Chucky battery nerf :)

I think there is a simple change that would make Chucky much more intricate. Chucky would have to collect batteries to keep himself running, either after each use of his Hidey-Ho mode or every few minutes. When Chucky is replenishing his batteries at lockers or little stands across the map, he would have to become slowed and blinded for 1-3 seconds while in the batteries, gradually going back to normal vision and speed over the 2 seconds.
Alongside a previous post I made, maybe survivors could steal his batteries out of Chucky if he misses a swing or a dash, survivors may steal his batteries (it would fill their item slot), which would render him at like, Nurse walking speed until he replenishes his batteries.
THanks for listening! I can't stop thinking about these changes, so I hope they'll get a consideration.
I’m not gonna lie, this would make chucky absolutely MISERABLE to play, and would render him extremely 1) weak, and 2) subject to bullying by good swf’s.
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3) It's extremely hard against the characters lore, since the whole reason he was outed as a possessed doll in the first film was the fact he was operating without batteries.
Op: while appreciate the passion, Chucky is not that oppressive, especially since his flicks got fixed/nerfed. He is a 4.4 killer so is vulnerable to pre-running. If he uses Hidey Ho to close distance, you know he doesn't have it at loops if he doesn't use it, you can mind game and fake at distance, since he had a hard time seeing around LoS blockers
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As stated, he doesn't need batteries to function.
He is a possessed doll through voodoo magic.
The batteries included addon is, well an "addon" which can make him faster around finished gens.
Your suggestions would make him totally unplayable.