So I just got face camped and the bar barely reached half way
10/10 mechanic BHVR.
Plz just remove it, I'm used to being face camped but I don't need that insulting bar there pretending like you care about the issue.
For reference it was on lery's in the center room on the hook that usually spawns there I'm sure people are familiar with it and I was probably halfway through 2nd stage when the killer came back to face camp the rest of the way and they were standing in the center of the room maybe 5m away and I thought I'd get off easy with them being so close but the thing barely moved I'm not sure it was even halfway by the time I died.
Look I know it's not supposed to remove camping entirely and tbh I'm fine with proxy camping existing but BHVR, you take months upon months to introduce these countermeasures to problems in game and then when you release them they don't even do what they're intended to do it's embarrassing. Either take the time to properly fix the issue or stop doing the equivalent of bandaging problems with "bandages" that are the equivalent you spitting on scotch tape and putting that over an open wound.
I had a similar situation on Lerys though the counter did fill up, but when I selected unhook it got cancelled by a skill check, which I obviously missed because I was pressing the unhook button and I died lol
6 -
Honestly they should have reworked hooks entirely. The anti camping mechanic will always be useless or too abusable.
9 -
As survivor, in the few games were the killer camped way too close, I've seen the survivor escape. I think the nerfed it a little too much with the 7 second delay after the PTB without adjusting the overall time, but I've definitely seen it work when the killer went back and forth near the hook too many times. The main issue is if another survivor is also just hanging around.
5 -
Yeah, the mechanic is garbage and made camping even more frustrating. Especially in the Basement, because the meter barely fills up and you are technically getting facecamped, because there is 0 difference between the Killer standing in front of you or above you in the Basement.
IMO the mechanic is too watered down from the PTB-version. And especially without the removal of the Basement, it is a free pass for camping. Even really blatant Camping situations.
11 -
Technically facecamping. Thats a new one... Like long distance face camping...
The anti face camp mechanic is supposed to work against face camping: the killer standing right in front of the hook. Its not supposed to work on proxy camping or when teammates loop the killer around the hook.
So as you describe it, it works just as intended.
8 -
5m from the hook means face camping, there is 0 difference with the killer standing with his face in front of the hook.
Also, if another survivor is coming for the save, the killer can literally face-camp because the meter stops filling up.
Stop making excuses to justify this flawed and abusable feature, that's quite ridicoulous.
Post edited by Gabe_Soma on12 -
*proxy camping.
Not face camping. Ask a Bubba if you need further explanation
6 -
5 m from hook isn’t proxy camping; it’s face camping. And face camping itself is just sticking to one area without moving. Proxy camping is wandering back to the hook then leaving again then coming back.
8 -
If 5 meters is face camping. Then where does face camping stop and proxy camping start? Also, where does proxy camping stop and camping start?
4 -
Just dont bother to discuss. It is pointless.
I remember back then people said that face-camping was gone, because the term referred to a way of camping where the Survivor would not get a prompt to unhook.
It is all semantics.
9 -
How do people abuse this feature? Are the killers making it somehow worse than how it was before anti-facecamp was introduced?
AFC is meant to counter the most egregious cases of facecamping. It does that. All I see is some players wanting more, while the devs consider hooked survivors the killer's objective, just like gens. They made camping more difficult, but it was never the goal to eliminate it entirely.
OP's killer left a window for unhook, and went back to secure second state when the rest of the team didn't take the opportunity. Sounds like a survivor mistake to me, and not a design flaw.
7 -
The only way the anti-facecamp feature can be "abused" is by dropping a surv near the hook. And even than, compared to before without the anti-facecamp feature, some killers did this anyway... and it's the downed survs fault for not crawling away from the hooked surv. Most of the time the camp-bar just stops because another surv is in hook range. Bring Kindred if solo or Reassuarance in a SWFs. And always make sure your mates aren't going into the next hookstage, hook trading is more benificial for survs when the others do gens.
2 -
It is way too easy to bypass the feature.
And while I would not say that it can be abused, it is more frustrating this way, because the Killer is still camping (and as I said before, there is 0 difference between camping above the Basement and actual Facecamping) and the Survivor gets taunted by a small bar which does not fill up at all.
In fact, the Devs wasted their time with this feature. All the Development Time they spend on it could have been used elsewhere. I cannot really imagine how a Dev can look at the feature and say "Damn, we did a good job with it."
4 -
So they bypass the anti-facecamp mechanic by not facecamping. I understand, this is terrible! How can this be a thing?
Your point about basement is valid. But if AFC would prevent killers from securing kills in basement, there would be zero use of that place, as hooking there takes more time than anywhere else. It would render it a hiding spot for survivors with a guaranteed chest spawn. At this point it would be more beneficial if you just asked the devs to have basement removed entirely.
