Put your top 5 highest prestige characters here

I'm interested to see which characters people actually prestige on here.
Mine is Knight, skull merchant, Jonah P100, trickster P15 and artist p11.
P100 Dwight
P31 Nurse, Spirit, Bill, Ace, Nancy, Felix
P26 Hux, Sadako. Others are around P1~P7.
After doing P31 Sadako and Hux, won't spend BP for a while and maybe spend only on Dwight.
I won't level up characters higher than 31. P31 is enough for my satisfaction.
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This is about it
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P100 Hillbilly.
P16 Bubba.
P11 Doctor.
P11 Ace.
P10 Feng.
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I barely play killer so I don’t prestige them and for survivor I’ve been slowly p3ing em all for every perk unlock
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Hello, mines are
P70 Pyramid head
P28 Alessa Gilespie
P16 Nemesis
P10 Xenomorph
If i could play more, i would finish Pyramid head then do the Alien, Nemesis and Alessa in this order.
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P100 Singularity
p85 xenomorph
p25 dredge
p18 demogorgon
p13 ripley
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I've seen that some people have 5+ P100 characters and I don't understand how tho?
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Dwight - P100
Myers -P76
Laurie - P15
Jake - P12
Wraith - P10
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they swf and stack cakes/party streamers every game
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Laurie- P31
Nurse- P22
Freddy- P16
Nea/Claudette- P15
Billy- P15
I think I'm going to go P100 Freddy first. My goals are beyond the understanding of mere mortals.
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P100 blight, p29 wesker and p19 Oni
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Mine is a p100 wraith. I would do pyramid head but 100 prestiges of those addon's would cause severe depression
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My highest prestiges are P23 Nicolas, P13 Sadako, and P7 Haddie. Dunno the others but it's probably P6 wesker and another P6 I don't remember
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I have a P12 Legion, P10 Meg, P9 Dwight and a P7 Ripley.
I don't see the point of prestiging past 9 in most cases, since there's nothing further to unlock. I almost never bring items into my Survivor games and I'm not likely to run out of my favourite Legion add-ons anytime soon. So I guess I'm not much of a BP spender these days and only really spend it if I've unlocked a new perk in the Shrine or have a new character to level.
Some Survivors and Killers will only ever be prestiged to P3 for their perks, since I don't use them.
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Ash is the highest from survivors sitting at 21.
On the killer side I have Clown at 12.
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P100 Blight
P100 Spirit
P50 Meg
Have a few other killers and survivors P12 or so. Working on P100 Meg atm.
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I was thinking of doing that too now that I'm done with Billy. Something tells me, survivors expect everything but the P100 perkless pallet Freddy.
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I got a p100 here and there…
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Ikr, I’m just like…. I don’t even….. I can’t.
I don’t understand how anybody has a single p100 of anything.
Anyway, my list:
Onryo p10, Nurse p7, Feng(phone) p7, Spirit p6, and I have a few that are at p5, they are Bubba, Doctor, and Hag.
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I have currently
P67 Pyramid Head P12 Cheryl
I'll mostly likely p100 legion because of Robbie the Rabbit costume ? Which they currently sits at P11
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Oni P100 Nancy P14 Mikey P15
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That, and it's focus. If I pumped all my BP into the same few characters, I could have five P100s, too.
To answer the OP:
Haddie - P100
Yui - P43
Onryo - P33
Jane - P27
Plague - P25
But basically every killer/survivor I have to at least P10, except ones I just never play (Ace/Nurse/Blight)
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Where do you get so many BPs? You ever break from playing DbD?
I play for 4 years, did every book, every event and every achievement, and my highest prestige characters are Sadako, Spirit and Artist (all red background and around P10), other fav killers (Plague and Hag) are 6-7. And from survivor side only Jill P15, all other survivors are around P3.
