Bone Chill Event Feedback



  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    My humble experience just throwing snowballs to others was a poor experience i mean u have fun once or few games after that you dont offer anything new and that mechanic got used to provoke killers

  • Feetman
    Feetman Member Posts: 15

    Frankly the only thing that really stood out to me was the Bloodhunt. Everything else felt pretty boring or inconsequential or just annoying, like the snowmen decoys jumpscaring you even as killer.

  • Scum_Vullage
    Scum_Vullage Member Posts: 10

    Players should be able to get role specific 'milestone' event items by playing only that role

    Milestone event items where introduced last event. Players complained because you had to complete the survivor missions in order to get the killer specific cosmetic reward. It is the same for the current event, where players will need to complete the killer missions in order get the head piece for the Jeff outfit. I don't think you should have to play a role you don't enjoy to get event/celebration rewards, but if you do, the last reward shouldn't be role specific or a highly desired item like the new banners and icons.

    This isn't about the difficulty of the missions, the issue is that some people just don't like certain styles of gameplay. You also create the problem of people playing only for objectives that aren't in line with intended gameplay. I, for example, gravitate toward tanks and healers in video games and don't get any enjoyment from hitting people who can't hit back. It's just not worth 9+ missions of killer to access the final reward. Events should be a celebration, not a chore.

  • CaffeineKage
    CaffeineKage Member Posts: 1

    Players shouldn't be forced to play killer or survivor just to get enough credits for the specialty items. There should be enough so that either killer or survivor mains can stick to what they enjoy the most while not missing out on any cosmetics. Also, I liked that I could enjoy a themed outfit just by paying some shards I got from grinding the game rather than having to shell out actual money. More of that, please! Also, some more decor on the maps would give it more of a festive look

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    Can you make an idea summary like with trickster and Chucky, before you change Sadako so we can give ideas and feedback in advance.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,417

    It feels like Snowskulls are just another way to BM people 95% of the time. The fullscreen overlay is annoying as well.

    I kinda preferred the cute snowmen too. Unfortunately this event doesn't feel like much of anything.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2023

    What do you mean with that „to BM people 95% of the time. The fullscreen overlay is annoying as well.“

    I would be so happy if the snow Skulls and snow man’s would be a feature on ormond

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806
    • I preferred the iconic, silly look of the inflatable snowmen.
    • The notifications for triggering a decoy snowman felt unfair on both sides.
    • The amount of bloodpoints for interacting with the event mechanics seemed so low that it was almost not worth interacting with them.
    • Hiding inside snowmen doesn't seem worth it for either side unless you want to camp as killer.
    • The randomness aspect of trying to aim the snowskulls was just annoying.
    • More winter/snowy maps would be appreciated.
    • Certain spawn points for snowmen and snow piles made some loops stronger than usual.
  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418

    I loved the event, particularly the snowskulls were a lot of fun. Used them a lot as both survivor and killer.

    I appreciate that there are now more events coming with a themed tome (keeps up interest in the event and makes the rift less grindy), and that the challenges are actually chill and not like "sacrifice all four survivors in the basement in one match". Please keep it that way, particularly if getting all rewards requires completing all challenges. Time to get everything was just right for me.

    The only challenge I disliked a bit was to kill the obsession twice. I usually play super fair and don't want anyone to feel specifically targeted, plus I have my own standards like if I notice somebody is really new at the game I give them a bunch of chances to practice and let them go. Likewise if someone made me laugh during the match (e.g. when I'm playing Trapper and there's a poor trap magnet in the group who steps into virtually every trap I put up). These happened to be my obsession a bunch of times, so it took me a little more attempts than I would have liked to because I let them go.

    I also like the "new style" how the event rewards are earned (via Event Currency from the tome, as it was introduced with the Halloween event). The progression feels pretty good, prior ways were either extremely grindy (way back) or everything was obtained super fast.

    The only problem I could see is that if somebody plays only survivor he can't get all survivor rewards (particularly Jeff's head) without completing the killer challenges as well. For me that's not an issue as long as it doesn't require any tough killer challenges that encourage playing really dirty and mean to complete them.

    And finally, the best part of the event was that Jeff got an outfit! Thank you!

