Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I'm getting tired of Windows of Opportunity

No, I don't play killer before you yell "KILLER MAIN COMPLAINING ABOUT A WEAK PERK". I'm tired to see my teammates going from pallet to pallet and when the match goes on there is no pallet left for us to use. They keep wasting it for absolutely nothing and it only kills us at the end and what for? This perk is extremely unhealthy. I hate to say it but I think this perk has got to go. Survivors need to learn the game and not just drop every pallet they see on their screen.



  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    If the person is smart about which pallets they're using (i.e. spacing them out to minimize deadzones) to avoid giving the killer his first down, they're actually allowing the other survivors to create a lot of gen pressure. The dynamic shift always occurs when one (or more) person is on the hook, so if that early time gets utilized well the killer will only be able to get a few hooks by the time the gens are finished.

    If they're dropping them back to back and making a huge deadzone though, it can cause a lot of issues later like you surmised.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    Sadly, some maps have a ton of pallets. By the time every pallet is dropped all other survivors should have finished at least 3 gens. That's quite the handicap for a killer... having 2 gens left and let's assume they managed to down the person.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    DBD has anti-loop killers because players wanted killers that could more easily handle loops. But survivors still need some way to counter that; hence pre-drop and run (although to be fair that’s not a sure-fire way to escape an anti-loop killer).

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    That perk isn't solely responsible for that type of playstyle. People play like that w/o WoO either way. Not exclusive to the perk.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Plenty of people who run Windows -don't- just run from pallet to pallet pre-dropping.

    Plenty of people who don't run Windows DO just from from pallet to pallet pre-dropping.

    Now I do think Windows should be changed due to it's absurdly high pick-rate, but dropping loads of pallets isn't a good reason.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,524

    There is far too much of them. It is no wonder people were overjoyed when they learned Sadako didn't have a chase power.

    Anti-loop killers are okay, but an overabundance of them creates the problem of pre-dropping everything and holding W becoming something you see every match. And it is boring to the extreme.

    Chases without mindgames aren't fun.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,481

    The funniest thing is when in my matches surv just ignores pallet 2 meters away from him, run to nowhere and later I see that he had WoO

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    I dislike yellow pathing players whether they are my teammates or opponents. A single perk shouldn't give players the same level of map knowledge that would normally take hundreds or thousands of hours to accumulate. Perks like Windows further diminish what little skill expression survivors have left in the game.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It's not only because WoO has the highest pick rate by a decent amount. You need to realise that the most popular perks are heavily weighted toward universal perks, and unlockable perks from free characters. This makes sense because newer players will only have access to those perks, so their pick rate is always going to be much higher.

    Last time we got data from BHVR I believe that 8 out of the 10 most popular survivor perks were 'free' perks, with the only DLC perks being WoO and MFT. MFT was pretty widely acknowledged as being OP, and was rightly changed, but WoO was STILL picked more than that. WoO has also been the most picked survivor perk for quite some time now, and I mean it does go to show that it's simply too strong.

    It isn't as obviously OP as perks in the past like DH and MFT, it doesn't make survivors faster or allow them to do anything they otherwise wouldn't be able to do normally. However, being able to always see where nearby windows and pallets are is clearly incredibly strong or else so many people wouldn't run the perk. It allows even bad loopers to be decent in chase and allows decent loopers to be much stronger in chase.

    I don't think it's particularly 'unhealthy' like many overtuned perks in the past, but I do believe it needs some kind of change.

    BHVR has shown in the past that they don't like stale metas and they want to force change, which is something many players agree with. It only makes sense that the number 1 most picked survivor perk for months and months will get tuned down to allow other perks to get the spotlight.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Thats not a problem of the perk, thats a problem of how bad players are.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,726

    that's why i never play stealthy and instantly rush to the most central/critical gen to start repairing. i'm very greedy when it comes to dropping pallets.

    but with all fairness, most maps DO provide enough resources so someone can predrop and survivors won't run out before end game unless others are slacking on the gen-work. they need to not predrop every yellow and still go down in seconds, though.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    I typically like your takes Krazzik but the problem with the ‘it’s too strong!’ argument for perks like WoO is that these perks rise to fill a vacuum left by the nerfing of other, more useful perks. WoO doesn’t do anything for survivors that they cannot do without the perk and killers actually have a direct perk equivalent (Zanshin Tactics) they refuse to run.

