Only Party starters.... in bloodweb?

No xp boost or special medkits?
Or is it something wrong ?
Hitting survivors or the killer gives you some BP during the event.
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In other events its usually special cakes and so
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The winter solstice events have only ever had the Winter Party Starter as a special item.
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Thats boring, if they have other fun stuff in other Events, why shouldn't the big celebration of the end of the year have same of even better stuff.
I saved up my BP and bought new char to the thought it was MERRY XMAS fun
So guess no point go crazy during this event when i got my Bone chill sad....
Post edited by Lynzela on0 -
I started playing last year during this event, but the Chinese New year event we got a lot of stuff. I liked that one.
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Last Christmas was just the party starters too
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Yeah... but they had an absolutely amazing theme though.
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Compare the other events to this one...
Makes you feel sad, why not just copy all other rewards in to this and maby have an extra for new year.
Not to hard to do and donno why they haven't.
I played on and off on 2 accounts and from the start of it.
I love what they done with the game since then, but this just feels lazy.
Xmaz and New Year is the biggest holly day on the year, so why not here to.....
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I dont give a rats crap about party starters, there is nothing similar on killer side, why have them at all
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