Apologies in advance….

I have approached the iri ranks for killer… so begins the games I must play for iri rank pips. May god have mercy on my soul for the builds, map, and playstyle I’m bringing upon survivors..
If you match with me, I’m sorry in advance. It must be done.. :,(
Edit: /S - since some of you gamers take every thread so serious. Lighten up, it’s Christmas time.
Give me hatch! I brought bloody Partystreamers!
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I must slug for the 4k….
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Imagine caring about pips.
(ok, if you need the Iri I achievements, it's understandable)
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Imagine not caring about pips.
I enjoy the extra 2 million BP. :)
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Yo, I've never made it past Iridescent II as Killer. I thought slugging meant less hooks, less chances to please the Entity.
I recall someone saying that you can lose pips if you kill everyone too quickly.
You can really slug for a 4K, hook everyone omly once and rank up?
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No no, I only slug the 2nd to last survivor so I can secure the 4k to max my points.
I always go for as many hooks as possible when pipping. I will slug death hook survivors though if I need more chase points.
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Oh OK, thank you for the clarification.
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Ive never understood stressing out and going out of your way to get to Iri. There's no difference whether you get it 5 days after rank reset or 30 days.
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It’s just a joke post… you guys need to stop taking it so serious. 😂
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Oh my bad lmao
To be honest when it comes to this subject, its quite difficult to distinguish whether its a joke or not. Some people want them pips as if a gun is pointing at them
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I mean.. once I do hit iri, I do play for the pips and blast my way to iri 1 as fast as I can just so I can get rank out of the way and go back to playing chill.
So I’d probably fit the bill you’re talking about.. but my post is supposed to be somewhat satire. XD
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Iri ranks don't mean much since it's not tied to MMR. I tend to jump around between several killers, making it so none of them ever get that high of MMR.
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It's a bitter-sweet bonus. It takes so much time to spend them 😔
That being said, my "motivation" for the pip is a pathological need to always reach the top. (I need help. 😅)
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Imagine playing Blight and worrying about pips.
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"May the Entity have mercy because I won't".
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Ehh, my blight mmr probably can’t be raised any higher.
No same… I haven’t missed iri 1 on either side, ever.. unless I’m taking a dbd break.
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You’re not making the point you think you are. Lol
I actually do have to worry about pips when playing blight because I sometimes end the game too fast and don’t pip.
Absolutely none… it’ll be over quick..
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You know what I love most about the new UI?
Now that they're hidden away, I barely have to look at my grade or pips anymore. Pretty good job so far, BHVR.
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Have you no shame? Even the winter cold isn't enough to stop a Blight main from sweating.
May the ghosts of Dwight's past, Meg's Present and Ace's Yet To Come show you the way.
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You guys spend blood points?
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I get iri 1 everytime the BP payout rolls around without even thinking about it. Not sure what this thread is supposed to be bringing, but uh... cool! lol
Also, players expect this from Blights now, so it's not much of an issue. Your attention seeking has been secured! :)
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You tell me I have no shame? How many baby megs and Dwights have you sawed to pieces?
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Hey buddy, it’s a joke.. You can relax.
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The randoms you crush aren't laughing lol. Im totally relaxed though. Im inebriated af and loving these forums lol
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Gotta keep my alch ring addiction alive somehow. 🤷🏻♂️
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Regardless. Nobody is “attention seeking”. Get out of here with weird stuff.
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For now! Its coming lol.
But tbh, the ring is the least of my worries. Have a million rush tokens! You're still not rushing me.
Compound 21 though... Even distortion isn't much help. Its gone in one chase usually lol. Thats my main gripe, but I dont feel its OP. Just a crutch on a killer who doesnt need it.
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T-t-t-that's different. I do that very gentle and with all the kindness in my heart. And sometimes a little bit of self hatred...
Also, it's not that many. Only about a very reasonable 9,774 survivors in total. That is not even 10k. I don't know the average pick rates for Dwight and Meg but it's probably only a few hundred. And most of them deserved it. They kept throwing pallets on my head when I only wanted to be friends!
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Tbf I stopped spending bp when I stopped running alch-ring/green speed every. single. game.
Can't fault you there!
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Right? These days I go into a match not even knowing what my progress is.
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I usually check around the 1st of a month. Im usually already where I want to be, so its pretty effortless. Not sure why people make such a deal about pipping up.
You sound like to play this game to have fun. You understand that's not really how things are currently, correct? /s
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Well if you get iri on killer and survivor thats 1mil bloodpoints. That's the only reason I want pips lool.