Killer perk idea

Can we finally get a killer perk for increasing the radius of aura reading? Something like: Increase the aura reading of other perks by 4m/5m/6m and increase the aura reading of add-ons by 1m/2m/3m. The two effects don't work with each other and will prioritize using the add-on aura increase over the perk aura increase should it affect both in the same way. This perk doesn't affect base kit aura reading on killer powers.(in the case of a killer having aura on survivors through their base kit.)
Survivors have had Kindred since the start and as killer I think sacrificing a perk slot for support for aura reading should be given at some point. The perk will never appear in the shrine and you can even put it on a license character if you want.
i think they rather buff killer aura reading perks with further radius then invent new perk. for example, if nurse calling radius is too low, buff nurse calling to 34 meters. furthermore, i think majority of them are unlimited range and they already have lethal pursuer that increases aura reading duration by +2 seconds.
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I think A Nurse's Calling was at a higher radius but it was too strong hence why they reduced the size. If you check the perk lists a lot of the aura perks are radius based attached to the killer or something on the map, Lethal Pursuer doesn't apply its effect to those types of perks only to the ones that have an aura duration. The perk I suggest is the other spectrum to Lethal Pursuer. It doesn't affect duration time but instead the base radius of the attached object be it the killer, generators, hooks, totems etc. It is also a pretty even split between aura radius and aura duration.
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i can only think of 2 perks that can get benefited with that...
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i can think of 7 perks off-the top my head. Hangman Trick, A Nurse's Calling, Darkness Revealed, Nowhere To Hide, Hex:Undying, I'm all ears, Awakened Awareness. Maybe there is one more but i can't think of any others.
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the ones i remembered were hex undying and a nurse's calling lol
still, not a good idea to use a perk slot for that. Instead increase the already existing aura perk radius and GG