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BHVR needs to put detailed guides for survivors how to play more well in game.

Astel Member Posts: 650

There are many complains about the standard of Solo Q, and this is because there are many people who lacks the understanding about the game. I doubt whether this will actually solve the issue, but I think devs need to provide the detailed guide of what to do in specific situations and what to do against certain killers.

For instance, they can put messages like "Do not unhook when killer is not far from the hook." "Don't heal right under the hook after you are unhooked if killer is nearby because it can help killer to tunnel you." "Hugging the wall and looking back to check the movement of killer during the chase will help you to extend chase." "Do gens but not random ones since it might come up with self 3-genning. Deja Vu can help you if you are confused with gen locations." "Do not run self care if you don't have Botany Knowledge."

Also against killers, the messages can be put like "Solve Pinhead's box when he is chasing injured survivor or carrying one to hook. Also you should be in safe looping zones to prepare the cases he teleports to you." "Pop all the Hag's trap when she is carrying he survivor." "Loop around short circular looping zones against T1 Myers to give less Evil Within as possible." I know there is already message given when you are facing the killer first or second time, but I think those are not enough.

Regularly exposing these messages and putting them to the place where can be found well will make players to be conscious about their play, and I expect them to learn proper play style for each killers and situations, potentially improving survivor experience, and also helping the ones who newly playing the game. How do you think?


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    They can't fix everything, like this for example. I just don't understand why someone would give up at 5 gens.

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650
    edited December 2023

    Yeah but it seems like sometimes there are people who even don't know that kind of things.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,940

    I think an option, where maps can be played without any other player would help a lot of people.

    Just to learn maps at your own pace.

    Just go to tutorial, select a map, select the role you want to play and bam. Your alone on the map to explore and train.

    No bots, no perks. Just you and the map.

    Great for showcasing maps (Otz had to ask a Modder to showcase maps), training pathing and looping as well as learning killer powers at certain tiles without any pressure.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    When merging my Epic and Steam accounts and installing the game on Steam I needed to start the tutorial. Well, it is possible to skip it but I was wondering how it was back then when I completed it 2 years ago.

    It is a very basic tutorial that explains the core concept but misses out on a lot of things. Either it needs to be longer or have additional sections about advance mechanics incorporated.

    Plus, a separate section as glossary. And perhaps short videos explaining various situations including the meaning of (positive) gestures.

  • Bartolomeo87
    Bartolomeo87 Member Posts: 35

    I disagree. There’s already a bit of a lack of skill expression from survivors. They shouldn’t have everything spoon fed to them.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Its not just a matter of skill even though the majority is below average in regards of game sense (both sides). Playing killer has so many flaws to exploit, it just makes games trivial for survivors.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967

    This game would automatically be better if there was a basic tutorial against every killer

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    I can only assume that Survivor has always been consistently designed based on beginners playing.

    Unsafe unhooked?The base kit BT makes it somewhat safer.Not sure when to unhook or what your role is? HUD display allows you to determine at a glance who is not turning gen.Afraid of being camped? Catch has been removed and AFC has been introduced.

    And in the future, a remedy is about to be introduced for when a Gen gets stuck.Survivor play is getting more comfortable, but at the same time I am noticing more and more simple and boring shiai...I don't feel accomplished when I use the Infinity God Window and God Palette in Garden to gain time for 3 Gen units.

  • GloomySpooks
    GloomySpooks Member Posts: 39

    This is why I wanted bot killers in customs. People need an option to test out plays/loops/perks/FLASHLIGHTS (me, it's me I can't with flashlights) on some sort of practice mode.

  • Interocitor
    Interocitor Member Posts: 148

    Depends on the background of the player, coming from Monster Hunter and Dark Souls I found survivor a lot more intuitive than killer and easier to get started with the third person camera and movement abilities. Also there seems to be a lot more casual gaming players who gravitate toward and prefer survivor over killer from what I've seen on reddit, twitter, and twitch.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,779

    I really wish there was at least a power breakdown of each killer easier to access other than looking them up in the shop so people can look at them after a bad match and understand, or at least research prior.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 617

    They could also make the tutorial a requirement. My understanding is that a lot of new players skip them (though I don't know why they would). Then they don't know that they're supposed to unhook their teammates and then that poor teammate would die on first hook. That was my experience when I played on the Switch for the first time, after having a good amount of time on Steam.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Recently I've been getting into fighting games, and there's on in particular I picked up especially recently that I'd like to contrast DBD with here. Blazblue Cross Tag Battle has, alongside its basic tutorial and the practice mode standard in the genre, character-specific tutorials that just take you through the character's special moves in a demonstration-based series of lessons prompting the player to do each input in turn. It's a great system, and I think a lot of other games would benefit from a similar one.

