Big L BHVR, Really Big L.

You just had to go and strip the mechanical skill from chucky, and absolutely ruin his m2 with this 90 degree cap.
I put 23 prestige’s into chucky with plans of taking him to p100 because his skill ceiling reminded me of blight. Guess I’m going back to blight. :,)
Very sad decision you guys made. Very sad indeed.
I read the patch notes, seems like this was always an intended limitation on his power, and bugs need to fixed to be able to assess a power properly.
I'm not condemning it yet without seeing it in action, but I presume this is to prevent those max range charges with a 180 degree turn midway around terrain that still reached you anyway... Those hits felt pretty BS when they happened.
Hopefully doesn't hit anything more than that.... but I have a feeling that's not the case.
Edit: BHVR may be still open to the idea of reverting it if it cripples him, they seem to have listened to the Trickster mains and given him back their 15s laceration decay, which is what they were most upset about losing, and a few additional buffs in toe which look promising.
Post edited by UndeddJester on6 -
Question is can a console player pull of a 180 flick like a pc player. If so then it should have stayed.
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Instead of "PC is at an advantage, let's nerf it", I think it would be better to look at it from "how can we make Console just as good as PC if there were to be an advantage".
Console really has the shorter end of the stick, but instead of nerfing things because of how they work on PC, it would be better to make Console able to pull off the same things as PC.
Best example I can think about is Fortnite introducing new settings specifically for Controller to help bridge the gap between Keyboard/Mouse and Controller, providing vast amounts of customization and making both viable in competitive play.
It would be nice to have more dynamic sensitivity options, like being able to pick a Killer's power and change the sensitivity for certain actions (keep a Basic Attack's sense different from a Special Attack's sense or Alt Ability's sense), i.e. Oni's Bloody Fury or Demon Dash having a different sense from normal gameplay.
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BHVR is like: Blight addons are next, we hear you
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Oh no they capped his m2 at 90 degrees.. A killer that when played by a 'decent' player can guarantee hits at most loops with an m2. Have played as, went against, and faced my friend countless times in 1v1s and can say good riddance. I still think he will sit in a good place, his height and 3rd person view still give him a great advantage at a lot of loops.
As for going back to blight, knowing bhvr, they might be giving him the nurse addon treatment ;)
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Big W, now everyone has to play the killer as it was originally intended without exploiting bugs.
Hope this is a first step to address Oni and Wesker as well.
Post edited by Gabe_Soma on9 -
That might have been somewhat close to the truth before but not anymore. With a 90° cap the survivor only needs to move around a corner and will always be save. They cannot do that against a Blight (thankfully) but it works against Chucky.
If they really wanted to nerf him, then they could have done something else. The nerf is less of an issue than them removing the mechanical skill expression and utility of his Slice & Dice because that's what made him fun to play for many people. I would rather they nerf him in any other way, if they have to. I'd prefer a 45 seconds cooldown on a fun and strong power over an 18 seconds cooldown on a power that's mediocre and boring to play with.
If I wanted to play a killer that is just strong and didn't care about fun, I'd play Slog Merchant. But being boring to play is the worst fate a killer in this game can have. Because it drastically reduces the amount of players interested in playing them.
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Having a little more knowledge on this "tech" now...
Doesn't a more reasonable change seem to be to increase the turn angle at base as needed, rather than limit the power of the character to people who quickly look down, turn and look back up again? Logically if a character has a 90 degree turn arc, that can be completely bypassed by players on certain control schemes (i.e. mouse, not controller), and that same tech is what is required to make the character viable... wouldn't a better approach be to just increase this turn angle flat?
Like I respect yours and @HugTechLover's skill and experience, but isn't keeping this tech the wrong way to go about balancing the killer?
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It's one of these killers that just don't work really well on controller, so anything to help with that would be welcome in my opinion. But you can't just increase the turn rate. You'd have players get frustrated with the killer because they would be so hard to control. A bit like Hillbilly on controller (only worse, because the turning angle would be greater). You can do curves. It just feels terrible. If you can mitigate this, then sure. But this is an issue with controllers feeling less responsive than M&K, I think. Which is why fixing it would be pretty damn hard.
As I said, I don't care too much about Chucky's balance here. It's just that they removed the thing I personally found most fun about him. Balancing Chucky without this, while not impossible, will still make him less fun because it makes his Slice & Dice less versatile, which means you'll use it less and rely on his other mechanics. Mechanics that aren't as fun.
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I weep for the poor pc players who lost another advantage over the console......wait no I don't. Maybe they're finally bringing the multiple platforms in line.
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I assure you, I will be fine even with the addon changes ;). I am not concerned.
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I advise you to watch tutorials for Chucky. You're able to mitigate the 90-degree cap and allow for a streamlined curve if you position yourself correctly.
If you're unable to position yourself correctly, I advise you to watch tutorials for game knowledge.
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Oh no, the power is working as intended
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You’re missing the point.
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No, I am not. A bug fix is a good thing. It allowed you to circumvent limitations that the devs put on his power on purpose.
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Yes, you are. It shouldn’t have been an intended limitation in the first place. All they did was remove a feature that promoted skill expression. A feature that other similar killer have. It makes no sense to limit chucky.
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Wait what do you mean you removed something that took skill to perform?
Oh well, that's a few bucks I'm saving. I'm not playing a Killer that's basically a dumbed down Billy.
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I like how they did this but didn't do the same for Blight or Oni.
Really good job so far. A labor of love, I say.
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How come recently released heroes all had similar ''bugs'' on release and then got ''fixed'' few weeks later? Continuous coincidence?
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If you're so skilled, make 90 degrees work. A skilled Chucky shouldn't have to flick 180 degrees in the first place. If you need 180, it's because the survivor was skilled or you dashed past them. Arguably this change made Chucky more skillful to play. I'll absolutely continue to play him. However, I can understand your frustration if you put in "23 prestige's" in 16 days for your main during that time to be changed.
I personally believe Blight simply is difficult to play for beginners and doesn't have a high skill ceiling -- just higher than some other killers -- but that's another discussion. I am looking forward to his changes.
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I’m sorry, but you’re not making any sense. They made him more skillful to play by removing a mechanic of skill expression?
Blight doesn’t have a high skill ceiling? lmao
That tells me all I need to know.
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Nice, now the power is working as intented and get rid of those awful hits
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It requires more skill to be more precise when slice n' dice-ing, and manipulating the survivor's pathing in your favor. Expressing skill and being skillful are not the same.
When did I say Blight doesn't have a skill ceiling? Read it again. The fact that you're being offended by another player's opinion in a video game tells me all I need to know. Continue to live in your delusion.
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You need to be less precise when your options are more limited.
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“I personally believe Blight simply is difficult to play for beginners and doesn't have a high skill ceiling”
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I'd argue Blight has a much lower skill ceiling with a controller, but what they said is nonsensical af!