    There’s always going to be a mediocre survivor perk (I never see this argument leveraged against mediocre killer perks so I can’t say both but if it happens feel free to correct me) that’s ‘too strong’ in some player’s eyes. If it wasn’t WoO it would be some other middle of the road perk that survivors receive non-situational value from.

    Not every perk survivors have should be hyper situational. Some of them should be good *and* general.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Zanshin has two major issues against it:

    Survivors lead the chase (barring zoning at pallets) and if a pallet was already used up, the killer was mostly likely there to see it used (especially if they broke it.)

    Those two factors are a big part of what makes WoO so strong (efficient routing/resource status,) while Zanshin doesn't have the same impact. Some killers like Doctor can get use out of it in being able to deny a resource, but its kinda pointless on most of the roster.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,440

    The problem is and will always be that dbd players lack any capability to change their mind, at least the average player/old players, for example it is widely known, at least on some parts of the comp scene that you can loop artist by baiting the crows, she is still bs thanks to deadmans but you can loop her, however everyone and their mother will spout that you have to hold W as soon as she places a crow, why? Because its easier to say that holding w is the solution rather than admiting you are not good enough to loop her.

    Dont get me wrong, some killers are absolute BS at loops, knight before the AI baiting bug was unavoidable, skull merchants beams are horrible, nurse errases the concept of looping.

    But a lot of people repeat and repeat the same " the only counterplay is to hold W", and will ignore multiple things like dredges remant baiting, camera switch on hag, crouch teching nemesis, like man sometimes I really think people are bad on purpose when they ignore so much things they can do, then again most of the content creators for this game have this same actitude so whats to expect from the community.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    This will not work if she has LOS on you, a good artist is just going to wait until you walk into the crow's beam and press CTRL. You simply cannot run past a crow before she can send it off, and she can just walk around the loop to force you into the crow and get an m1 if you dance around trying to bait.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,274

    Of there's a way to remove the possibility of "yellow pathing" without impacting the other three uses of woo then I'm all for it.

    What are the three uses you may ask. these: giving a survivor a lay of the land without having to waste time running around the map for scouting purposes, giving a survivor a reliable live update of a close chase as well as the thereby created dead zones and lastly give new players training wheels to help recognise tiles and spawning patterns.

    Yellow pathing is annoying - but I rather keep it along with the other three than ditch it along with just one of the other three.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,524

    I don't think that is the problem, actually.

    People can adapt to specific counterplays, even old dogs like you and me, the most famous example being the strategy of breaking LOS when facing Nurse. But the wave of anti-loop killers normalized something that shouldn't have been normalized, which is the hold W strategy.

    Even if there are small, niche techs you can do against those killers specifically, holding W also works and people will use that because they cannot loop those killers.

    Looping is the best part of chases because of the mindgames, and the potential both sides have to outplay the other. The fun dies when all you do is pre-drop everything.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009

    it all started with the clown. Still to this day he remain an abomination to save from and to loop.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426

    Game sense is lacking among a lot of players. Taking stuff away isn't going to change that.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582
    edited December 2023

    Wrong. There has never been a killer (maybe except old Wraith) without any kind of anti loop power. This has always been a part of DBD's killer design.

    Sadako is a great example of what happens when a killer doesn't have a good chase power. They have to double down on everything else in their kit to build pressure somehow and it ends up pretty unfun to play against.

    Also, the killers that are generally considered the most fun to play against are all killers with (in theory) oppressive chase powers. Blight, Demo, Oni, Bubba, Huntress and Billy come to mind.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 988

    There may be tonnes of them but the vast majority of them are too unsafe for traditional stun/mindgame attempts now. There are too many pallets where by the time you've completed the drop animation the killer has read what you're going to do and just walked around the other side to get you. Either that or stuns are delayed so you still get hit, or killers are getting good at avoiding the stun.

