Party Chat IS an exploit

I’m new to forum so don’t hate if someone has already said this. So I love the game and don’t get me wrong try hards can be fun to play or brutally cheap asf. Like the full party let’s all hold hands and skip out the exit gate la ti friggin da’s. Its like ok whatever you know the maps you know every friggin way to run to completely be annoying as hell cool eventually I catch up and boot stomp some turds. But the ones on full team parties with mics and their saying oh go hide no the killers on the way that is what is cheap as hell. A what i consider an exploit the rest is just being good at the game I can’t complain about that. But there is a reason voice chat isn’t in game. What I think they should do is if your in a full party with headsets then make the survivors make a fart noise or something every so often. Cause then you know they wouldnt be snakes telling your position at all times. Like if this game had chat one their would be a lot of angry things said prob why they dont. But people wouldn’t use it as much cause it would be proximity chat so killer was closer they could hear you talking. Idk I myself just find it cheap that survivors can take advantage of full party with headset it def is an unfair advantage. Let me know am I the only one that thinks this. Also i said farts cause it would be so funny if that’s the reason you got killed. Have good day love ya all have fun gaming and spread those good vibes.
Plenty of ppl have said this, but the devs have said they fully know people are on 3rd party software for comms and they're OK with it. The devs have just taken steps to give SoloQ survivors some of the information SWF have via things like HUD symbols telling you who is being chased and what each teammate is doing.
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I still feed it cheap as hell it definitely falls under exploit which is frowned upon. It’s like ok then turn on proximity chat. I honestly hate matches against teams like that it’s not fun it’s just stressful and annoying. I try to be a fun killer like don’t camp hooks. I try to let at least let one survivor live I’ll kill 3rd and try to beat to hatch. If I do then it’s can they make it out of gate. At the point if they don’t I make it very apparent that I had one an I left then go. And if they were awful sweat I make them crawl out whilst doing an Irish jig on top of them.
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They dont do that because a lot of the community is LGBTQ+ and people will say mean things at least with discord you can just leave the chat and still play.
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Most games with chat let you leave or mute it
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Only in dbd...
Another prime example of the unexperienced nature of the average dbd player.
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It's not an exploit but it's definitely an unfair advantage. SWF teams get free Deja Vu, free Fogwise, free Kindred (and more), and can use those perk slots for other meta perks. Not only that, they can also synergize perks across the team. Coordinating efficient gameplay makes it mathematically impossible for a killer to get more than 1 or 2 kills unless they get incredibly lucky with the map setup or the survivors can't last more than 10 seconds in a chase. The only reason that this unfair advantage is allowed to stay in the game is because most of the content/skins revenue comes from long-time players that play together in survivor groups and BHVR will never risk killing that golden goose. Also, enough killer players are willing to put up with this unfair advantage.
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Only in Dead by Daylight will you find people who go "well playing with your friends is cheating actually🤓".
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Well, because only in DBD it is a one sided advantage via 3rd party software.
In any symmetrical game both sides have the option for this advantage and in most, if not all other pvp games it is compensated or substituted by built in VC, pings, quick commands or built-in normal chat function.
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Telepathically talking to other survivors from across the map does go against the nature of what DbD is based around.
But how would they ever enforce a no-comms rule? Answer is, they can't.
There is literally no way to get rid of comms besides removing SWF and pre-game text chat entirely, and needless to say that would gut the casual survivor player base.
So Comms are allowed. It can suck to have everything you're doing called out by a good SWF, but it's not an exploit.
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Because it's an assym, you should expect the team to be working together.
The lack of communication between solos is build on a premise of the horror genre that this game gave up on half a decade ago.
The survivor wondering off to be killed like they have an iq of 5 got old after the 10th jason movie I watched as a 10 year old.
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An exploit? Lol that's one of the most hilarious takes Ive seen in a long time. People enjoy playing with their friends and coms is just the nature of every team based game. They honestly should put in a ping or typing system so that even solo que teammates can communicate. It would make the game even better to be able to communicate with solo que teammates.
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Youre writting this comment and meanwhile blight, spirit, artist, nurse are all expected to get a 4k every game in competitive dbd