I’m done.

This isn’t much of a discussion but feel free to leave comments as you wish. As a primary soloQ survivor, I just finished what will be my last game unless something changes to support soloQ players and make the experience better. I am tired of the game ending in five minutes or less. The examples are written all over this forum about how unbalanced this game is. I hope other players will take a stand and quit playing this game and stop dealing with the headache until something changes.

I also find it disgusting that we can get new killers and survivors every few weeks (it seems like) but people are on here pleading for some g** da** changes and you devs are conveniently dragging your feet. Who the he** idea was it to nerf MFT?

NEWS FLASH : if you don’t play swf, perks like that really f’ing helped!!

how about focusing on the player experience. I swear I feel like all you devs are doing is watching footage of YouTubers who have bully squads and decide what’s op that way. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SOLOQ SURVIVORS WHO ARE DYING MORE THAN ESCAPING BECAUSE THEIR TEAMMATES SUCK!?!?

we have no perk setups to help us when our teammates suck and are getting slaughtered. All we can do is wait for hatch and that sucks and makes the whole match a waste of time. Have you devs ever seen the games where a seasoned killer slaughters the whole survivor team so fast that they (sometimes) let the last survivor go? Out of pity! Disgraceful.

Like so many other players, I really hope things change but until then (if ever) I’m done with DBD. I’m not going to argue survivor vs killer and who has it easier because honestly it’s not about that. You devs are being lazy and paying more attention to making money through adding content instead of player experience and it’s ruining one of the best games of our generation.

You guys can see the player count and you know it’s true. Players are dropping and come back for a brief moment to check out new content then they stop playing again.

Figure out how to bring balance to the game WITHOUT nerfing anything and wizzing off players on either side any further than we are already.

Do you devs even see how toxic those end game chats are?

You guys need to bring balance to the game. Until then, I’m out.


  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    If you are playing solo queue, you cannot expect to win every trial, you need to try to be the last one that dies and also go for the sole survivor/ wake up build mentioned above to raise mmr. Other recommendations would include some information perks, kindred to this day is a complete go to perk and you can see what your teammates are actually doing when that survivor is hooked, you see them not doing anything just wait out the inevitable and rinse and repeat. Hey at least you aint stuck with playing low tier killers, that's been a complete nightmare against teams and far weaker than a solo survivor ever could be.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 504

    g** da**he**

    I wonder what it supposed to mean?

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    When I play alone I made a solo build. Sole/Clairvoyance/Plunderer/Appraisal.

    Whenever I was the last one there was a good chance I escaped.

    I didn’t choose Left Behind because I noticed I had to run out more to detect the hatch aura. Exposing myself to the killer. Clairvoyance allows you hide where you are because the radius is huge. As to devise a strategy to safely reach the hatch. This is the same if it’s closed from beyond the distance of Left Behind after retrieving a key from a chest.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 395
    edited December 2023

    I used to play mostly solo q and now I have people to play with and it makes it better. The amount of times I've been crapped on by my teammates for no reason is unreal considering the game requires teamwork to escape and get gates.

    Also, some killers are just insane (Nurse, Blight) like we needs changes to those killers.

    I have thought about buffs and nerfs in game for example (if the killer has gotten 3 or more hooks before gens then survivors get gen speed and haste in chase) this would only be for so long and ONLY if the killer is really stomping. If the survivors have done 2 gens before the killer has got a hook then the killer receives a buff in chase. I feel this would help because if survivors are struggling they can get help and if the killer is struggling then they get help. So if a killer is facing a "sweat Squad" it's not just gens done gg ez lol.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    A far better change for MFT would be that you only get the 3% speed bonus as Obsession. Right now it‘s just a killed perk like most are.

  • Dalfurious
    Dalfurious Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2023

    Perhaps the game is no longer for you? I'm on console so I don't see the comments at the end of matches, maybe you should move to console so you don't see that stuff. lol

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I hate perks that give constant haste but even I admit, this would be a cool anti-obsession based perk.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I‘m happy that you like it.

    Even with injured and being the obsession it would be by far better than it is right now and nobody can complain that everybody has 3%, because there is only one obsession.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Thematically it works too. If the survivor knows they're the target of course they're going to work harder than the others for survival. That's kind of the idea behind Yun-Jin's perks too iirc, so if something is going to give a constant haste when injured it may as well be the obsession.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 377

    I agree with most of what you say. I do think that the Devs do pay attention more to the streamers than anything. However MFT did need a nerf. Playing as killer and with the right combo yeah it needed a nerf.

    However an alternative to nerfing these perks into the ground and hurting Soloq survivors would be to black out perks that you can't combine and this would be for both sides as well.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    Yes it was miserable to play killer, but making it an exclusive to killers is unfair.

    For the combo part: I think it would be sad when you can‘t make a 150% movement speed ghost face, you know. But I understand the problem behind it, because of it perks have to be bad to not be to strong in combos.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 377

    I understand that but when perks combined become overpowered together then one gets a nerf because a select few exploit it. For instance a killer would not be able to use a complete end game build or a survivor would not be able to do a complete gen build because if you do have the right perks you can do a gen in like 30-45 seconds, I tried it out and it was boring AF. This way perks stay in tact and you can use them with builds. I mean MFT is still strong, but not like super strong. Also I see your point about Ghost face.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    MFT is only strong when the killer slugs and the 3% aren‘t really noticeable (getting to the point of having deep wounds is almost never and a completely different story).

    Also MFT wasn‘t too strong before the nerf, the only problem was that the weaker killers suffered. For example ghost face: I play him without speed perks and he got unplayable at that time, because he has no power like huntress….

    Second problem was the pick rate. Everybody blamed this perk for the longer chases, but except of those YouTuber, who claimed it is op, most people didn‘t perform better because of this perk. It helped a lot, but same goes for pain res.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 968

    mft was really strong, more 3% distance for every second running is a lot

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    But it wasn‘t too strong only against certain killers and many killers didn‘t even care about it.

    Yes it was very strong, I personally would have removed the endurance first and when it’s still a problem made it 2,5% or I made it an obsession based perk, so that only one person can use it

  • VaporLion
    VaporLion Member Posts: 386

    if you havent noticed, the only thing the devs care about is making as much money as possible with little effort.

    Thats why the main things they focus on are dlcs & skins.

    They only go out their way to do some perk nerfs if there are too many complaints but thats it.

    No new modes. Nothing new and more interesting than holding m1 at generators. BP are there to trick you psychologically into thinking that u profit from playing this game, while in reality you are just waysting your time and get more depressive and enraged by playing this pile of ****.

  • Dionysusdog
    Dionysusdog Member Posts: 154

    This reads like a temper tantrum. Don't get me wrong I understand being angry when I lose but you need to take a minute instead of raging out pal. This game is a team game. And there are tons of players that want teammates. Send friend requests and game invites to every person you play with in solo q. Soon you will have a steady stream of invites for SWFs. Solo q is hard because there is less teamwork...that is all. And getting mad about nerfs is understandable but when the game starts to lose players due to broken perks BHVR has to nerf them to save the game.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 895
