Solo Q is a harrowing experience

Hey, just wanted to make this post because I've adored the game for so long. I've gone from being a toxic killer main, only survivor main, I've always understood both sides and respected everyone who played with me.

But my flame is dwindling, because solo Q feels like I only win one out of 10 games, purely on the lack of communication between my teammates. I can't count the amount of times I try everything in my power to win a game, but I simply have teammates that refuse to repair generators. I only see gens being completed within the first minute, but as SOON as the killer gets a hook, not a single teammate even touches a gen. It's baffling to me how little I escape when I play alone.

I don't know if it's just because I'm rusty, but it feels literally hopeless without 3 other people on comms. Is this simply a skill issue? What are your thoughts?


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    As a fellow SoloQ player, I'd recommend the first thing to do is to keep a note of your Trial results. From experience, despite it feeling like you lose more, you probably are doing better than you think. Negative experiences are naturally going to feel bigger than positive as it's built into all human DNA. It will help keep a better perspective.

    I don't like the term "skill issue" as it often comes across as a degtading phrase. What I will say is everyone has the potential to learn more skills and adapt to what is happening. Anyone who feels they have learnt all they have to learn often really mean they have given up or hit a threshhold. Practice makes perfect. Experience and instinct will help you more than any Perk could.

    A third thing to consider is to take breaks. If you hit a few losses and start to feel frustrated, leave the game for a while. The experience will not get better without a break for at least a day or two. A fresher mind will mean better performance and a healthier mindset.

    There are other tips, but I'll leave you with a quote from Dwight which actually means a lot: "We need to work as a team! I need you to survive so that I can survive". Ultimately, if you want escapes you may need to make some selfish plays at the end, but keep people alive for as long as you can. Take hits or hooks for people on their last legs. The more alive, the better the chances of escape.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Out of curiosity...

    What do you consider made you a "toxic killer main"?

  • Vlarian
    Vlarian Member Posts: 167

    I played as I wanted, which consisted of proxy camping and tunneling. Toxic is a subjective term but I called it that to explain that I play both sides, have played as nice and as mean as I wanted to, but it still feels if I'm playing solo Q, I'm gonna lose 75% of the time

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    There's a massive amount of information on other survivors. You know who's being chased, who's doing totems, who's doing chests, who's doing gens, and who's doing gens just from the profiles on the left. The only info solo q doesn't get are perk callous and the actual position of other survivors

    Bond exists though, so the only information other survivors lack are perk callouts like "killer has lightborn"

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    How would voice comms help? Would you yell at your teammates to do generators?

    You know that in a lot of team games with voice comms, it degrades into a bunch of people yelling at each other, and telling each other what to do?

    What are you going to do if you have a lone wolf survivor, that isn’t doing generators because they are literally just hiding and waiting for everyone else to die? Are you just going to yell at them the entire game?

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    Yep, I've seen this as recently as tonight. I was across the map working on a gen while a teammate was hooked, none of the others were in chase so I assumed one of them was going to go for the unhook. But no, one teammate was hiding in a locker while the other was doing a totem. I get off my gen and book it across the map just as the hooked teammate goes onto second, only for the killer to come back to check on the hook (or they were proxy camping) either way none of us made it out.

  • Ebonbane2000
    Ebonbane2000 Member Posts: 160

    Voice comms works just fine (for family and victims) in another recently released asym game. Also, there's in-match chat to help get around verbal language barriers. Using these tools often makes the difference in a match.

    It would definitely help co-ordinate saves, which gen to push, and allow general info exchange (like perk info).

    This would be the ultimate step in bridging the SWF/soloQ gap and could allow for the game to be balanced solely around SWF-like coordination.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    That’s not the scenario the person was complaining about. The person was complaining that no one was repairing generators. And sometimes that happens because there’s lone wolf survivors that don’t want to place themselves in potential danger.

    And besides, DBD should never be balanced around voice comms. The other asym games that used in game voice chat are either cancelled, or have such few players that they really shouldn’t be used as an example of a successful game.

  • Ebonbane2000
    Ebonbane2000 Member Posts: 160

    People are hiding because they have a lack of information. Saying, "Shack gen is ready to pop, I'm running the killer" in voice-com would probably get one of the three peeps attention.

    World of Warcraft has stolen ideas from EQ2, SWTOR (both are sorta dead), Pokemon, and a slew of other games. That's why Wow is 19 years old and still going strong. It's silly to ignore a game's innovations just because it didn't succeed (or isn't as big as DBD).

    Voice comms would actually make DBD more of an enjoyable party game imho. Sure there are clowns that will need to be muted now and then. But given my experience with comms in the other game, I'd wager the good would far outweigh the bad. Especially, since the communities overlap quite a bit.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Well, I can tell after 1700h, before I had 1 in 30 escapes, recently it improved to 1 to 5-10. Have I started to play better? Nope. I think it's just lots of good players started to drop down on bottom. I see people over P50, everyone in general knows what they are doing. I think that's main issue - good players on low MMR.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    Bro, I be using Kindred and that seems to make the situation more confusing for a ton of survivors, I'm not even talking about beginners, I'm talking about people who should know better based off high prestige level alone. Survivors who intentionally run the killer to you when you're almost done with a gen and don't finish it when you happily take chase and just wander off somewhere or just spectate the chase until you're downed. Survivors who will use everything, meaning sandbagging you to the maximum efficiency, in their power to ensure they don't get wounded when they haven't even been hooked. Survivors when they gather around the camping hook singing kumbaya together until you're in the final hook phase to gather up the courage to unhook only to leave you to run the killer again and be sac'd. Survivors who don't like altruism to the smallest degree, you'll be hooked once and that will literally be your game because no one will unhook and do a gen from start to finish when it's still at 5 or 4 then will get sac'd too once it's down to just 3 (severely lacking situational awareness).

    The list goes on. It's honestly more annoying for me to play survivor than killer because when playing killer I can actually deal with losing against a good team of SWF and improve upon my review of that game; my own skills can be adjusted and perks changed to give me a better chance. With Survivors, even if you can solo chases, even if you are good at situational awareness, you will still be sac'd, because it's still on the individual survivors to know what they actually should be doing at the moment, and it's a staggering amount of them that don't. Solo Q is basically hoping everyone can be somewhat efficient.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    Realistically, if voice comms were added to the game, there would be a lot of people yelling at the lone wolf survivors to repair generators, and a lot of lone wolf survivors reporting people for yelling at them, and it would just be a giant headache for BHVR.

    We can’t have voice comms in a game that encourages lone wolf survivors.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,661

    SoloQ be really brutal to me lately. Crap like this is becoming the norm since they messed with mmr

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 377

    Soloq is dreadful. I have lost EVERY match, maybe win a few. I play with one other person but mostly 3 random. I get left on a hook, I am the only one doing gens, or I will be doing everything on my own. And these killers are straight up hardcore tunneling as if their lives depended on it. Slugging at 5 gens, tunneling from the start waiting until gens pop not patrolling. It's terrible. Then I play killer which I don't very often and get matched with seal team 6. Matchmaking is definitely off big time. Even on my switch which I have about 1 hour total as killer I am getting matched with 56 Prestige, that's insane.

  • Vlarian
    Vlarian Member Posts: 167

    I never said anything about voice comms, I'm asking for a long lasting solution that can benefit solo q survivors, and bring it to the level of harmonised friends.