Survivors force killers to tunnel and killers force survivors to rush gens

The stale gameplay of dbd right now is in an endless cycle of survivors needing to rush gens to escape before anyone is tunneled to death, and killers needing to tunnel as survivors are completing gens too fast. Each side is forcing the other in to this unfun meta right now and trying to complete their objectives as fast a possible, and there is nothing that can be done on our end as players (obviously we can't force each side to stop)
Bhvr needs to do some tweaking on both ends so games are less stale, tedious and just plain unfun.
I can't suggest what that would look like, I'm sure bhvr's experienced professional devs would be able to come up with something better than I, but adjusting the rate at which gens can be completed and significantly reducing tunneling would benefit both sides and we could get back to the more fun aspects of the game.
Yes, but where are these " experienced professional devs" that you are talking about? 😁
I've been playing this game since Nurse got released and the only three public devs that fit that description all left the company.
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Haha, well I'm sure these devs have be trained, even if we don't necessarily see it from them all the time
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There has to be a significant bonus for killers not to tunnel.
Yesterday I faced a killer who tunneled me at 5 gens. They said in chat they did it "because it was done to them as well".
Please stop punishing players who did nothing to you.
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Root cause is in the fact, that skill in this game is only about to know where is good loop to run around the car 10 times before you drop the pallet. There are no hitboxes, no AIM. Everything you can do is, find the pallet and run around. And if someone drop the pallet, you are already dead, because there is vacuum on the map. You can jump through window, turn left, bait the killer to left and return to right. Over. Everything you can do as survivor.
And since you have 4 pallets (5 pallets in the Police academy, but only 2 with loop) on the map, I refused to try something else than genrush and quit.
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I mean that's just objectives. Genrushing and tunneling are just playing your objective. They're only unfun because it denies the other side an opportunity to play theirs.
That's how PvP games work.
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Yeah. Sadly this is what I hear most (besides "you are a P100").
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Sad thing is repair and hook is the most rewarding aspect in this game
You need to repair as survivor to gain BP, same by hooking as killer.
We need more points in other objectives
And yeah, some things lie moris just encourage killers to tunnel to get value