So, they nerfed chucky flicks but they still allow the blight and wesker ones'

can anyone explain this? they took all the fun from chucky and tier S killers are still super op...
Blight's flicks got nerfed multiple times, and are now working as intended.
The question you wanted to ask, is about Oni's 180 flicks, because those flicks still don't have a turn limit.
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Not all killers need to work the same way. Chucky has the benefits of having stuff like a 3rd person POV so having weaker flick power than some other killers for balance reasons isn't that crazy or anything.
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Chucky basically is a 110 Blight now with only 1 rush, and triple the power cooldown. Plus he starts the match with his power on cooldown, unlike blight. He just feels worse in every way now.
He's just simply not as fun to play anymore since those tricks were what gave him a high skill ceiling. Now he is just average.
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The two week grace period is over.
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Yeah. Chucky is going to be garbage, now that many more loops counter his power, and he only gets one rush per long cooldown. I'm glad I didn't invest any time into this killer.
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I didn't buy the dlc because I expected he'll get some random nerf within a couple weeks and none of his perks looked good enough.
Friends til the end is the only good perk but it's very easy to counter once you know it's in play.
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What did they change about Chucky?
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Can we please not go after Oni? I'm a console Oni main so i don't have the PC flicks but Oni is a much more balanced killer than Blight. Oni has a slow start and require m1 skill. His power lasts 45 seconds and loses time for every down. He is the definition of balanced. His power isn't free and he takes hard work to learn. Blight and Nurse are examples of free crazy free power but Oni is a strong killer done right. Please leave Oni alone 😔
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Oni could get the same large angle turn nerf that Blight got. And if you're on console, you shouldn't notice a nerf like that, because consoles have really bad camera turning rates, and can't do large angle flicks.
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I can do a good 90 degrees on console. But I don't see the point of making Oni weaker on either platform. He earns the flicks..blight and chucky just get them. But no I wouldn't care to much if PC players lost that..I am very nervous about any nerf talks with my mains name involved. BHVR had nerfed my last 3 mains in a row so I'm kinda nerf shy at this point.
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I'm so glad I didn't buy it yet.
They can keep it.
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I agree that Chucky's flick nerf was unwarranted, especially since Oni can still do 180 with an instadown attack, and Blight, an S-tier killer, can still do 180 flicks. (it gets much worse if the Blight is using the Iri Tag and/or the Alchemist Ring. :/
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Oni has turn limit by default but you can use this exploit that allow you to look up to completely by-pass the limit and do 180 flick's with very high mouse sensitivity.
the difference is that Oni can take 60-90 second just to get demon fury as opposed to blight and chucky that get their power every 10 second or 18 seconds. I understand that there is add-on to make this significantly faster like Splinter hull which can cut the time to nearly half but being forced to run add-on just to use ability is somewhat unfair. Oni almost needs guaranteed downs with how long it can take to get demon fury. Just landing m1 hits can sometimes be painful if everyone just pre-dropping and playing super safe.
Oni also has 2.5 second time to activate demon dash. Blight only has 0.5 second to stun to bump into 1 object, so his activation time is <1 second. Chucky also has 1 second charge time to use Slice & Dice. Demon dash is 2.5 seconds, that is almost 2x cast charge time. His charge time would be reduced to 1.5 second in order to remove his flick because it is way too long.
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I can't believe they actually crippled him like this. I genuinely want my money back. Chucky was a fantastic killer on release. He had a super high skill ceiling, potential to get hits around some very strong loops and his power was fun to play around with. Now, you don't use Slice & Dice anymore because you won't get a hit with it anyway and instead activate his power to vault after survivors and hopefully get a hit by brute force.
I'm less upset that they made him weaker but more so that they removed the most fun component of this killer. A 90° flick for this killer is nothing. It doesn't work around most loops, so you won't even try.
Big mistake BHVR. This killer had the potential to bring a bit of variety into what's usually picked but not when you make the killer less fun.
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It could be those survivor mains complaining about that and demand BHVR to remove it.
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Chucky is still strong, more importantly unique. Comparing him to these other killers makes no sense. He is stealthy Base kit undetectable, with anti loop/scamper, gap closers that allow you to vault and then still hit the survivor. Comparing the short king to literally the most blood thirsty loud Goon that is Oni is crazy to me.
Cant have all the killers handle/play the exact same way. If they did, then you might as well make them cosmetic.