The Nurse Basekit NEED to be changed for the futur of DbD

First, happy new year everyone :)
Second, I main nurse, I really really like to play this killer even is this is broken.
This killer was design for destroy infinite loop at the time that survivor were op (pallet vaccum, no entity vault blocker etc, 4x mores pallets, no medium vault times)
So, now .... This killer destroy the movement mecanics and even the " map ", I don't ask for nerf the basekit, or nerf the addons, I ask for an complete rework. This killer is not just " op " or " broken ", her basekit is an problem due of the current game mecanics, and of the chase mecanics themselves.
BHVR is keep nerfing her for balance but she will never be balanced. It's her design. It's problem. This killer is just cheating, ignoring everything in game. I don't know why BHVR is refusing to rework.
They are so worried to buff Trapper to not make him problematic against low mmr survivors but yet, we have Nurse in game for 7 years.
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First of all, happy new year!
Second, I am not sure asking for a complete rework is a good idea. The mere word is a a bad omen, confirmed when you see the several examples we have.
Freddy? Worst rework in the game's history.
Billy? Ruined.
Skull Merchant? Awful to go against before the rework (judging from the information I've received), awful to play against after the rework.
Trickster? Made even more unfun.
Onryo? So bad it is getting reverted.
Imagine if Nurse gets the same treatment. She will place puddles of blood on the ground? Overheat?
Sure, maybe you can point me towards Bubba or Legion. But a full rework ALWAYS has a risk of ending badly.
And that will never change.
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I really like to play against her even if she is op, she is completely different to every other killer.
She should only get a longer cooldown, so that a missed blink is actually punished.
Also one good way would be the return of the old flashlight mechanics for all killers.
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Yep most reworks are just sad for players, who liked the characters before. The best thing would be to address the problems certain killers have, instead of changing most parts.
I‘m happy if they return Sadako to her old state. If behavior does it right with Sadako, then I hope Freddy is next.
The only killer behavior can‘t save is skull merchant, even after her rework she is unfairer than nurse and it‘s sad that she has a better stealt than ghost face. (She has a secret power suicide)
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She needs a few basekit changes such as:
- lose blink tokens when stunned, and succumb to fatigue)
- bring back flashlight interactions (light burn)
- if she starts charging a blink while the other hasn't fully reloaded yet, she loses the load progress of that blink too
These are all things she used to have before her recode (+ light burn being removed later) and that shouldn't have been removed imho. She's got the strongest power, ######### ups should be equally punishing. Personally I'd also like for her to be unable to see survivor auras while she uses her power, so ######### nurses carried by cheap perks like nwth and floods would actually have to learn where to blink
- why does she have a mangled addon?
- also Jenner's last breath is stupid af. If I want to play like a #########, all I do is use that addon. Should have a stronger downside, something like the triple blink addon that increases recharge rate
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Yeah, that is the sad truth. They seem to be aware of the issue with Onryo, but Freddy and Billy have yet to be fixed.
As I've said on other threads, I'm really hoping they finally bring Freddy's old power back. It has been a long dance since 2019 and I miss my favorite killer so much.
As for Skull Merchant... well, I honestly have no idea how to save this character. There has to be way, but for now it seems she will remain the way she is, with people disconnecting the moment they hear the first notes of her chase theme.
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That would also hamper her movement in general. She HAS to blink to close distance on survivors. You have to ensure that the distance of her blink+fatigue+cool down doesn't result in her average speed dropping below 4.0
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if what your saying is accurate, and that’s what they believe. then why not try something like..
remove the ability to teleport through walls, jungle gyms, all that (maybe not pallets, but that’s debatable). but increase her base movement speed, increase her blink speeds increase her blink charges, etc! that way she uses it as map mobility so she has better gen pressure but isn’t so terrorizing for survivors who learned how to loop. plus c she can use it to gain speed on survivors too.
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That just makes her a worse dash killer.
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One other way would be to increase her look down time after a blink, but everything results in a slower map travisel, which I don‘t think would hurt this character.
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Make the Spasmodic Breath add-on (60s of 115 speed after blink hit) basekit.
I will never not suggest this when I see these threads made. It would work so well; her kit stays the exact same but is now nerfed where she can't just spam the power and snowball instantly.
She would get use out of more M1 killer perks that'd she'd otherwise never use and while still strong she wouldn't be top of the food chain anymore and many would even start to consider her fun to go against!
I swear one day my hot take will take off and become a normal take!
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It actually would... Nurse's average movement speed is one of the worst in the game. You have a bunch of rapid movement followed by complete stops. Mess with it too much and you'll be left with a situation where a golfball on the W key will outrun a nurse.
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They need to just go with the suggestion that she has to earn her power like Oni. No way any killer should have a power that strong with 100% uptime.
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I mean, dead by daylight IS an tag game with an horror overlay, in the gameplay (not the lore but this is ludonarativ dissonance, great subject btw), an killer like the nurse who is BY FAR NOT anymore in the game balance ideology, and in the game idea ideology doesn't have to exist
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Devs made the nurse movement speed slower than survivors, this is REALLY GOOD, an nurse CAN'T IGNORE HIS POWER, it's not like hillbilly who only use the power for mobility (dbd first tournament flashback lmao).
Nurse power concept IS problematic and doesn't have to exist in an game like dead by daylight
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I think that, if missed blink had to be punished, the killer should go 100% movement speed, don't do hillbilly rework syndrom of (you have to use your power but it's wanky goodluck)
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Btw, i'm not asking for balance the addons, or the power, but an complete rework of the power basekit
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I don‘t want her to be reworked she is a cool designed killer. Therefore I make suggestions to make her fairer. One second more cooldown on her power wouldn‘t hurt, even 3 not.
