Winter event is cute as heck

Survivors and killers throwing snowballs at each other in a chase is hilarious. New snowmen designs are also really cool.
Love the event BHVR thank you
Also this charm design is amazing. DBD team is really great at christmas horror. I really love the nurse skin as well i knew i wanted it as soon as i saw that banner for it. Love the chucky sweater as well.
I really am enjoying this game more than i ever have. Thank you again 🙏
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Just did my 1st match and all of us, including the Blight were just throwing snowballs at eachother all game and having immense fun.
Huge W with that event Bhvr.
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Does anybody know if there are event offerings? I'm only getting "winter party starter" on my survivor atm.
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No, they only added the Party Starters.
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Im sorry i dont feel fun in the game.
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Oh okay, thanks for the information!
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My first game I played Billy and put up some BPS so that maybe we could have fun. 2 people immediately killed themselves on hook.
I'm already over the event.