Are Blight's more mechanically complicated "techs" bugs or even exploits?

i.e. "hug"-techs
Apparently bugs.
But they've become 'techs' since the bugs arent able to be fixed.
Usually, using bugs for advantage is considered 'exploits', but not in dbd.
Hope this helps, but I dont think it does lol
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They were considered bugs at some point, but they have been in the game for so long that they might as well be considered Techs
I hate that definition, but that's the one everyone seems to be going with
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Have you SEEN some of these Objects not having Collision?!
not even kidding.. Hug techs ain't exploits nor bugs imho,
if it was.. then i'd def seen Oni or Billy getting Gutted if that was the case,
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Oni can slide on objects just like Blight. His mechanic is just... very different lol. But you're right.
On the note of gutting Billy, if BHVR does something stupid like that again, they'll pay dearly in the $$ category, I would wager.
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Lemme see if I can call in my expert. He might be a lil weird, and maybe slightly biased in what he says, but he's knowledgeable, promise. Hey @HugTechLover
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Theyre collision bugs, don't count on them getting fixed. Too much work.
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What makes me weird?! XD
I swear I’m not biased. Lol
I love blight, but I play all killers and play a ton of survivor too!
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They said in march 2022 i believe that hug tech is not intended and will be fixed. It's now december 2023 and hug tech is not fixed...
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It's one of those bugs that may just no longer be considered a bug or is just taking a long time to figure out a reasonable fix that won't ruin the killer.
There are some bugs that should always stay as they are. Such as when they "fixed" the flashlight and pallet stun "bug" way back in the day. Where killers would always drop a survivor no matter how early you got the blind or dropped the pallet.
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All Blights are weird. And since your forum name and icon is Blight, well.
Its nothing personal :P
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Friend, we all know your weird...
Because we are all weird.
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I'm not convinced, friend. Blight mains consume the strangest things and after that toilet cake incident...
Let's just say you're in good company with the rest of all the weird people here. Not me though, I'm not weird. Stop calling me weird!