Why do survivors prefer bleeding out when everyone is slugged?
If all survivors are slugged and no one has recovery perks, why do survivors prefer hiding and bleeding out rather than just going afk so crows appear for the killer to find them? They're dead either way. Letting the killer hook them just saves them time and effort.
You waste our time we waste yours :)
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It's a spite thing mostly. They're dead either way, why not waste the killer's time and give them less points + emblem points?
Some people also do it in hopes hatch will spawn wherever they've crawled to if they're going to be the last one to bleed out.
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So salt is the reason.
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Usually will fall into 1 of 2 camps. "Waste killer's time" or "Playing for last alive and a close Hatch spawn"
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I go out on my terms damnit!
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no salt at all like the person below said I go out on my terms not yours should have just hooked me when you downed me.
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Something to do other than sit there staring at 3 crows circling your head I guess
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One more reason I really wish they'd rework hook. Most corners only have 1 hook. Down 4 ppl in the corner... obvious problem.
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Same, survivor that want to waste their time tbagging in the exit can do so.
Meanwhile I am taking a leak, getting a snack/drink or watching something on my phone or second screen.
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*Laughs in Mirror Myers* Oooga booga ooga!
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Hmm, let's see. We could try rephrasing this to explain the mindset of why people do that.
"If killer has a down and no survivors are near by, why do killers prefer slugging and searching for the last survivor rather than hooking and letting the game close out? They won either way. Hooking instead of slugging saves time and effort"
You may disagree, but a lot of survivors who do that probably think they've been wronged by being slugged and thus crawling off and hiding is getting one back against killers who do that
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Literally Just To Do Something
Crows Are Annoying (heresy)
Spite (as an immediate eye-for-an-eye thing)
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This isn't even spite, it's literally the best/only play you can make at that point.
You can only crawl around or stand still. Staying still means the killer knows exactly where you are and gives you the worst possible chance of finding hatch.
Crawling away means the killer has to look for you, giving you more time to get hatch.
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They're also getting themselves back by delaying their ability to get into a new game. Its a pretty dumb kind of spite.
Also the 4k comparison isn't quite right, as there are achievements and challenges that require a 4k to complete (which one getting the hatch will actively invalidate.) Sometimes killers are forced to slug the third for actual reasons, which could easily be fixed by reducing the requirement to 3 for said scenarios (but they presumably never will.)
For the record I think slugging for the 4th is unhealthy for the game, but I get it.
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Counter question:
why would a killer slug 4/all remaining survivors without being able to find them to hook them and then wonder why they donโt let themselves get hooked?
the killer knows damn well that itโs a very boring playstyle for the survivors and itโs very unlikely that it happens to be the case they they were slugging bc they just saw the other survivor and then again and againโฆ
the devs donโt want to promote this playstyle either (see comments on upcoming Twins change).
i would love to see a feature tested were two slugged survivor can help eachother once both have reached max recovering - I mean at that point the slugging went on long enough after all and there is something to do for the slugged survivors (recover and get to someone else)
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Spite and an animu-ish "I will never give up and surrender. HUUUWWWAAAAHHAHAAHAH!" 12-years-edgyness for four minutes, but without a super sayajin effect at the end.
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I actually like the crows when I'm slugged. I have dozed off a time or two late at night to their cawing.
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I dont care either way, but usually slugged survivors spend hiding when the game is over for way long than they actually spent slugging during the time when the game was yet to be over.
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It's due to the fact that those survivors prefer to grief a lot by trying to make sure the killer can't hook them since bleed-out deaths don't get counted as kills for the killer in the system(resulting in less points for pips, BP, etc) then they try to blame the bleed-outs on killers and even try to report some of them for something THEY did to themselves. It's honestly the only way you can really get me to report a survivor outside of blatantly cheating and such.
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Ikr. Who could possibly hate crows??
look at them
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They keep hiding after hatch is closed though.
Slugging increases the odds of getting a 4k, which gives more bloodpoints, emblem points, and prevents teabagging at the hatch or exit gate, which that last survivor will probably do.
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increases the odds of getting a 4k
nobody cares
gives more bloodpoints
generally less than you'd get for the time saved
more emblem points
generally not enough to change your pip
prevents teabagging
nobody cares also i never get teabagged when i play killer so you're wrong
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also, really? Punishing survivors because they would probably teabag at exit gates anyways? Where are my eyeroll gifs??
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nobody cares
Wrong. The fact that killers slug for the 4k is literally proof they want the 4k.
generally less than you'd get for the time saved
Not after factoring for expensive and rare addons. Every match costs bloodpoints due to addons, so it's ideal to maximize bloodpoints gained. Bloodpoint offerrings could also make it worthwhile to farm more points.
generally not enough to change your pip
It could since if you slug the entire team early on, you generally don't get many emblem points.
nobody cares also i never get teabagged when i play killer so you're wrong
What? There are complaints about teabagging on a weekly basis. Searching for teabagging on this forum yields 7200 results.
