Survivors force killers to tunnel and killers force survivors to rush gens

The stale gameplay of dbd right now is in an endless cycle of survivors needing to rush gens to escape before anyone is tunneled to death, and killers needing to tunnel as survivors are completing gens too fast. Each side is forcing the other in to this unfun meta right now and trying to complete their objectives as fast a possible, and there is nothing that can be done on our end as players (obviously we can't force each side to stop)

Bhvr needs to do some tweaking on both ends so games are less stale, tedious and just plain unfun.

I can't suggest what that would look like, I'm sure bhvr's experienced professional devs would be able to come up with something better than I, but adjusting the rate at which gens can be completed and significantly reducing tunneling would benefit both sides and we could get back to the more fun aspects of the game.