I personally feel that it's fine that there's a single spot on the map that is more dangerous, and trying to avoid going down nearby it adds an extra strategic layer to survivor play. Also don't forget that the old counter to camping still exists: three survivors can do two entire gens / hook-state.
Also AFC works very well in lower levels of play where actual facecamping happens - I've seen it myself when I was playing with my baby-survivor buddies. The fact that you experienced no change after the feature was introduced doesn't mean it was a waste of time. It only means that you were already facing more skilled killers who didn't have to resort to facecamping.
5 -
Basement - When the feature was on PTB and it was obvious that heights would also influence the meter, I already said that Basement should be removed. IMO Basement does not really serve a purpose anymore aside from camping. Most of the time it is not worth to go to the Basement, when you want the Survivor hooked next to Gens which still need to be done (aka shrinking the area you have to patrol as Killer). Let alone that Scourge Hooks exist and those are probably also more beneficial than the Basement...except if you want to camp, as I said.
The removal of the Basement would also allow the vertical aspect to basically be removed from the meter. This would help with Maps which have two layers. It would STILL leave some spots where the Killer would be able to camp above or below a Hook, but IMO Hooks on upper floors (e.g. Thompson House, Eyrie Main Building) should not be a thing anyway.
When it comes to Survivors countering camping - even before the Devs increased the Gen-Timer it was not really possible to complete all Gens in two Hook-Stages. It got even worse with the increase to 90 seconds/Gen, since they did not increase the time it takes for a Survivor to die on the hook (aka buffing camping). Also Perks like Deadlock exist, which give value without any input from the Killer.
I would guess, with NOED, you will be guaranteed a 2K if you camp, possibly even a 3K. For basically not moving away from a Hook. Camping is just too beneficial and the feature does not really do anything against it. I am fine with camping just existing, but camping should not guarantee a 2K on its own.
4 -
The bar is a complete joke in its current state. As long as there is survivor there nearby trying to unhook you while the Killer facecamp, the bar moves almost nowhere, thus completely destroying the point why it was implemented in the first place.
3 -
To be fair, this aspect needs to stay. Because otherwise the Killer might be punished for camping while they are not camping, but chasing a Survivor nearby. The person to blame here is the Survivor who thinks the Killer will suddenly stop camping so that they can get the Unhook.
2 -
They only care about killers.
Wasting no time buffing Trickster and literally every killer but when it comes to survivors it's like they are scared. It's so weird.
Imagine if any killer mechanic didn't work.
3 -
Did you delete basekit BT and HUD update from your memory? Also anti 3 genning mechanic will be introduced soon. But yeah let's just pretend devs only care killers.
4 -
They all do nothing, Killers can hit you to deactivate BT and killer tunnels. There's zero chance that 3 gen thing will do anything because some exploit will be in place for killers. Like standing directly above a hook.
1 -
You said "They all do nothing" but you didn't say the reason why "HUD does nothing." Can you give me reason? Please don't say the things that only you want to answer.
3 -
Survivors still go down in 3 seconds. The HUD is nice but so overrated.
1 -
What do you mean survivors still go down in 3 seconds?
0 -
I'm 99% positive they tweaked this mechanic in the last update to be even more forgiving for killers and didn't say anything
The anti-camp mechanic is the best thing they have put in this game — BHVR
4 -
HUD is pointless if killers are overpowered. Play any random match. I would bet real money the killer always wins.
1 -
You know 5m is still within lunge distance yes?
Like if you think face camping is only when the killer model is only in the survivors I don't think you can be taken seriously.
3 -
I’m only saying this once, so I hope you get it.
Camping is not based on distance it’s based on activity. If you just stand near the hooked survivor unmoving (or moving very little, as in you move around but never out of sight) you are face camping. If you leave the area (but don’t go far—even if you’re out of sight) yet return a short time (like seconds) later then leave and return then leave and return continuously you are proximity camping.
Either way the goal is to ensure that survivor A.) isn’t unhooked or B.) can be re-downed immediately or shortly after being unhooked & then rehooked.
Face camping: never leaving line of sight to ‘guard’ the kill.
Proximity camping: MAY leave line of sight but continuously returns to hook within a short time of leaving to ‘guard’ the kill.
Ability / Spell Camping: Hag, Singularity, Dredge, and killers who can use objects or their abilities to teleport back to a hook can do this. It’s a rare form of camping because these aren’t common killers.
Complex camping: a blend of both proxy and face camping (a Bubba at the top basement stairs for instance. He isn’t in LOS of that hooked survivor but he also isn’t leaving the area & is stationary while guarding his kill).
2 -
0 to 5 meters, the self unhook meter would fill the fastest. 5 to 10 meters is slower, but it fills still fast enough to self unhook. You said, it barely filled. When it should actually allow you to self unhook long before dying.
Which means that the killer was either further than 10 meters away and/or other survivors were nearby.
In both cases, the anti face camp mechanic works as intended.