Survivors almost never just leave when they already won. They wait for the killer to come, throw in some teabags, and make the killer watch them leave. In an ideal world, survivors would just leave when they already won, but they have to BM, so I gotta slug.
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Guess what these survivors excuse is for teabagging at the exit gates?
and no, itโs definitely not all survivors. You just donโt even acknowledge those that donโt do it. Or you slugged them all on the floor.
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i don't look for them for more than 30 seconds. if they aren't where i downed them or anywhere near, they can bleed out in peace while i'm on my phone.
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Why did this come to mind ๐ญ
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I don't think you've ever been against a strong swf in end game where it's all or nothing. Yeah if it's 2 people left and the killer slugs for the 4k it's a bit cringe, but sometimes it's the only option the killer has.
Genuinely nothing even comes close to those all or nothing games I've played. I've only had spite spewed at me once from some former comp players running the best things available to them. Although I've only been in that position 10 times or less. 9 out of 10 times people are very happy on both sides.
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this game is so well designed, that a killer with Knock Out, Sloppy Butcher and some other combinations, and never hooking a survivor, its like 5x easier to get a 4k than actually playing the game as intended
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Yeah. You are right. I have never been against a strong SWF. Ever.
but you certainly know what you are talking about. That super strong swf. Where you can somehow slug all 4 during endgame and all bleed out.
here I found one of the gifs I was talking about earlier
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What are you reporting them for? Not letting you hook them? Survivors are under zero obligation to make themselves easy to hook. This is an absurd take.
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I sometimes do it because i'm pretty sure when i did well in a match point-wise, the outcome in MMR equals the same as getting the hatch. Sounds stupid, but it can make a difference between a "win", draw or loss if you just die on the floor at the very end.
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When survivors wait at the gate for me it's generally to drop their item as a gift for me, or to get a few healing BP and make sure their friends get to the gate as well, same as when I play. Occasionally I'll get teabaggers on my team but that's very rare.
At this point I have to assume there's some factor driving the differences in our experiences
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It technically is griefing to just sit in a corner you can't be hooked from just to mess up the killer's stats because they messed up yours. It's why it's the only other reason I'd do reports outside of hacking reports.
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Or you could soak up your pride and just go next.
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Killer slugs survivor when game is over, wasting 2 survivor's time: I sleep
Survivor crawls around edge map, wasting 1 killer's time: "soak up (???) your pride and go next"
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it's because you are effectively doing the most boring thing a killer can do in DBD. At that point they dont care and just wanna waste time and deprive you of point's. Chances are they are a SwF and they will be casually bsing anyways and making jokes about you. I'll personally pull up YT and watch YT shorts.
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Been slugging since Knock Out was released, I always slug; it's my favorite playstyle and I'm always respectful of everyone in my matches.
I've never met survivors who prefer to bleed out over getting hooked, first choice I see a lot is dc'ing once all survivors are downed, it was most common before the 5 minute dc bans. Every match 4 dc's.
I think bleeding out 3 and hooking the last can be the most optimal way to play this game and now that dc'ing replaces the survivor with a bot it can't be countered anymore.
Don't focus on any other survivor except the one with the most blood in them, usually this is the last survivor you chase in a match if your first snowball has worked out. Take this advice and you never need to worry about searching for survivors ever again; just stand over the last one.
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You don't think it's possible to go against a top top .5% swf 10 times over 1000 hours when I use to run alch ring blight every game for 2 months? You don't think after that my mmr would be high enough to very rarely run into a strong team who wants to get every single person in the team out or die trying? I'm also not talking about bleeding out what so ever, it's until they are all on the ground and likely after a few unbreakables. I have lost a couple of these games I'm referring to and was still extremely happy afterwards.
If you haven't experienced that then I truly, truly feel sorry for you. But hey, you seem like you got a chip on your shoulder so maybe I shouldn't have responded.
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Scummy play begets scummy play.
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It depends, I will sometimes slug for the 4k simply because if 2 survivors are right there it is much faster than doing a hatch dance.
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What even is this?
are you actually being serious with any of this? And you think you are making some kind of point?
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The killer got themselves into that situation, they should have been paying attention to which hooks to sacrifice survivors on, just like survivors need to pay attention to what gens they do.
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Survivors control the direction of the chase though, barring situations where the killer can zone them (like while pallet breaking.)
If multiple survivors run to the area where there is poor hook coverage, the killer can't just pick a different hook if they can't reach any. It's not uncommon for a corner of the map to only have 1-2 hooks in reachable distance. I also never understood this comparison, because you could easily argue against your point that the killer can similarly force a 3 gen by defending it from the start (meaning it would be the killer's fault, not necessarily the survivors'.) Both sides have scummy plays that force the other side.
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A lot of folks ignore that op actively admits and advocates for slugging from the start
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A response to you discounting what I said. I told you what peak dbd is and you clearly haven't gotten to experience it.
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I mean that's fair, if you know where the last survivor I can't blame you for not chasing. I was making a joke more aimed at killers who slug despite clearly not knowing where the last survivor is
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Exactly and the survivor gets more points everyone wins.