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Singularity does not need an "update"

This killer is perfectly fine, especially once you roll out a solution for 3 gen.

Whatever you have in store is not needed.

This killer is just niche and requires time / effort to learn. He doesn't need any further major buffs nor updates.

Nothing he actually needs can be qualified as "update".

As current Singularity main, I do not trust you with anything you might do to this killer.

Please don't go through with whatever you're planning.

Sincerely, p100 day 1 singularity main player with more than 6k slipstream TP knocks.

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  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Wait they replaced all the "killer tweaks" in the March-April section with Singularity update.


  • Member Posts: 7,224

    It's a real post. They posted this on their Reddit AMA thread.

  • Member Posts: 3,009
    edited December 2023

    Colour me surprised.

    So they remove all the tweaks and don't even mention how it changed.

    Very odd. Sorry for doubting you @TeleportingTurkey and thank you sizzlingmario4

  • Member Posts: 614

    As a Dredge / Singularity Main im going to be scared i hope they dont Change his Power he is so much fun to Play :(

    They only need to make his Pots less Clunky and maybe some small Tweaks to the EMPs but other Things he is Perfect

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    I know every Singu main doesn't agree with me, but EMPs are most cheap counterplay this game ever had imo. It's feel beyond stupid when i need slipstream survivors 2,3 or even 4 times per chase just to have a one hit. I hope emps won't start printing before previous emp is not used.

    Also, they are just changed their mind about tweaks for 5 killers and put 1 on a line instead? Lol, it's strange af

  • Member Posts: 712

    The only update he needs is giving Survivors less control over his power. Theres no reason for EMPs to consistently respawn after a Survivor picks one up. They should only start to respawn after it is used. Every time I play against a Singularity I just immediately grab an EMP and I feel no fear or tension against him cause now hes just an M1 Killer I can loop

  • Member Posts: 589

    They just replaced the roadmap with the new updated version.

    This is not funny.

  • Member Posts: 238

    Based on the fact that virtually no one plays this killer, it's probably the most failed killer since The Twins. I feel sorry for the dedicated players, but a killer in this state shouldn't be admissible.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Soma family base-kit is only change i need for him. I really hope they are not gonna gut him because he is very fun and unique killer.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    While i personally don´t enjoy playing Singularity at all.

    As former Freddy Main, who loved the original Freddy release version, i totally understand how you feel.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    Singu is a good killer for those who like him. Not every killer needs to be for everybody. I only hope that that are buffs and no rework

  • Member Posts: 589

    tbf, i don't even want it basekit at this point.

    it's very powerful and considering that singularity's chase doesn't take much mechanical skill, i'm fine with such powerful effect being kept behind an addon so singularity's basekit doesn't become too oppressive.

    I just want devs not to ruin singularity by their "updates".

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Actually there is one change that would be kinda cool now that I'm thinking about it. Just a small thing where survivors infecting other survivors didn't need line of sight cuz as is right now one survivor could be infected and working on a gen and if the not infected survivor is on the other side they don't get infected which is kinda silly.

    Besides that though I don't think they need much of anything, EMPs are dumb but we've I think mostly overcome that by getting better at gooing people multiple times a chase. If they wanna nerf EMPs more I won't complain but I'm not really demanding it or anything.

    Announcing it so far in advance is kind of a double edged sword I'm realizing like it's nice to know it's coming but at the same time it's like "wait ######### are you doing though?" and we won't know the answer for months now. It would be nice to know even vaguely what direction they were looking to take Singularity in.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Just because you don't think he does that doesn't mean that a lot of others think he needs one- He's very unfriendly for console players(just like how old Trickster was) and his EMPs can be easily oppressive at times which brings his fun factor for many players down and, yes, they basically did the same type of power counter for Xenomorph, but they made the turrets not as easy and simple to use as the EMPs and Xeno's tail attack comes back on an automated system where you can speed up the recharge time whereas Singularity isn't nearly as simple as that.

