Do You Using Using Reshades/Filters Is Cheating?

In my opinion, no. Reshades/filters are just an extension to the accessibility tools already given in-game. They are to further help you see better if the colorblind settings aren't strong enough.
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Not at all.
Most modern TVs and monitors have the ability to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, colours etc. It would be silly and unenforceable to label players as cheaters for adjusting their display settings so why should filters be treated any differently (considering they achieve the same results).
Not to mention that the ability to customise display is standard in games nowadays. Really, the need for filters in the first place is the fault of DbD’s inadequate settings and accessibility options.
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Nah, it doesn't really give you an advantage.
All they do is make the game look horrible. As if the map reworks hadn't messed up the visuals enough, a reshade just goes further down the rabbit hole.
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The advantage on the grand scheme of things is very small and I don't see it as cheating (although I use ReShade myself in the interests of establishing any bias here).
It's not like you're wallhacking or adding information that isn't already there, you're just enhancing the game. In my case, my monitor isn't the best when it comes to contrast and clarity in dark scenes, so a lot of maps are difficult to see without filters. I use them to both help with this and also to rebalance the colors and lighting on maps I don't like the look of by default.
I personally don't understand why some people make such a massive deal about filters and consider players who use them cheaters. Of all the things you could complain about in this game (perk balance, map design, actual subtle cheaters etc) and people blame their losses on this... I personally find it very strange.
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It's interesting you make this point, because part of the reason I use them is actually to make reworked maps have more of a similar feel to their original counterparts. Of course you can't completely revert it through filters alone, but MacMillan for example is now horribly dark in my opinion compared to the original maps.
I do agree though, some people's filters can be quite ugly.
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I know for a fact there was a mod, back when we had that brief age of modding, that got pretty close to the original maps. They couldn't change textures or overall visuals, unfortunately, but the lighting was pretty close. Especially MacMillan's.
Though most filters just make the maps uglier. That one you've found sounds pretty cool.
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Ah yes I remember that! Damn that brief era of mainstream modding was an interesting time.
I've started to use separate custom filters for every map/realm. Sometimes the ugliness comes from slapping on the same filters to every map.
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Reshade is fine in most cases IMO. I use reshade only to brighten the game up a bit and add some sharpness.
however I hate reshade filters when it is used to brighten the red stain/scratchmarks and make the other colours more dull. It looks awful and is purely used to gain an advantage.
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i love how ppl dissing the visuals on this
is funny
but nah as u said its just modified settings
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If you have a nivida graphics card you could probably do what 90% of reshade does without any worry so idk see why not
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just no lmao
you can do it on a tv through extensions and changing the settings but isn’t that hard
a little colour change doesn’t change how you play or the killers power at any point of using reshaders/filters just makes your name look nice as hell or ugly looking