    This makes pre dropping better because at least in those instances you don't waste time worrying about the mind game that invariably won't work anymore.

    So yes whilst I agree some maps have too many pallets theyre not a positive from a survivor perspective. I would say id like to see the amount overall reduced but a reintroduction of more safe pallets.... But that will also be a hot take for killers.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    There are still other really strong survivor perks in the game: Sprint Burst, Adren, Deliverance, Off the Record. Heck, many of the best survivor perks are on free characters, and they are STILL run less than WoO. Even with many newer players not even having access to it, it's still run so much that it's been in the number one spot for ages.

    It's overwhelming use can't just be a case of "other strong perks are getting nerfed so a decent perk is gonna rise to fill that hole" when it's run MORE than perks like Sprint Burst and Adren.

    And as I mentioned before, even if you find that it's perfectly fine and not too strong, for the sake of not having a stale meta, it should STILL be changed.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Players complain about seeing the same perks every game. Killers and survivors, no one likes a stale meta and having low variety in what they face. WoO has been -the- most popular survivor perk for months now and I think we can safely assume that if nothing is changed about it, it will continue to be at the number 1 spot for a long time.

    Also, it's not just a case of only nerfing the most used perks every so often. It should also be accompanied by buffing many of the lesser-used perks, so that the overall power level of perks doesn't shift too much. It's to allow other perks with different mechanics to shine and to help breathe new life into the game.

    This is also not a survivor-only thing, I think perks like Pain Res, Corrupt and Deadlock should be tuned down too and other, weaker killer perks buffed so that we see fresh new loadoats.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,524

    Survivor perks doing things that benefit the survivors is considered a problem. You're not going to be able to expand the meta if every perk becomes the next scapegoat for why a killer lost a match. What would you want to buff? Healing, and have killers complain healing goes too fast? Boons, and have killers complain that boons can't be permanently broken? Item searching perks, and have killers complain about flashy saves and toolboxes? Stealth, and have killers complain that survivors are hiding too much?

    To be fair, there are many things in the killer meta survivors complained about. Don't act like this is a one-sided thing, because it isn't.

    And the solution is quite simple: revert the nerfs, but do it for both sides. Essentially, if we were to bring back the bloodpoint gains for WGLF, then we do the same for BBQ. That goes for all reversions.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Those same things are said about killer perks too, and I'm saying that this is something that should be done on both sides. Survivors widely complain about gen slowdown, but when killers moved to use much more aura-reading/info perks, survivors then complained about being found too easily. Even when killers actually started to use chase perks, mainly STBFL, that then got complained about and is on the chopping block.

    This is something that both sides are equally guilty of so please don't try and make it an 'us vs them' arguement.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,983
    edited December 2023

    Well, if a teammate is going from pallet to pallet then the chase is going for too long and thats the time to repair all the gens, right?

    At least this is exactly why killer players don't like WoO

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    It kind of is though. Camping and tunnelling will get complained about, but general killer perks and kits don't get nearly as many complaints, with the exception of Blight's add-ons.

    Meanwhile, there's a new WoO nerf thread every week. I haven't seen any calls for gen-kick nerfs in months. The last time I can remember that gen-kick was complained about was Eruption enforcing a 25 second 'do nothing' time-out every time someone got hooked.

    No, it's not 'equally guilty'. Windows of Opportunity has had more complaint threads than STBFL, Eruption and Aura-reading combined. And the complaints aren't even always calls for nerfs, just reworks to sidestep an issue with interactivity while preserving power. Eruption imposed 25 second thumb-twiddling and STBFL is being used to camp. I don't think I've even seen complaints about aura-reading perks other than Ultimate Weapon circumventing Distortion, the perk whose one singular job it is to protect from those perks.

    And still, Windows of Opportunity is higher on the list to complain about, in general, with the primary argument being pickrate. Not that it's frustrating to go against, or unbalanced or anything of the sort, no. Just pickrate.