    The EMPs/printers and lack of QoL support for console players are the main issues with him that are NEEDING to be addressed. Outside of that he isn't in need for changes anywhere else-

  • Member Posts: 662
    edited December 2023

    Isn't that road map which is revealed in Reddit AMA confirmed as old one, which is cancelled? As I know, Singularity update is postponed/cancelled and Hag, Demo, Huntress, Clown and Doctor replaced it, which is the road map that is announced before.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Oh the roadmap with no Singularity is the one still stickied at the top of the forums, I suppose it is postponed, now the anxiety of the impending rework? buff? nerf? can last even longer. \o/

  • Member Posts: 589

    A lot of killers are unfriendly for console players and not a single reasonable change they can do to singularity without killing his identity will aid his issue.

    and EMPs are not as oppressive as people say. You literally need to apply more pressure on survivors so that they can't just pick up passively printed EMP and make you lose your power.

    This is how I casually play Singularity and I don't have any issues with EMPs -

    This killer has the biggest potential for 1v4 game and his power is perfectly fine.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    He takes ~3x the amount of effort and gets the same reward as most killers he deserves to be thrown a bone

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Literally first Singularity main who agree with me somehow

  • Member Posts: 589
    edited December 2023

    his reward is one of the biggest one killer kits offer, except objectively busted killers like blight/nurse.

    singularity cannot be reasonably countered by shift+w, he deletes pallets and outplays most tiles at incredible pace, has objectively the best info gathering tool in the game, one of the most effective secondary objective stalling tools in the game and instruments for 1v4 pressure.

    if you think singularity takes way more effort than he gives payoff, then you're either bad at this killer or purposely play on indoor maps exclusively where these statements actually apply.

    I guarantee you that if you drop your gameplay to me, I'll find countless mistakes and misuses of power that you commit without even realizing these are mistakes.

    His power allows incredibly creative and unrestrained usage and it makes up incredibly high skill floor and ceiling for a reward that is one of the biggest power values in this game that is actually still fair and balanced for what it's worth.

    Singularity is probably the only fair killer in this game that actually enables enough room for skill expression to not run into your performance ceiling against good enough survivors cheesing optimal gen / chase strats. If you lose on this killer in normal conditions, it is always because you underperformed and / or got outclassed and outperformed by survivors, rather than losing because you couldn't do more.

  • Member Posts: 589

    I really hope they came to their senses and realized that fixing 3 gen is better than ruining singularity and that was their only issue with singularity.

    for once, i really hope BHVR don't listen to people's feedback because in singularity's case they're blatantly wrong. Nobody gives Hux a chance and blame their mistakes on his kit. I had same issue too, I overcame it.

  • Member Posts: 1,491
  • Member Posts: 589

    I'm literally talking about practice.

    This is my average, not nitpicked gameplay - And I'm not even getting the best out of Singularity, if an actually good killer main put time to learn Singularity as I did, they'd perform even better.

    I doubt you play even remotely like that which is why you're having such issues. Feel free to prove me wrong.

  • Member Posts: 589

    like I said, I don't think they just decided against singularity update because they suddenly changed their minds.

    I want to believe that, but from my experience that just means they postponed it. Hopefully, for at least 3-4 years.

  • Member Posts: 5,785
    edited December 2023

    Honestly this kinda just proves my point, you played extremely well for the first ~50% of match 1 in the list you just showed me and the reward was ~3 hook states and all the effort finally starting to pay off into a snowball that won the game, im not saying that he is terrible im just saying for the effort you have to put into it he deserves MORE of a reward. He takes more effort than most other killers and it should have a bigger reward. Blight and nurse take ~half the effort for a bigger reward and wraith takes ~quarter of the effort for the same reward.

    He just deserves more

  • Member Posts: 589

    no, that was a fair reward for the effort. It's okay if it's a bit too low in comparison, because it's incredibly high nonetheless.

    I could end the game right here and there if I didn't decide to settle at 3 slugs and that initial snowball basically stopped any genrush whatsoever because they got overwhelmed.

    Blight and nurse are horrible examples of a fair reward for effort because they take very little reward for the effort they require. Plus they have very little valid counterplay, while singularity simply takes survivors to an even playing field.

  • Member Posts: 589

    i will not like it, because if this killer gets overbuffed, he'll turn into a second coming of reworked freddy whose kit was overbuffed so much, devs nerfed him into irrelevance.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    But that means hell be really good for ~6 months decent and still better than he used to be for ~1 year and then terrible so you still get a decent wave to ride

  • Member Posts: 589

    such a flawed logic i don't even know whether or not you're being serious at this point

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    You called him freddy but when they reworked freddy he was really good for a little while, then he started getting nerfed, then they came back a while later to twist the blade. So I just went with the logic that it would happen the same way

  • Member Posts: 589

    and why is it good, again?

    i don't plan to play singularity for a few months getting carried on overturned killer, if I wanted that, i'd play nurse or blight, and then watch my main nerfed.

