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I’m having the same issue
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it is working, you just have to hit the right snowman
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Hey @NickiMinaj1488
I wanted to get some more information regarding this. To clarify, are you hitting "decoy" snowmen (i.e. the ones that jumpscare you when you get close to them)? Have you been primarily playing Killer or Survivor (and if Killer, are you hitting the decoy snowmen with M1, Special Attack, or Snowskull throw)?
Thank you!
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yeah, im hitting decoy snowmans and i trying to hit them to with my m1, as a hag.
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I am having the same issue as well, I tried to do it in my killer and just went around to m1 and hit the snowman with a skull snowball but, it's not working.
I tried it as a survivor as well.
What can we do, I am stuck in this challenge/
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I got this as survivor using a snowball and at a bit of a distance.
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i was also having trouble with this challenge. read this comment & it completely worked out. survivor & at a distance.
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ive got it only as survior
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I had issues too but what I found worked is you have to hit the snowman as he is in the process of scaring you and then it works. If it is after the jump scare has happened, then it will not work. I hope this helps everybody.
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hmmm, I just got that done. Try throwing a snowskull from far away. You need to hit the one that scares you thou.
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with this one I gut the usual get-challenge-completion-shown-in-match --- but then it doesn't show the progress when i go to the challenges post match.
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You have to hit it with a snowskull. Just go around the map and hit all the snowmen from a short distance.
It doesn't work if they have already revealed themselves. You just keep hitting snowmen and it'll work. But, don't get so close that they reveal that they are decoys.
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This is the distance I got it from, and yes, it has to be one of the snowman that scares you.
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What worked for me:
I deselected the challenge by setting it to CHILLING SNARE (but I believe you can just deselect and select back UNWANTED GUEST).
When prompted which type of play style, I chose SURVIVOR and it worked by throwing snowball on the idle decoy, no need to do it during jump scare animation.
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This ^
Mimics do not technically count as normal snowmen, breaking them with a snowskull does not progress the challenge as a result.
Just keep trying and youll get it eventually.
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Because you're not supposed to "destroy" the snowman, but rather walk up to it (with a snowskull on you)
wait for it to jumpscare you and then hit it with a snowskull before it disappears
it's that simple
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That might why I been having issues then. Again the event doesnt explain what exactly a decoy Snowman is and how they diffenet from normal snowmen. For me I thought the decoys was the ones that are moving around the map.
With that, Im tagging someone from the team. I think yall should update the challege or the event gameplay details to explain what makes a decoy a decoy snowman.
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Yeah, I just finished a match where I threw snowskulls at every snowman that screamed and jumpscare me and nothing…so I dont know what Im doing wrong here at all. I honestly think the challenge is bugged.
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If you trigger the jumpscare it's already too late. You have to hit them before they get a chance to do that.
Just chuck snowballs at every snowman you find and you should get it no problem.0 -
I tried that…I will be honest: This has to be one of the worst-explained challenges they have ever made. No way in the event detail does it explain what a decoy snowman is, or in the challenge does it say anything about not triggering them. Honestly…they need to do better if they are going to something like this. Thanks for the help, though.
@Mandy Sorry for the tag but I wanted someone on staff to see this complaint I have about this challenge. I think yall need to add lil more details and expiration since it is clear to me that there are a few ppl like myself who don't understand the challenges and the game doesn't do anything to make it clear what we have to do.
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Pick up Snowballs then at the pile change them into a deployable snowman.
The build your own snowmen and jump out - it turns into a decoy.
Then hit it with a snowball - done - just worked for me on PC / Steam as surv.