    Now, a strict one-to-one conversion of that concept wouldn't work, obviously, but I think DBD could do a lot more to teach specific killer concepts to both sides. A practice mode like you'd find in fighting games for every killer would be pretty helpful for new players wanting to learn how stuff works and established players who want to hone some skills outside of a live match. Hell, you could even implement it as a try-before-you-buy for killers you don't own yet. That's just one example, too- there's surely plenty of ways this could be achieved, even as basic as a more in-depth explanation page for each killer that breaks it down through text.

    The basic tutorial is honestly fine, these days. The problem is that it's just a basic tutorial; there's a lot of things players are expected to just sort of pick up through osmosis, and that's not ideal.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265

    In game guides won't do anything. There's a near unlimited amount of resources for learning and getting good at dbd with easy access. Placing those resources in ppls faces won't suddenly make the majority of super casual players care about improving.

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650

    That is very fair point. Never thought about that. I just believe the Solo Q experience will be much better if people more aware about the features. Being better at games will bring up good results for everyone IMO, since being better would make them to feel more fun to game as they will now understand the game and know what to do, not feeling helpless, while other survivors will feel better since their teammates are not wasting time by not doing anything. And I think raising the standard of survivor will make balancing killers more easier.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Adding gameplay videos actually would be good start.

    Whenever you click any killer, you will see 2 videos: How to play as them and how to play against them. Some killers are really so complicated, especially for new players. And if they are not watching DbD content, they simply by their own to learn.

    Otzdarva is making a lot new player friendly content and that's nice. If similar thing was in game, i am sure this would help them.

    And another thing, current tutorial is teaching base game mechanics to new players. But they don't know how to put pressure or how to break it. So again, some advance game tutorials could be so good too. Like survivors should know splitting on gens are better idea, following HUDs is important, how to loop effectively etc.

    And for last, please just lock new players on different mmr. 10k hours Nurse should never play against 100 hours baby survivors.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited January 2

    My suggestion would be to have tutorials broken down with something like beginner/intermediate/advanced or something similar, then having separate tutorials for each killer with a short how to play(against)tutorial pair for each of them that could be pulled from a list. The way a lot of fighting games do their tutorials nowadays is a great example, they let the player choose how much data they want to take in and give them something to fall back on when they run into something they don't know. Skullgirls in particular has an absurd amount of tutorials, but they're parceled up to allow players to research specific concepts they might be struggling with, so a lot of people will get the basics then use the rest as reference material instead of trying to plow through all of them at once.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331
    edited January 2

    It would still be a good idea to put those tips in the tutorial slot so people can read them at their leisure. Would be a shame to not have access to the information because you looked away during the loading screen. Would ALSO be a shame in the event of killer reworks to not get information because you've played the old version before. That's how you get people pointing flashlights at Hag traps.

    I'm not saying REMOVE the loading screen tips, just saying spreading that info in the tutorial tab would be good.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Why is survivors having tutorial to understand mechanic better spoon feeding?

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    While they could add more the game is really simple enough, the problem is survivors don't want to sit on gens for an eternity and alot of people don't take this game serious , no matter how informative they may be they can't force someone to be a good teammate or not troll the entire match if they choose. The main complaints on solo q are teammates not doing gens, trolling the killer then DC on first down, giving up on first hook, and people hiding all game without helping, no matter how much information is given people have to choose to actually want to be a good teammate.

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177

    Some DbD Streamers make free content on learning killer specifics and survivor specific tips and trick, often more in-depth and nuanced than what an in-game tutorial could be (Otzdarva being the biggest one imo, beginner to advanced friendly)

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844
    edited January 2

    Part of the fun in playing a new game is in the learning process. I personally don't think Survivors should get detailed tutorials on how to counter each Killer. But I do think BHVR need to be better at informing newer player on the very basics.