    I enjoy playing a difficult and skill demanding killer who doesn't make me feel helpless.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Its good because he deserve buffs because he is a special boy until people complain too much over time

  • Member Posts: 504

    "A lot of killers are unfriendly for console players and not a single reasonable change they can do to singularity without killing his identity will aid his issue." Actually that isn't correct- The main problem(s) with him for console players is aiming with his biopods since they require extremely good accuracy(almost pin-point accuracy at that) which is a very hard thing to do on a controller so all they'd have to do is simply make it so once a lock-on begins the crosshairs will automatically follow the survivor that is being locked onto and stops tracking that survivor once either the biopod gets EMPd, the survivor leaves the targeting range, the survivor breaks LoS, or the biopod successfully fires at them. That change would be very simple yet effective at helping console players- (The only other problem for console players really is swapping between the cams effectively, but there isn't much that can be really done about that tbh.)

    As for the EMPs though, the simplest solution for them would be to just do the same thing they did with Xenomorph's flame turrets by putting a limit on how many EMPs are allowed to be printed at any given time(regardless if the EMP is still in a printer or on a survivor) to a max of either 4 or 5 and once that limit has been reached any printer that was printing resets its progress and will only start up again once the EMP cap isn't in effect due to a survivor using one. (This would likely be needing a bit of refining, but it's still both a simple yet effective solution.)

    Also I think that they need to give the passive infection system he has some buffs because it's so bad that you'll rarely ever see it even happen(I've only seen it happen a very small handfull of times while playing as Singularity or as survivor). Like, it just at least needs the range and infection speed to be increased since, as of rn, the passive infection system will only work if survivors are basically directly on top of each other(even with addons to increase the infection ranges).

  • Member Posts: 589

    "The main problem(s) with him for console players is aiming with his biopods since they require extremely good accuracy(almost pin-point accuracy at that) which is a very hard thing to do on a controller so all they'd have to do is simply make it so once a lock-on begins the crosshairs will automatically follow the survivor that is being locked onto and stops tracking that survivor once either the biopod gets EMPd, the survivor leaves the targeting range, the survivor breaks LoS, or the biopod successfully fires at them. That change would be very simple yet effective at helping console players- (The only other problem for console players really is swapping between the cams effectively, but there isn't much that can be really done about that tbh.)"

    This doesn't work this way because half of the time you're tagging survivor behind cover, you're aiming not directly at them, but at the edge of their hitbox. Good luck making this work in automated system.

    "As for the EMPs though, the simplest solution for them would be to just do the same thing they did with Xenomorph's flame turrets by putting a limit on how many EMPs are allowed to be printed at any given time(regardless if the EMP is still in a printer or on a survivor) to a max of either 4 or 5 and once that limit has been reached any printer that was printing resets its progress and will only start up again once the EMP cap isn't in effect due to a survivor using one. (This would likely be needing a bit of refining, but it's still both a simple yet effective solution.)"

    They don't need a solution because they're fine. If you get overwhelmed by EMPs, you're not applying enough pressure on survivors. They're either better than you or you're not good enough.

    "Also I think that they need to give the passive infection system he has some buffs because it's so bad that you'll rarely ever see it even happen(I've only seen it happen a very small handfull of times while playing as Singularity or as survivor). Like, it just at least needs the range and infection speed to be increased since, as of rn, the passive infection system will only work if survivors are basically directly on top of each other(even with addons to increase the infection ranges)."

    They don't, it's fine. It happens very often if you constantly spread slipstream, it gives you info that survivors are with each other, it makes healing each other more threatening due to infection spread risk. It's a yet another tool for building up pressure rapidly. If you can't get value out of it or see it, it's on you.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    My guess is they will do something to simplify the power of HUX because some players have stated they find it too challenging to learn.

    As someone who has played him, I agree that the Singularity is actually in a good place, once the learning curve was dealt with, as well as on YouTube there are Singularity players who are doing the craziest and most creative plays using HUX. HUX is a decent Killer with a lot of potential.

