What do you consider "winning" in DBD? And what is "losing"?

There is a scoreboard at the end that shows the match decision with a point system. Often times, even though I get sacrificed, I rank higher than survivor players that escaped and killer players, even. If a killer player gets a 4k but I get more points, who lost?
I do see a lot of people commenting that they don't feel like they are "winning" enough and I'm just curious as to what that means and how subjective it is.
Edit: I don't play SWF. Just Solo Queue.
As survivor, if I escape then I've won.
As killer:
0k or 1k - defeat
2k - tie
3k or 4k - victory
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not de pipping that a win.
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I do what I be doing as a survivor: gens, altruistic, taking chases, eliminating Hexes; if I'm sac'd I still did a good job.
Killer, if I did my best and survivors escape it's a loss, but a good game.
At it's core, being sac'd is a loss, and getting none to one sac is a loss.
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Win: I had fun/ completed a challenge
Draw: it was just ok
Loss: should've done something else with my time
This worls on both sides for me. The rest are details
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Fairly black and white. The devs stated each survivor has their own win condition. That means if a survivor escapes, they got a personal win.
For killers, BHVR has not mentioned, but the community has widely accepted that 0-1k is a loss, 2k is a "draw" (though there is no draw since you cant draw vs 4 individual players with their own win condition, so this is essentially a loss), and 3k+ is a win.
Bear in mind, MMR adjustments don't necessarily reflect winning or losing. You can lose and still not go down in mmr, for example.
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I go with what the scoreboard says. Bloodpoints are the only real reward for playing a match, all the other crap is in our heads.
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First: If I completed any challenges or daily rituals.
Second: If I get a high score, usually 30,000+ BP
Lastly: If I escape, or score 3+ kills, or score kills before the exits are powered.
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That's why killer players AFK on weekday mornings. I see them. And when the killer is AFK and all we do is run and do gens, I just let the timer run out and get sacrificed because I'm not messing with my stuff if the killer player is just going AFK to have easier matches later in the week so they can just destroy noobs. And I wish everybody that played against an AFK killer player would just stay in the match and get sacrificed so that killer player got a 4K and defeated the purpose of AFK to derank. But that is a different thread.
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As long as 2+ of the points are filled we feel like we've won.
As killer:
- 7+ hook states
- Killed the most annoying survivor/ Object of Obsession
- Finished a rift/achievement
- Had fun
As Survivor:
- Escaping
- Finished a rift/achievement
- Died a hero
- Had fun
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Yeah that's how I kind of look at it. The score, as long as I don't get fourth place or 5th behind the killer player then I'm fine and I don't feel bad like I could have done more for my team. I play Skyrim and Fallout 4 and when I get killed in combat and have to reload, I don't see that as a loss, and so that's where I'm coming from with playing Dead By Daylight---which is the only multiplayer "competitive" game I play.
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Winning: Not getting Tunneled
Losing: Consecutive Tunneled-out matches
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Winning: Never Tunneling
Losing: Being a Tunneler (also, feeling justified as one)
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I've realized recently I don't really pay attention to directly winning and losing anymore. I usually go into a match to mess around or do challenges so if I make progress; I won and if I don't; I lost.
I also consider how much fun I had and the general feeling at the end of the match. If I get tunneled out first but I had good chases or I got a ton of BP; they're both wins.
Other then that I have the general view for killer and I consider the team for survivor.
Win: 3-4k
Tie: 2k
Loss: 0-1k
Win: 3-4 Escape
Tie: 2 Escape
Loss: 0-1 Escape
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For killer:
- 0-1k = loss
- 2k = tie
- 3-4k = win
For survivor Im a little more flexible on what I see as a win. It all depends on my team and what I could do to help them. If my team is decent and 3-4 of us die then I consider it a loss, even if I’m the only one to escape. If 3 or 2 people make it out but I died then I consider it a win/tie. If my team is crouching in the corner, not bodyblocking, or sandbagging then I don’t care if they die.
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Hmm, I'm not sure if an entity kill counts as a kill for the killer for the purposes of MMR. Now I'm curious!
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Simply put: nice, long matches.
If this means I get sacrificed as a survivor, I'm fine with it. As long as it was a nice match where I could do some chases, do gens and (what is most important to me) be altruistic I'm happy to "lose" as in getting sacrificed. Especially, if by doing it I can save a team mate. If I get a pip that is even more pleasing.
For killer I want at least 2 kills for the match to be identified as victory. Whilst it is a tie in reality, if the survivors are great and the match is long-lasting, I'm fine with it.
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Wanna know something hilarious? BHVR themselves have actually innavertedly admited what is a win, how? Well chucky and tiffany have some voice lines refering to them winning. They will only play however once they get a 3k or a 4k, they will not play in other scenarios, showing bhvr clearly knows what a win for killer is.
For me at least:
Under 3k: lost
3k or 4k: win
I escaped: win
I got sacrificed: lost
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9 emblem points or more equals a win for me. Means I've done enough to help throughout or performed decent enough as Killer.
Often, this reflects in surviving or getting 3-4k anyway, but this feels like a decent measure of doing well and also more a measure of overall performance. I could get a 4k because of 4 absolute beginners and a quick win, but if the emblem points aren't there because of how quick I "won" then it's not a true victory to me. I have to earn it.
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Pipping or DePipping I consider winning or losing on either side. 2k as killer I consider a win usually despite not pipping.
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^This + if i get many hook stages like 8 or 9 but only 1 kill, i would not personally count it as a loss either. If i go for winstreak, hooks do not matter tho.
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As survivor:
If 3 or more get out (and I'm one of them), then its a team win. If I die, its a loss.
If everyone on my team dies and I get out by random hatch or mercy by killer - I still lose but w/o losing 'mmr'.
If everyone on my team dies but I get out by exit gates, its a personal win for me. But my whole team died so technically its still a W for the killer as well.
As killer:
3/4k = win.
2k = tie.
0-1k = loss.
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according to the wiki anything other than a survivor escape counts as a kill for MMR
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This is what IDV very explicitly uses as its metric for wins and honestly i think for general-purpose gameplay this is the best way of measuring it
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Yeah, that is just the way I always did it. It works well.
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Good to know! Thanks.
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If I had fun during the game, that's a win. If I didn't have fun during the game, that's a loss.
Plenty of 4ks and escapes that I'd count as losses.
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If I didn't kill the person,I wanted the most even if it's a 3k I lost and they know it because they T-bag every time but those are usually some of the most fun games
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I feel that way to also
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If i had fun i won if the game is just try hard gen rushing or tunneling slug fest i lost because i just lost time trying to have fun