Do you guys agree to have console cross-progression without your owed DLC pack?

I agree about it.


  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    well I own all dlc on ps4/ps5 and most on steam think I'd be fine.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    Yeah. I mean it can't possibly be a bad thing anyway. But yeah i would just buy all the dlc when it goes on sale for the other platforms i want to play on.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Nope, I consider cosmetic purchases to be a one and done ordeal. I personally don’t see the point of passing on my progress if my characters are going to be looking like generic Joes and Nancys.

    But I get why it would be done, as there are people that are willing to spend money to own cosmetics which they already own on the platform that they are leaving behind/ will be decreasing their usage of x platform.

    I am unwilling to repurchase cosmetics on different platforms for any game because I personally view my cosmetic purchases to be intertwined with the rest of my game progression. This means that I exclusively play dbd on the ps5. Same for any other games that have a more limited interpretation of cross progression.

    Also, when I returned to the game after not having touched it for a prolonged period of time, I ran with the game breaking issue of not having a single cosmetic unlocked, everything was gone. Had that issue not been resolved completely then I would have considered that to be the nail in the coffin of my dbd days.

    Progression is very important to me, especially progress which took a good chunk of time and money to achieve, for example I was once a player of Ark survival, in short, I ran into some silly bug which required of me to level up my character from the base level which all new characters start at, all the way to the level that I had reached, this bug would reset my level every time I would exit the game, so it became a hassle. Unfortunately, the developers were incapable of fixing this bug as it persisted for some time, eventually my file corrupted and all progress was lost, and no, a copy of my file did not resolve the issue, they all had the same problem, unfortunately, the developers were unwilling or incapable or remedying the situation. I’ve not touched the game since.

    I ran into another corruption issue in my beloved Minecraft world as well, this one actually hurt as I have had my survival world since I was little, copies of the world would have the same problem, but because of how emotionally attached I had become to it I didn’t give up on it so easily and I cynically made copies of the world in hopes that some method would resolve the issue. Turns out that putting my world on realms fixed the issue, so in a way I indirectly payed the company behind Minecraft to fix my world.

    Once my world was fixed I canceled my subscription as soon as possible as I believe that it is an inferior gaming experience when compared to non-realm worlds. But anyway, my world was fixed and I now make copies of it every time before I open it up and after I’ve finished playing. I’ve had some copies corrupt since so It is 100% worth being this cautious.

    In short, progression is very important to me; I reject/ disagree with this limited interpretation of cross progression, but I get why it’s done, because money or whatever. Don’t really see another reason why cosmetics can’t be considered as part of the cross progression system other than that, maybe some of you have another perspective in mind?

    Anyway, I thank you lovely troops for spending, what some would characterize to be as disposable income, into stuff that you’ve already purchased. I guess you can come to terms in getting the shortest end of the deal by thinking that, at the very least, your survivor/ killer of choice will be looking Gucci on pc/xbox/ps, and not just exclusively looking very Versace on a single one of those platforms. You can even flex this on your friends by telling them that you’re expensive in all facets of dbd, meanwhile they are only Gucci on pc, but Walmart in everything else.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    If it’s the only way cross progression can work then absolutely

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    Only DLCs. Cosmetics im EXTREMELY 50/50 on. I would hope and pray we wouldn’t have to rebuy all the cosmetics

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Only, and I mean ONLY DLCs. Cosmetics would be a bummer to lose between consoles and I highly doubt they would commit to having to repurchase cosmetics between consoles. DLCs are the concern because they're bought through Steam, Xbox, Playstation Store eShop etc etc, rather than being bought in-game like cosmetics and iri shard/auric-bought characters

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    I mean if the only thing that would convince them to make cross progression is the idea that some people will spend 2x as much on the game then I don't think id want it. Its not an act of good will its a business decision and I don't agree with it at that point.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 361

    It's better than the option for cross-progression not existing at all, strictly a good thing.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128
    edited December 2023

    Yup. I said awhile ago that I don't know why they didn't just have it for non-DLC content if the DLCs were the issue. I've got Rift stuff, charms, cosmetics - from store and Prime, etc, that I'd love to move over. Not to mention all my items.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I fully disagree cause I know this sound entitled. But I think you should be able to have all your stuff be transferred with no issue. I understand certain platforms like Switch and whatnot need it. But I think there should be other options then to having rebuy everything.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,934
    edited December 2023

    Don't think they can not give you the characters/cosmetics you own on cross progression, because how would you differentiate between things you unlock with shards, and things you unlock with cells?

    Obviously licensed DLC would be Cells only, but if an item is unlocked for your account, it's unlocked. So I'm not convinced it is possible to do a halfway cross-progression unless they keep an exact tally of how you unlocked each character.

    I suspect this is the reason they can't do cross-progression. No way to give you things you've progressed, without unlocking tbe DLC content too... which might have trouble with the respective platforms.

    Only way we see cross progression likely is if the price of all DLC goes up to account for the additional cost of that DLC to allow it to be migrated.

  • LuckyJewel
    LuckyJewel Member Posts: 128

    All we rebuy is just dlc, original or licensed otherwise cosmetic and other purchases you own will exist

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    I'd only consider that a possibility if all of the stuff you've earned/bought/achieved with the DLC characters comes over, then auto unlocks when you purchase the DLC. Or as someone previously said, you have the option of purchasing the DLCs (at a discounted rate, since you've already bought them once) when the transfer is done so everything transfers at the same time.

    For example, if you already own all the DLCs on Platform A and are moving to Platform B. The transfer goes through and you have the base game and all the purchases/unlocks/achievements for it immediately, and all of the stuff for the DLCs you owned is transferred but inaccessible. Then, as you purchase the DLCs on Platform B, each time you purchase one all of your previous purchases/unlocks/achievements for that DLC's characters immediately unlock and go active.

    Otherwise, I don't see the point of the transfer as you're potentially leaving massive amounts of time/money/effort behind and will have to redo all of it. And that's if it's even possible to do. Some items, cosmetics, and such from Rifts/events/codes/pre-orders/etc. you'll likely never be able to obtain again (recolored junk doesn't count).

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,146

    I'd need to know more about how it would work. There are lots of unanswered questions. I'd want to share progression between my Switch and PC platforms, but since I bought most of my Killers via Steam, I guess that would mean I wouldn't be able to use them on Switch? And what about the extra free Killers that come with the Switch edition of the game? Will I get Spirit, Hag, Adam, Ace and Clown added to my Steam account, or will they be stranded on Switch? What if I have higher prestige and more perks unlocked for my PC characters? Do they take priority when merging the accounts?

    Ultimately, if there's not much that I can share between the two platforms because I didn't buy much from the in game store, then it will be a bitter sweet feature for me. It would be good to only have to grind through one rift / event tome instead of two, though. So if I could at least share that it would be something...

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2023

    The real question they are asking is: Would you be fine giving us money for the same content more than once so we don't have to pay Sony part of the benefits we made even if the purchases are not made in Playstation? And the answer is no, I don't agree.

    There is no other explanation for not implementing a proper cross-progression while having an in game store with an account linked to it, and after making it clear in the AMA that their priority with the game are cosmetics and DLCs while they would take "years" to implement QoL features? Absolutely not.

    Start doing things right for your consumers BHVR.