    Maybe the devs will rebalance the EMP/ biopod effectiveness or change the way the biopods work when infecting a Survivor. Not sure how, but it's not because HUX is a weak Killer. Then again, I am probably wrong.

    As a side, I'd love the ability to bring up a seperate screen whilst moving to view the Biopods. This will probably make it more complex, chasing and viewing through biopods at the same time, but it would also feel pretty darn powerful!

  • Member Posts: 504

    Regardless though most people in here are disagreeing(including another Singularity main) and if there's a lot more people agreeing on him needing changes then that means that there's a problem with the killer regardless that needs to be addressed in some way. That's pretty much how decision-making goes-

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2023

    As much as you dont like it, bhvr is a company, and if no one is buying singularity, then its objectively a FAILED product in the eyes of a company, and it needs to be fixed. People wont buy singularity because of his perks (they are incredibly bad) so the killer has to appeal to people (which he only appeals to a very niche population).

    I am incredibly keen on playing him, and still think his reward/effort ratio is bad. I have got infinetly faster downs/snowballs as deathslinger putting probably like 1/4 of the effort I have done to get the same out of singularity.

    Also most of the time when I play him I only win because my opponents would struggle with a goldfish in a chess match. For example NO good survivor should ever let singularity get an overclock hit after the pallet breaks, just keep looping after he tps as the distance break after tp will asure you can keep looping him ( if he has OAMA this doesnt work tho, SOMA makes his tp actually dangerous) or predrop, why on earth do people throw pallets on an overclock singularity? Like why? Do they not know how he works? Are they trolling their team? Genuinly think if you read singularitys power and you are a sentient being you should never get hit by an overclock pallet break.

    Post edited by squbax on
  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited December 2023

    I just want camera POV to reset after switching away instead of remaining in the same position as you left them.

  • Member Posts: 589

    just because a person calls themselves a singularity main, it doesn't mean they understand this killer.

    this person says blatantly wrong things about a killer they don't really understand.

    that'll be a horrible change.

    whatever money they'll spend on making him "easier" will end up ruining him for everyone. it's literally more profitable for them to leave him be as a niche killer rather than waste resources in vain trying to make people play killer that requires more awareness than they have.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited December 2023

    I don't see how making the cameras feel better to use for more people is a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    What is the source for this? So making a killer more accesible, which might lead to people buying them is somehow less profitable than keeping him extremely niche so people dont buy him?. How is it more profitable?

  • Member Posts: 589

    kinda making killer more accessible (which is genuinely impossible without ruining his power because all good things about it are possible because of its high skill demand) is not only impossible but will also result into this killer getting severely nerfed because the easier it is to realize his full potential, the more gamebreaking this killer could get.

    singularity is borderline S tier killer in this current state and the only things holding him back from that are the fact that he has viable and fair counterplay and that he has a few really bad maps. he has literally everything in his kit and he does it really it well.

    whatever "accessibility" changes you'll do to singularity that'll either cut his potential or will consecutively get him nerfed because getting value of out him would be way too easy.

    but that's besides the point, because the real point is that you cannot possibly rework this killer without killing his entire identity and changing his kit from scratch if you want him to make as simple as other killers, because nothing about singularity is difficult for the sake of difficulty. everything that is difficult about him is so difficult because his ability enables him to do so many room for skill expression that getting into that is very difficult. and doing so would be pointless and a waste of money/resources.

  • Member Posts: 589

    because they won't feel better.

    if you actually played this killer enough, you'd understand that. cameras keeping their angle instead of resetting means you can pre-set them for the necessary angle (f/e make them face gen/printer) instead of having to readjust them every time because they're facing perpendicularly whatever surface they're attached to which is never the same direction you want them looking at.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    If they sell more DLCs its not a waste of resources, from a financial standpoint he is a dead product, any sales resulting from QoL will be a win-win for more sales. Regardless of what you think the higher ups at bhvr will always have the lest word, and if it means more money, no company would be stupid enough to say no.

  • Member Posts: 504

    They did it for Skull Merchant so that is just false-

    Like I said before, mostly everyone who's talked in this thread has disagreed with you on Singularity being "perfectly fine" and, at this point, you aren't doing much to convince anyone otherwise due to the current state of the killer. Him receiving changes is most likely inevitable-

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