Singularity does not need an "update"
nothing they did to skull merchant they can do to singularity to make him easier to play. they would need to rework his power from scratch to make him easier because every single part of his difficulty is enabling him to do insane amount of creative and versatile things and which simultaneously keeps him fair and balanced because this killer is probably the only killer in this game that doesn't carry their player, you can accomplish only what you're capable of with this killer.
the fact you're just looking through what im telling you and prefer to assume that the crowd knows better is just sad. the community is so used to killer powers carrying them they instantly assume the killer that doesn't do that is bad.
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like I said here already, if they actually want hux to be "easier" they would have to severely nerf him and / or rework his ability from scratch because every single thing that is hard about him is what makes him so good.
bhvr would need to waste way too much money for something that will never pay off regardless because they'll turn niche killer into a second coming of freddy rework and you know well how that ended.
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If anything Singularity could use some slight buffs. Like Soma Family Photo being partially base kit and survivors whose feet are behind a rock still being vulnerable to biopods. Nothing major but as it is his power without Soma Family Photo doesn't work very well and it feels awful when you clearly see a survivor through a bio pod and can't slipstream them.
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soma's photo would be nice, but im equally fine with it being an addon, because its effect is very powerful for something basekit, though it does feel mandatory to run on singularity. i would be careful with that. i liked someone's suggestion to split the effect 3/5 and add 3% speed / 12% penalty to overclock duration basekit and keep the rest 2% / 8% as an addon or deleting its effect entirely so that it doesn't feel like bis option nonetheless.
as for cam hitboxes, that's not the issue of cameras, but the issue of how hitboxes are very inconsistent to the actual visible models which are highlighted for the killer. it's the issue of maps as well, cameras are just working by the general rules. like, it's not cameras that have awful detection, it's this game's collisions that are that abysmal which is only noticeable when killer's power enables so much creativity, the game can't properly handle it.
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This has little to do with hitboxes but with how much of a survivor you need to see to slipstream them. It's enough for a survivor to have one leg behind a rock to be considered hidden from view. That's terrible. If you can see more than 50% of that survivor, you should be able to slipstream them.
I think Singularity's power without the Soma Family Photo is just not very funtional. I did the math and holding Shift + W will always let you outrun the overclock mode (even with 4 survivors slipstreamed) and you still won't be in hit range after that. That's terrible because it means that survivors, who know that will not vault or drop pallets as long as it is active and then still get to another safe spot. This begs the question; what is Singularity's power supposed to do then? The mobility alone isn't worth it and the chase part of its power is undertuned. The addon fixes that to a degree, which is why I think it should be partially base kit.
With 4 survivors slipstreamed you should get some guaranteed value (pallet / hit) out of your power because it means that the survivors messed up monumentally. But as it is, that isn't the case. Not even remotely.
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I mean, I would love to see improvements to his biopod collision and biopod detection. Those can be really bad and frustrating, especially the former, so improving those features would be very welcome. Balance wise I do not think he needs much though.
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If you need 2 purples to actually make it work its not balanced
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You don't, so that's okay.
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Crazy how people want this killer to be given a complete rework. Yeah sure, delete an entire killer from the game that a portion of the playerbase enjoys playing as, just like they did to Freddy. Haven't you all learned yet?
Anyways, Singularity is fine as is in the right hands and I really hope the Singularity rework gets completely canned rather than postponed. All Singularity needs is more accurate detection, more consistent biopod placing, and (controversial) an auto lock-on for controllers.
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now that you mention that, i think singularity needs zero changes.
literally every single valid change suggestion effectively asks for general QoL change that will simultaneously affect Hux to a greater extent.
Map collisions being not as bogwater = camera detection is better
Aim assist bc most killers really need accuracy which is hard to achieve on controllers = way easier camera management
Map bans = no more lery that deletes this killer's power and that cannot be aided by any means.
This killer is not only a litmus test for player's actual skill, but also a great indicative of how little qol stuff this game has.
I really hope devs do understand that everything that is hard about singularity is what makes him so good and beloved by enjoyers.
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I suspect that BHVR has a list of potential changes for every killer in the game. I'd actually be surprised if they didn't have multiple rough sketches with each killer of directions they could go. Probably different people of the design/balance team have different ideas.
I imagine one of the components of the update window is that it means, 'okay everyone, lets actually talk over these ideas and narrow down possibilities'.
Given its a live service game and BHVR's design philosophy of changing things, every killer will eventually roll through the update window. Like you, I'm in no hurry for Singularity, I don't play him but enjoy going against him as survivor and he adds a unique gameplay experience.
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I think it would be nice if his turrents weren't obstructed by objects without hitboxes (bushes) and had a higher range. It's frustrating seeing survivors on the cams that you can't affect.
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Ohh really there is no video of singularity who doesnt play with soma photo
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it's a bit dated & doesnt' reflect my current skill, but I've been playing singularity w/o soma's photo for a few months before it became a thing and I was pretty successful before. My killrate grew to nearly 100% after first weeks where I've been still figuring out the controls and has been there ever since. That was during MfT meta.
Soma's photo is exceptionally good to outperform survivors at a certain level and get way more fast paced matches, but nonetheless you can play singularity w/o it.
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it's not the issue of cams, but rather the issue of how actually stupid the hitboxes are.
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Check your sources before making false statements. I also believe somebody else has also supplied a video.