NOED should be a token based perk

Similar to how Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance was changed, but instead of losing a token for every hooked survivor, gain one
Then when all generators are completed, every survivor with at least one hook state is exposed until the hex is cleansed
This would encourage killers to hook everyone at least once and discourage tunnelling if the killer wants all 4 survivors exposed by end game
Overall I believe this would be a much healthier version of the perk
That's not a terrible idea, though I haven't seen NOED very much this past year or so.
In that case, though, would it be considered a scourge hook perk? This version being a Hex would make the perk pretty bad, imo.
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We hate to break it to you, but your idea wouldn't really remove tunneling. A killer can tunnel, then rotate the three remaining to have everyone hooked once and prep noed in the end.
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You don't run NOED expecting to spread hooks during the game. It's for snowballing overly altruistic survivors in the endgame, lol.
To force spreading the hooks, you'd have to compensate in some way (like making the killer faster for X seconds after the gates are powered, or highlight exposed survivors for X seconds).