    In my first few games against a Legion, I went down to deep wound several times because I had no idea what was going on. I didn't understand the deep wound mechanic or even realise mending was possible, because the prompt doesn't appear until you stop running. I just assumed the best play was to work on a gen until I collapsed or try and run somewhere safe and hope someone would come pick me up. Same goes for making the mistake of hiding in a locker during a Frenzy. These things aren't well explained. Every now and again, I'll still get Survivors that don't know how to mend in my Killer games after 800 hours of play time. There are examples for other Killers too, like how using Wesker's spray cans will alert him to your location.

    BHVR should get some totally new players in a room together and make them play against every Killer a few times, so they can understand what the new player experience is really like. They could use what they learn to make simple guides or improve their on screen pre-match tips.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,940

    Maybe there could be an option in every killers menu or shop screen, where someone that is interested can learn about them. This would by no means feel forced but be a nice addition for those that are frustrated.

    A map testing would be very appreciated by everyone I think. People are already running perks just to learn the huge variety of maps that dbd has to offer right now. An option, where everyone could explore these realms and maps at their own pace would help a lot before they battle it out in public matches.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,726

    more advanced tutorials (like killer specific ones) can be on demand and not forced then, so the player can go figure if they feel the need to.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    BHVR Devs owe the new players a live tutorial recorded and stored in the game, played by their top-most elite skilled personnel, and showcasing precisely how to most efficiently and optimally play DBD on both sides.

    Multiple strat vids from Devs, made available to all players in game is essential for new players to succeed w/o quitting early on, as well as beneficial to all players, to see exactly from the creator’s expertise how best to handle every scenario encounterable in the game.

    That they haven’t done this yet, and instead gave everyone a generic ‘tutorial’ on the absolute basics is pathetic and shows much about what we’ve all come to know over the past 7+ years.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2

    I‘m happy that I can learn the game by myself, I would hate being forced to play introductions.

    Everything optional is cool.

  • Bartolomeo87
    Bartolomeo87 Member Posts: 35

    I think you misunderstood what I meant. The tutorial we have now is good enough. Everything else should come with actually playing the game. Survivor really isn’t that difficult of a concept to grasp. The game teaches you to understand that concept well enough.

    So what more do you want them to do, if you had to give some examples? Because yeah I think them adding more advanced tutorials is unnecessary and doing so in the manner that some in this thread have suggested would absolutely be spoon feeding.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 151

    Tutorials are like Terms of service, no one really likes them or pays attention to them. However you need to realize most gamers nowadays use YouTube and Twitch. This also is bad for the game because 70% of the time you get people doing dumb stuff and showing what ridiculous builds to use. The fact is people don't want to do things because 90% of killers go for the tunneling and slugging at 5 gens anymore so it's more of a game of who gets the hatch if anyone. You don't get points from doing gens as you would running the killer, unhooking, or healing, even crushing boons. They need to rework points and XP. Redo slugging stance and tunneling.

    Most new players you have entering the game are from the Roblox age, they don't know how to play as a team.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    1. How do a new player know they get instant down from Devour hope, which is a Hex? How do they know that they can disable it by cleansing a red bright totem?
    2. How do they know when is a correct time to flash light save?

    just some examples on very basic mechanic, not even knowledge against each killer. When I started playing, I didnt know what the “Clang” sound mean when play against Plague.

    Certainly I can search youtube to find all the info I need, but do you think its a good school system when students dont have enough knowledge in school itself but have to youtube everything?

    How can giving knowledge to the subject spoon feeding students when they still need to work on performance their own?

    “They should not spoon feeding tutorial because its lack of skill expression on survivors” is what I understand.

    Tutorial is to help NEWBIES understand the game mechanic. Not making average survivors become god.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,851

    I would instead have individual killer videos as optional, but have a primary killer tutorial that applies to most killers. You could even outsource the individual killer videos out to community members if you wanted - I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to have a chance at being the official tutorial video for a particular killer.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,524

    showcasing precisely how to most efficiently and optimally play DBD on both sides.

    But that would be a tutorial on how to ignore every secondary objective on one side and how to tunnel at 5 gens on the other.

    I don't think we need it, tbh.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    I think there needs to be many details about every killers ability. (like power trivia in DbD fandom wiki)

    Sadako isn't busted but many survivors don't know and never pick up tape until fully condemned.

    SM is annoying but many survivors just eat free stacks, don't know how to avoid it.

    Even there are many add-ons that are unique (like Rusty Shackles, Iri cube, Silent Bell etc) but survivors don't know about those at all and some even suspect killer is cheating.