What is up with the game not honoring survivors filling up the struggle meter, and STILL not breaking free? The game is extending the struggle meter TWO skill checks pass the struggle meter being full. This is a complaint that multiple people I have run with are saying, that the game is cheating and not releasing survivors who should have broken free. This happens even if Boil Over is equipped. Killers are (obviously) deliberately being given the advantage.


  • Ethromel
    Ethromel Member Posts: 176

    Yeah, I'm aware, but they didn't. They'll be on the side of the hook trying to align themselves or something. Prioritizing hooks over breaking out is still not fair when you consider that the killer already has way too many advantages as it is. They get an inherent power, then their four perks, plus whatever extra buffs their add-ons give them. Then they can close the hatch, and even if they can't find the last survivor the Entity will kill the survivor for the killer, the hooks are super close and sometimes parallel to one another, and the exit gates are typically too close together (usually within view of one another). When you consider that killers can run speedster fast, teleport, burrow, block the gate, slow the gate opening down to a crawl, see auras, hear whispers, cause screams, track blood trails, see scratch marks, and if they do happen to hook the last survivor it's an automatic death. There's no struggle sequence. Just death.

    I don't believe they should be prioritizing killers hooking over survivors breaking free.

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 456

    I mean I would hope the Killer is given the advantage considering they already earned the down. Nothing is more frustrating then dropping a Survivor you already caught.

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 456
    edited January 2024

    Um? Survivors also have advantages? They vault significantly faster, they have pallets, Hatch, they also get 4 perk slots and an item + Addons like idk why you would even mention that, they have smaller hitboxes to hold loops tighter than Killers, both sides have pros and cons and on most maps Survivors actually have the advantage still.

    If there's 1 thing that should be killer favored it's the struggle bar, they already downed you, you don't deserve to get out except maybe 1/100 times tbh. It's there to force Killers to hook quickly so they can't just carry to basement everytime. And also so Survivors have something to do while being carried.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    It‘s stupid. When the killer presses the button to hook someone near a hook, he slowly moves magically to the hook and the wiggle progress doesn‘t fill up. Then the hooking animation starts.

  • BasementKing
    BasementKing Member Posts: 46

    Idk, it often happened to me that I broke out without filling the scale completely

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,359

    Complaining about struggle out of all things is silly. It should be something that almost never happens without outside help/perks or you end up with the super exciting initial boil over rework.

  • Ethromel
    Ethromel Member Posts: 176

    Criticizing someone for their opinion is silly. Complain about what you care about and I'll do the same.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786
    edited January 2024

    counterpoint the killer still had to go through the process of downing the survivor so I think the game slightly favoring them with another 0.1~0.2s of extra wiggling due to ping and animation locks is fair

    also 90% of what you said in those statements are true on both sides can be inverted or just equip an item so I don't get what you are trying to get at with the whole killers have mechanics and 4 perks ramble

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,359

    All I said was that it's silly. There are huge problems for survivor specifically solo queue and this is about the 1/500 games where you don't wiggle off because of the hook animation.