk's purpose.
It has to be a surprise if it wants to have any real impact.
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Probably because killers cried about it....just like dh, ds, mft, distortion, etc
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Gaslight potential!
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Whenever I have a hex on Grim Pantry it's in one of the 2 most obvious spots, so it's usually gone in the first 30 seconds. :(
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Unless it's Grim Pantry then it's always at the rock by the shack.
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it used to be hidden until 1st token, idk why they changed it.
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No clue, but its a good change to have been made.
Need less of the hand holding stuff.
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Probably because the perk is active immediately. Even without tokens, the perk causes extra regression on missed skillchecks.
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ohh that makes sense
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That's crazy, I had no idea. There's no reason to have changed that.
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Half your examples are good nerfs. Especially with all the gen rush/second chance perks.
As a killer main, all my games have been me seeing a survivor in the distance, then them sprint bursting or lithe-ing into an impossible chase. Every one of the perks you listed made that possible/worse
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The slow burning sound was hard to hear over the Twitchy's music.
If true that would be a bug. Lullaby shouldn't prompt until it has one token.
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Then it should appear after a fail skillcheck. Any other Hex won't appear unless the effect is triggered.
Ruin - after getting of an unfinished gen.
Undying - being near a totem
ToTH - cleansing a totem
Haunted - breaking the totem
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Maybe it was removed when lightborn was changed?
The fact that it's gone allows you to act like you don't have it (looking away/down) to get more value out of it, but I can see an argument that it should eventually show itself so new players aren't confused on why their blinding perks/items aren't working.
Another solution: just implement a way to read perk descriptions without owning them... It's crazy that new players have no way of knowing that a killer perk exists until they face it and then wait to the endgame screen, or google a wiki.
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Must have been when Lightborn was 80% instead of total immunity.
That way, survivors were warned that their efforts were being reduced, but they still could blind killers with enough time. Not enough to matter because of how massive 80% was, but you get the idea.
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Yeah, and I personally agree with that sentiment, but for new players there are a lot of perks to learn, and it can be rough. Most people here will likely deduce what perks their opponents might be running, but for a new player with little game sense, it might be confusing and frustrating.
But otoh, I don't really believe in hand holding. It's a conundrum.
But in some cases, showing the effect when it is active almost entirely negates the benefit of running the perk. Dissolution comes immediately to mind.
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Lightborn should still give survivors the points for "blinding" the killer.
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it used to only show after the first stack became active (which you would generally notice anyway if you had more than a handful of hours on survivor) they should at the very least revert it to that
idk why they even changed it to begin with