  • Liber_Lupus
    Liber_Lupus Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I think that it should be taken into consideration that most players don't play both sides. I only play survivor and it feels very limiting/unfair to have to grind through killer challenges just to complete the Bone Chill Tome as someone who is HORRENDOUSLY bad at killer. Even the most basic challenges -- kill a survivor -- are impossible for me after going game and game against 100 prestige players bringing flashlights and "bullying" me. I'm more than happy to play survivor and leave playing killer to those enjoy it, but to lock the cosmetics behind an almost 100% tome completion of both sides? Pretty ridiculous. Makes the game severely unenjoyable being forced to play how I don't like to. I love playing DBD (as a survivor) and having a good time! This is not a good time.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
    edited January 2

    Keep it simple. Love the snowskulls. Nice jumpscares from snowmen. Although i wish we had those cute snowmen back and high five with extra Bloodpoints.

    My only complain is this.

    Like. Exsqueeze me. I thought yall said on livestream autohaven would also be DECKED the house down boots like Ormond. Yall need to spice up the decorations rather than just put a few presents around the trial. We need more christmas trees rather than just being in the basement and lockers lit up with lights by default. Need some christmas lights on the cars. The trash cans. Something. Lets really light up autohaven next time

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 146

    This event is not that bad, considering the past events, but locking a survivor cosmetic behind killer challanges is dumb. I don't like being forced to play role I don't like playing.. I also don't want to buy everything... I will never use Skull Merchant or Greg's head piece.. not to mention the trinkets or whatever it is called, but I am forced to buy everything if I want Jeff...

    Also putting challanges like KILL all survivors is not the best Xmas spirit if you ask me.. There should be a way to re-roll challenges or buy your way out of the ones you don't want to do. Let me pay XX amount of BPs to contribute to challange I don't want to do, can limit it to 1 challange per lvl.. or just make all of them being for both roles.

  • dance
    dance Member Posts: 75

    We plan to continue creating feedback threads when changes go live on PTB and / or the live server.

    If I understand correctly you're asking about a feedback thread before the changes go live. Even without a dedicated thread, we're always keeping our eyes peeled for feedback on multiple platforms.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2

    Yes so we can give ideas before things change.

    I mostly feel like good ideas often didn‘t get read. When you had a summary of all ideas in one of your pinned discussion about one topic. We could maybe give you good ideas, what we think would help.

    In this case about Sadako I wrote a lot of ideas/ things I liked in feedback posts and most times this posts just disappear after a short time behind all complains.

    It feels bad to know they don‘t get read.

    Also for Freddy @GeneralV and many others, who like this character made a lot of good suggestions. In such discussion you could collect ideas, that would help you make this and other characters better, when you want to change them.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,884

    Thank you, I am happy you liked my ideas :)

    I really miss my favorite killer.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    It was mediocre. Having to finish the rift (or how is it called) on both roles to open all unlocks is kinda meh. I'd rather have some kind of currency from matches.

  • exzachely
    exzachely Member Posts: 48

    I did not participate much in the Bone Chill event because there was no bloodpoint increase offering to play.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 558

    I have already written about this, but I would like to describe another problem.

    There were cases where the generation of objects related to the killer's ability, such as Sadako's TV, was extremely uneven, and there were cases where snowballs were generated in the passageway that could not be passed through, or at worst, boards were generated that could not be passed through without destroying them.Is it OK because the survivor was able to escape?

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 689

    This event was pretty funny due to the new snowballs and I really hope they will come back next bone chill event. It was really great that this event was neither survivor nor killersided like the last two. The new snowmen were also cool. The way how players can get the special cosmetics is also really great - keep it up with this way!

    However, Xenomorph and Onryo got a huge disadvantage during this event was really sad, because the pile of snow mad their controllstation/TV spwans really bad/ugly. I felt so bad when I saw that that you threat these two big licences so badly - it's the same issue like with chests but significantly worse. Another sad part is that it seems like you still don't care about accessibility because otherwise the event generators had a different color instead of the similar color for perks like discordance, surveillance. So many players talk about this issue for years and you still don't listen to us. Lastly, it was a little bit sad that there were no special BP Offerings.

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177
    edited January 5

    It was a fun event altogether.

    My only complaint is whenever I played on Hawkin's (Stranger Things) map, the snowpiles would consistently spawn to block one side of routes with a palette on the other side (in outer halls). Surv/Killers usually do a little loop mindgame here only to find out they ran into a completely blocked corner.