    Survivors are using it, therefor it is busted.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I don't really think WoO should be nerfed as nothing it does is imbalanced. Also nobody should call for it to be nerfed while also saying they care about soloQ because it saves you from really bad decisions you couldn't possibly know. It's so disheartening to run to shack or god pallet area and see the pallet is gone because somebody threw it and you had no way of knowing unless you had WoO.

    The "it's a DLC perk" argument is extremely silly to me cuz like does anyone wanna tell me what the top 10 most used killer perks are? Cuz in that case a ton of killer perks need nerfs. The argument of "oh wow everyone bought the attractive survivor with a ton of cosmetics and a useful perk therefore the perk should be nerfed" is very goofy.

    The "well it gives results to make survivors seem better than they are" argument is well not an argument at all cuz like that's what perks do lmao. Same could be said about any exhaustion perks, most aura perks, some select gen perks. On killer side don't get be started like yeah you really worked hard for those NOED kills or wow it was so sick how much time you bought with Corrupt or Deadlock a perk that activates automatically with no input from the killer.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    Are you saying every killer is anti-loop..? That is an extraordinary hot take.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,524

    No, it isn't. There have been plenty of complaints about the killer meta in the past, the only reason you aren't seeing them now is because survivors got the short end of the stick. If the roles were reversed, I guarantee we would be seeing it.

    For instance, we can think of Undying, NOED, Spirit and her add-ons, and many others. And I'm not here to discuss whether or not these things needed nerfs, what matters is that survivos complained about them.

    Reversions have to be done in order to fix the issues, but these reversions have to go both ways.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Old Eruption had FAR more complaints about it than WoO has ever had.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582

    I'm saying that the term "anti loop killer" is inaccurate. There is not a single killer in the game that cannot use their power for a little bit of an extra edge in a loop. That is not a hot take but a fact. Name one exception, I'll wait.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265

    Removing/nerfing WoO will not prevent survivors giga predropping and camping pallets

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Stabiliser perk imo. I can absolutely see the need for it for new players to the game. I can remember the days when I wasn't overly surely where vaults were, but it's pretty easy to grasp with experience, map knowledge and actually paying attention when playing as to where the opportunities are.

    Its absolutely fine how it is and doesn't remotely need attention.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I'm pretty sure the term has to do with killers whose powers make a significant counter to traditional looping. Clown bottles or doctor shocks have far more impact than, say, wraith's cloak. Call it a misnomer but thats the colloquial usage of the term.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582

    I am aware of that. But the problem is that a term that isn't defined accurately is pretty much useless. Because then you have the issue, that there will be arguments about what actually falls under that category.

    Trapper for example is generally considered a killer without anti loop. But in reality he has pretty much the strongest anti loop in the game. Set a trap and now you get a free hit or down, if the survivor doesn't leave the loop.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    The difference in trapper's case is the same as in hag's: Their anti-loop is planned ahead, it's not on demand. Thats why most people don't consider them anti-loop, since dropping traps midchase just guarantees the survivor making it safely to the next tile. You could then argue that shift W works against multiple killers' anti-loop, so it starts to get a bit messy after that.

    I more accurately see people call them varying degrees of anti-loop. Someone like clown or pinhead you could say have strong anti-loop, while someone like hag has weak antiloop. Like you've surmised, nearly every killer in the game has some degree of anti-loop, but thats the fun part about colloquial usages: They're generally incorrect but still universally understood.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582

    I agree with the distinction you made in the second half but many Trappers will keep 1 or 2 traps at hand to shut down the strongest loops, if necessary. Especially with the now 10 traps, that is a reliable strategy. The same can and will be done with Hag, if you are going to 'chase' at all.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Undying got complaints because it was legitimately too strong. Spirit got complaints because there was no counterplay. NOED got complaints because there was no counterplay.

    They didn't get complaints because they got picked. NOED and Spirit weren't even 'meta'.

    No, because Eruption didn't last that long. Windows of Opportunity has overtaken it by now.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,524

    I literally said the point was not if those things deserved nerfs, only the fact they were part of the killer meta and survivors complained about them.

    And besides, I question this information. Spirit was literally the second-strongest killer in the game.