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I don‘t know what they did to hillbilly, but he still very strong and I like playing him
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I think the bigger thing I've never really seen people explain around here during my time with this game is... How to rework the Nurse.
Do you buff her movement speed and remove wall phasing or add longer cooldowns? Can she still phase through pallets? What do you take away in exchange to make her more in line with other killers without making her completely useless? Do you restrict aura reading? How would you go about that?
I feel the problem has been left in so long that no matter what the outcome, people will still be upset. Heck, look at Skull Merchant for proof of that, wasn't out nearly as long and people still hate her rework even though she objectively can't 3 gen as good. And with Nurse I haven't seen the community agree on a change.
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Skull merchant is unfair, she has drones as her power not 10 status effects. She shouldn‘t get a speed boost and undetectable. Her stealth is better than ghost faces, which is stupid and he doesn‘t get a speed boost.
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I think there are plenty other killers than need some touching up before nurse. Her issues are more than just a rework to basekit, they've basically done that already with basic hit perks like NOED and Sloppy not triggering on hits and reducing her blinks from 3 to 2 base. She does break the game rules but it's not impossible to deal with her.
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We already have that with her matchbox add-on and if you've ever gone against a nurse using that I don't need to explain why it's a stupidly miserable experience
She'd be extremely weak in the macro/overall game but stupidly miserable ti go against, in this case quite literally there's nothing you can do
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I agree with the speed boost or hindered, but this is exactly my point.
Killers get reworked and people still are mad about this or that. And most of the time we all can't agree on what needs changing in each killer's kit, be it simple things or drastic. And once a killer does get reworked, the community is already so up-at-arms about the problematic kit that they either ignore what was changed and continue to think it's the same killer, claim the killer is completely gutted, or some new meta with the killer arises that becomes the ire of that killer even if it's not as problematic as they used to be.
Perhaps it's a problem with the game's size these days though, it would be impossible for a rework to resonate with every player. At the very least it should be something most of us would agree with. And honestly, knowing BHVR recently even I'm a little scared that they'd completely kneecap a Nurse rework or make them oddly imbalanced.
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I think when reworking or changing something you should care about the people who like that character before, instead of making him something they dislike
Post edited by jonifire on1 -
Also a double edged sword, I saw a lot of SM defenders wanting the old drones back. If we all want balanced stuff, we'd have to accept changes to things we all don't fully agree with. The real kicker is if more people agree with the change than disagree AND it's balanced correctly. Probably BHVR's biggest challenge with a Asym game and one I don't envy trying to figure out at this point.
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She needs an overhaul to her power. Right now, she literally has no counterplay what so ever. The only counterplay is based on the Nurse making mistakes. That's nor real counterplay, regarding that we are talking about a killer that can Clip through objects, ignoring survivors main sources of safety, pallets and windows.
For the overall health of the game, she has to change.
However, I agree with @GeneralV@General. If the rework looks like some of the ones done in the past, I pass on that opinion. We dont need another character that has to be tweaked again and again.
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I feel that way with Onryo, I liked how she was and now she is completely different.
Skull merchant is the only character I would want to be made useless, because the whole concept is poorly implemented.
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Personally I don't want to see any killer useless, or really perks in general too.
Every addition should have their niche in the game. They can be hated and loved by people for their kit because let's face it, nobody will ever universally love a killer, but their kit should still be balanced well enough and fun to play to those dedicated to them.
Take Onryo for example, I love playing her before and after the rework, probably still will after the next rework because I did find ways to play her that don't involve her broken strategies and doesn't leave me feeling useless at the same time. Others don't agree with me and that's 100% fine, but I'd argue Onryo is somewhere between broken and weak at the moment depending on how she's played.
Another example I see is Deathslinger. Love playing him and landing crazy shots and hits, but I also see a lot of people say he's far too weak and needs buffs while others say no killer should have a gun that draws them to the killer. Or even Legion, one I see constant complaints about but I also see the most fanart and cosplays of.
Gutting killers to uselessness because they're disliked is not the way to go, I'd be more content if they were changed to be well received.
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How do you Play Sadako in no disgusting and condemned spamm way. I tried and without playing dirty, she is just bad.
I don‘t like to play against legion and deathslinger, but at least the rounds can be fun. Every round against skull merchant was just 😭
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My build actually uses 2 purple addons: VCR and Distorted Photo.
VCR pairs extremely well with my current build of Deadman's Switch, Surge, and Bamboozle. Fourth perk slot opened for whatever, currently using Dissolution for further pallet mindgames or Gearhead for information, and Distorted Photo kinda fills a niche for me since I tend to go in and out of demanifest in chase, I can even use it as a mini I'm All Ears at windows if they're looking at me, but the addon can be swapped around.
Typical gameplan is to get an early hook using manifest mindgames and teleport immediately to either a generator someone is on or to a centralized TV to let VCR throw out the fake projections. 50/50 chance of survivors being brave and staying on gens, or letting go and blocking their gen for 25ish seconds each time. Then I just approach while demanifested and scout for the next victim or teleport again if you need the distance.
It's great if you're not entirely focused on building condemned extremely fast, plus if survivors decide to do tapes while DMS is active you can get some tape slaps. Thankfully the build will probably still work with whatever change they make later, unless TVs get some drastic rework or VCR does.
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Nurse doesn't need any more nerfs. Survivors have gotten every big nerf for nurse they've ever demanded, and they always just demand more. Nurse is fine.
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good to know. always good to think about ideas, whether their good or bad
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There is 1 thing that you can nerf Nurse but still keep her kit the same
- Get into fatigue removes all power token.
- Requires maximum tokens to use power.
Currently if you get hit from the first blink, you down for sure, because she only need half a time before blinking again.
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That‘s a good change too