Nurse Rework: Tie her power to Survivor Screams from basic hits for her ability to recharge

Nurse should start the game as a 110% walking killer, however upon hitting a survivor with a basic attack she gains a scream charge.

The survivors scream from a basic hit then shifts her movement speed back to her original (96% floating speed) but gives her the trade mark teleport ability. Now good nurses can basically keep her into teleport mode by successfully gaining hits to charge her scream meter (Up to 2). However misses places her back into (110% walking mode.)

So we constantly have nurse changing from a 96% speed killer with teleports, then back to a 110% killer with no teleporting ability. This could be seen visually from survivors from her floating above the ground, meaning she has a scream, then she walks normally on the ground when she is (110% speed without any charges.)

This fundamentally changes Nurse in a way that is fair to survivors while keeping her power where they need to earn it, the same way an Oni player must gain theirs.


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    4.4m/s killers rely on their power for hits so making one that rely on hits for its power is not the right usage of making a killer 4.4m/s

  • TheRealConsent
    TheRealConsent Member Posts: 248

    Honestly, I've played one blink Nurse before, and its rather fun at times. I dont know why, but psychologically (and LITERALLY) i feel like im playing with one arm behind my back? Like my arm genuinely feels weird when i play with one blink...

    Anyway, point is, a good nerf to her while still keeping her identity could be making her a 4.6 with 1 blink. Anything else is either too big of a nerf, or too big of a change.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 361

    While an interesting change, I'm not sure we want to make the gap between good and bad Nurses even wider

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    Even being 4.6 and that'd be terrible. An M1 4.4 Killer with no help in chase is horrible.

  • PortaI_2
    PortaI_2 Member Posts: 30