Where do you get SO MUCH MONEY? 😶
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my knight is p69 just for fun. i don't care about prestiging anyone else
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Pig- 11
Huntress and Spirit- 9
Legion- 8
Hag, Deathslinger and Feng Min- 7
and the rest are between 0-5
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Personally, I play a couple hours every day, on average. So not an extraordinary amount. If there's a Bloodhunt, I might play 3-4 hours a day. During really lucrative events (like the Anniversary and Lunar New Year), I really lean into it and then take a break.
Since it was introduced, I only (well, 95% of the time) play the role with the BP bonus at any given time, and I use all my BPS, cakes and other BP boosters only when I get maximum return. I keep an eye out for codes, etc., and redeem them when available. I usually und up in the iridescent grades for both roles every month.
Beyond that, I don't feel like I do anything unusual.
But really, the BHVR should give more BP. Like a lot more. If you compare their value to shards and auric cells, even "large" bonuses are comparatively tiny. I broke it down in another thread discussing what a joke the 400K Prime reward is when compared to a full outfit. The conversion rate there is bad.
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Also, the big bloodweb overhaul a while back made prestiging way easier. It's half as expensive and three times as fast.
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P100 Blight
P100 Yun-Jin
P56 Nea
P15 Elodie
P14 Nancy
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P100 Nea (red portrait)
P11 Legion (red portrait) and Jill
P9 on Ada and Yun-Jin
P7 on Rebecca
P6 on Mikaela
P5 on Huntress
P4 on Leon
Otherwise, everyone else is between 0-3.
Edit: Prestige correction.
Post edited by ResidentLeaf182 on0 -
Yoichi 💜P050
Vittorio 🌠P050
Demo 🐶P030
Knight 🔪P025
Jake 🕊️
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Feng Min P100
Artist P97
Cheryl P16
All other Killer and Survs P11
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Playing with Bloodpoint Offering especially during events, some players are old players like me who already had every character maxed before they reworked the bloodweb. Playing with friends or with BP-Bonuses for certain roles help too.
There are perks that increase your BP gain - some being more obvious like Distressing, some are more hidden like Stake Out (Every great Gen Skill Check gives you 300 BP. Stake Out helping with great skill checks increases your BP gain passively for sure).
Don't forget Grades every 13th (2mil BP) and codes (especially for prime). There are a lot of ways to increase your Bloodpoint Gain if you already have certain things helping you. It's a lil' harder for newer players since they are short on some ressources.
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My top prestiges so far are:
- Yui Kimura (p30)
- Huntress (p23)
- Claudette Morel (p12)
- Nurse (p12)
- Feng Min (p11)
The rest are at least p3 - p10 except for Ellen, Xeno and Nicholas cage as I'm yet to acquire them.
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I play even more, and always with BP offerings (basically never take any other ones). I even collect every BP codes.
But I don't pick BP perks. Is it that mandatory and everyone is always use them? Because from what I see, I need to play 9 hours a day to get so high prestiges (not that I need it, but just curious).
I understand why streamers has their P100 characters, but everyone else?
So, everyone is farming, right?
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1)Clown: P100
2)Felix: P100
3Chucky: P72
4)Cage: P21
5)Wraith: P22
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He ain't wrong, they really do go to 11.
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P77 Artist, Claudette, Jonah
P11 Nicolas Cage
Not exactly a top 5 but these are the outstanding ones. I have Meg and some killers at P6 mostly thanks to the prestige rework mechanic. Every other character is at P3.
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P69 Blight
P69 Felix
all killers before wesker p9-10
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Spirit - P100
Zarina - P48
Artist - P18
Yui - P16
Yun-Jin, Feng, Wraith - P11
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Kate - P28
Nea - P16
Feng, Artist - P15
Cheryl - P14
Thalita, Elodie, Plague, Clown - P11
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That's true, it's a massive waste of add ons, but it's about prestiging a character that i love for me. (i play PH, Xeno and Nemesis, so the add ons are all trash anyway except for maybe Xeno, they are okay-ish for it. P100 Wraith is impressive, i am struggling to seal the deal, with my P100, it's so long. Props to you.
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I understand.
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Is this what they mean by "P measuring contest" 😏😏😏😏