Chucky is almost perfect

It’s been a month since Chucky has come to dbd and while he’s my favorite character there’s just some things that need fixing to make him feel better.
Mainly his scamper is very broken you can just avoid everything with the ability and not use the slice and dice. It should feel very fun using slice and dice but I can’t cause the cooldown is way to long. Here are my changes to Chucky
- reduce the hidey ho cooldown from 18 seconds to 15 seconds.
- increase hidey ho duration to 15 seconds.
- make it so you can disable hidey ho mode at any point (by pressing the same button as activating it, doing so will trigger its 15 second cooldown).
- scampering under a pallet will automatically end hidey go mode triggering its cooldown (doesn’t end on vaulting windows only pallets).
- Chuckys power is active at the start instead of having to wait.
the last point might not be necessary but I added it to make him more scary so he’s very unpredictable at the start. that’s all I would do for Chucky
I don't think Chucky needs much any buffs or nerfs honestly.
Only buff I would do is reduce the cooldown for the power by maybe 2 seconds. That's it. He don't need nerf either.
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chucky needs better map presence. his cooldown really hurts his map presence at the moment. no ability to get chain-hits. I wish Chucky had Blight's Alchemist ring.
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Not every Killer needs to be good at everything. Important is that the Killer is great at something that is meaningfull enough to be strong. Don't need to overbuff him.
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My one concern with him is how he still gets to use Slice ‘n Dice immediately after a scamper. I feel like Scampering needs to eat a a significant portion of the active period of Hidey-Ho mode.
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He's already the 4th or 5th best killer in the game the idea of buffing him in any way is insane. If anything they need nerfs but it's fine if they don't.
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Only thing he needs is a shorter power cooldown and automatically put him in cooldown after scampers/vaults. The scamper playstyle is braindead. Need to incentivize the skilled portion of the kit.
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This. Those 2 changes would make him feel so much better.
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This is the perfect way to change Chucky, by actually encouraging the skillful playstyle rather than scamper over pallet for free down.