Almost 1 YEAR since the last Resident Evil collection skins - i'm sad

Resident Evil x LNY Collection Trailer released JANUARY 24TH 2023
C'mon BHVR, there's just so many skins from Resident Evil to add in the game
Jill Valentine - Battlesuit
Ada Wong - RE4 remake outfit
Rebecca Chambers - RE1 classic outfits
Ashley - RE4 remake legendary skin
Leon - RE6 Outfit
We want more Resident Evil content, it's been 1 YEAR already
I'm waiting for this since 4ever
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I'm still waiting on a Billy Coen legendary skin :(
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Battlesuit Rebecca, Battlesuit Jill, Pirate Jill and Cheerleader Rebecca needed
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It may have been one year but - without a question - that Birkin skin is one of the best in the game.
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We have 2 RE chapters, thats 1 more then we have with any other licence.Dont missunderstand me, i dont dislike RE at all, but there are other licences we already have in the game that i would much prefere to see an expansion. For exampleFreddy Krueger OriginalStranger Things (Eddie, Vecna, Hopper)Scream (Woodsboro, Sidney Prescot, Randy)
Just to name a few.I missread, i for some reason thought its about chapters.
Skins: Yes, give us more of that :)
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Ashley should be her own survivor and all her perks should involve relying on other survivors 😂
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Yeah I think the lack of Rebecca skins especially is crazy! I think any of her skins would be great, but I've been wanting her leather one from RE0 the most, or her nurse outfit! But as a whole it is really shocking on the cosmetics as a whole being rather lacking.
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that would be very fitting
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claire should've been a character, She was a main protagonist in 3 games. Sheva should've been a character, she was a main playable character in 1 game. Ashley is a side character, plot device, she should not be more than a skin. Ashley is exactly what the legendary skins should be used for.
As a massive Resident Evil fan, it really is kind of stupid that Rebecca got a character slot over Claire.
but lets be honest, playing resident evil characters not named ada is bad. Ada is the only one who can't be heard moaning across the map. Leon, Claire, Jill, Rebecca are all so damn loud you're playing at a disadvantage playing them.
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Ada re4remake and Assignment Ada outfits are a NEED
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I need all these outfits and classic Claire.
Do these people not want money? Genuinely asking!
All my RE characters are p100, give me more outfits please 😭
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Nobody was expecting another RE chapter, probably even BHVR.
That's why Claire and Chris used as legendary costumes.
And Rebecca deserves to be her own character lol, RE storyline started with her game, RE 0
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I'm not an RE fan but I play Sheva a fair bit and she's super quiet too
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I want Claire Code Veronica outfit :(
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Sometime in the future, we will get the illusory Freddy tome with tons of Freddy charms and an iridescent Freddy cosmetic based on the scene where Freddy fights someone being completely invisible.
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Ada, Jill, Leon, Rebecca, Nemmy and Wesker.
That's 6 p100 not counting Birkin.
I'm impressed.