Here is the dev blog on this
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But vast majority of killers are not overpowered.
2 -
Thats funny. Cause the devs clearly define a distance for the anti face camp mechanic to work. Not losing line of sight, could mean the killer is standing at the other end of the map and look at the hook: Long distance face camping.
Years ago, we had an official statement on the exact distances the devs considered face camping, proxy camping, hard camping, soft camping, etc.
1 -
They were face camping, also I didn't say it barely filled I said it got about half way. My team eventually did try to get me when I was near death but it was a Plague and everyone was infected meaning getting the save was pretty much impossible. You can say "working as intended" all you want but that doesn't change the fact it is absolutely terrible game design that doesn't actually fix the problem. And before you say "oh they shoulda cleansed" if it was a Bubba or Billy in the same situation it basically means getting the save was not possible so then the anticamp mechanic utterly fails at what it was designed to do.
2 -
But this isn’t years ago (and the staff has changed over the years btw, as have some of their definitions and stances). It’s today. And what you’ve quoted doesn’t really invalidate what I’ve said; it’s literally standing near a hooked survivor making little if any movement. You obviously cannot ‘smell’ a survivor as this is a video game. Their statement is face camping is basically you’re just standing near a hooked survivor.
1 -
Ahh so you’re not ignorant to what they do for survivors and against killers, but you will ignore it because it doesn’t support your narrative. Got it.
4 -
Huh? You are grabbing for straws.
You know survivor mechanics do not work and never have.
1 -
The fact that you consider an extra hit you take, the following speed-boost and the recovery the killer has to go through "nothing" suggest me that either the only option that would satisfy you is being teleported down from the hook, and getting fully healed by a basekit mechanic.
Either that, or you have a skill issue so massive that you can't even perceive it.
3 -
You act like that is so much for the killer. It's so easy to just hit someone off the hook and woala now they have no BT or tunnel protection.
If the mechanic worked, why is it that killers tunnel more?
2 -
Sounds like you have a skill issue. People want to win, so they tunnel. In that time you should be able to get to a pallet if they're not even hitting unhooker n going straight for you.
4 -
For it to count as facecamping, the killer has to be, at most, half a meter away from you facing you at all times. FACEcamping.
1 -
I find it’s really buggy if you get the prompt in second state
I had a lingering skillcheck when I was already off the hook for some reason
0 -
I mean its an additive mechanic its not supposed to be free escapes unless the killer is on top of you 24/7, half of a hook stage across the room meant there was 30s for a teammate to save you relatively freely and then 30s to save you dangerously which is still more than you would have without it. You can't expect the mechanic to make up for what you or your teammates won't do to make the most out of it
3 -
When it's not a free trade, although some killers like huntress make 15M proxy camping a free trade too.
0 -
Basement's main use is being a hooking spot where the hooks don't break. Honestly, if they did something about the other hooks to prevent hook dead zones, they could delete Basement for all I care.
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Imagine working on a gen, just for the entity to reach out and kill you.
0 -
it wasn't across the room it was 5m basically in lunge range. The mechanic made 0 difference, basically the only way I was getting out was if my team DIDN'T come for me so the bar could fill faster which is so unintuitive and against DBD's core design that it might as well not exist.
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Choy recently did a video on this, basically it's WORSE now and is training new killers to do the more effective proxy camp and survivors running Kindred mistakenly think "Oh, the killer is facecamping, they can unhook themselves"
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So thats it your team was just chilling nearby, yeah the mechanic doesn't work too well when they do that because it also functions to not reward survivors with free escapes if they stay in the area around the hook
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There is no difference between standing next to the hook and 6m away. Both can hit survivor right off hook by pressing M1.
Everything has a gray zone that can not set a hard limit. When does Gen rushing start and not Gen rushing stop? 12 hooks before Gens done is not Gen rushing; and 11 hooks before Gens done is Gen rushing?
Post edited by C3Tooth on0 -
They weren't, they did a gen and then tried to get me but couldn't because the killer came back and face camped.
Nobody is asking for free escapes, the mechanic was supposedly meant to punish face camping and it doesn't.
0 -
Its just to much hearsay to make a judgement on idk what to tell you, however I think its fair that if your teammates did a gen the killer secured their kill after they did so because they knew no one was around for the save so it was an opportune time.
That I think should never be taken away from killers survivors greeding objectives and putting teammates in a bad spot and the killer in a bad spot if they don't try and get something out if it.
0 -
Gen rushing starts when survivors go from the hook straight to the gen, without healing.
When in doubt about the gray zones, its best to go by the official dev notes. Which i posted above.
Hell, i´ve had 2 matches where the killer camped and the meter filled rather quickly. Even when he was further than 5 meters away.
I guess the only way to effectivly solve this dispute, would be to see the actual match. As we don´t know if a teammate was nearby, which caused the meter to fill slower. Or the killer wasn´t as close as 5 meters away, or...