Matchmaking and ping

I noticed that I'm getting matched with a lot of people with 250+ ping and sometimes they drop out probably from desync. Not only that, when the host is high ping for me, I will absolutely get destroyed due to latency because this game, by its very nature, calls for good response times.
Is there any chance a ping filter option can be added?


  • Smaxtr
    Smaxtr Member Posts: 7

    Well I have looked at their Profiles as Killer who had High Ping (Around 250 - 400+) and it seems that we get matched from South America or Africa. And I'm from Europe so something seems a little weird here.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    BHVR messed up the matchmaking, take a break until it is fixed again (or should i put it this way: "when they are done using the community as QA/test bed)

  • Kuripi
    Kuripi Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2019

    I was just playing a match and I got to thinking while I was hooked on the first go, jumped immediately to the spacebar marathon, and instantly failed on a connect around 100 ping: Is hacking for ping spikes a thing in this game? I remember some old shooters forever ago where some people artificially created high ping spikes to avoid and/or delayed taking damage. Here, I think artificial ping spikes could possibly be used to gain certain (unfair) advantage.