Grim Embrace Rework Idea

TheRealChessBoy Member Posts: 24
edited January 4 in Feedback and Suggestions

Grim embrace incentivizes killers to avoid tunneling, which is very nifty since tunneling overall is an unhealthy playstyle, but it cuts short in terms of its effects. It is incredibly difficult to chase AND hook all 4 different survivors in a match, especially if one survivor sneaks and hides for the entire game.

So here's my idea:

When you hook a survivor for the first time, all survivors not hooked in this trial will scream, and their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. Then, gain a token.

For each token, survivors suffer from a stackable 4% penalty to repair and healing speeds. When you have 4 tokens, all generators are blocked for 40 seconds. Then this perk deactivates for the remainder of the trial. When a survivor is sacrificed or killed, this perk deactivates for the remainder of the trial.


This will grant a small passive slowdown for killers not tunneling with this perk AND make it very easy to find survivors not hooked in the trial. This also makes sure that the killer cannot abuse the features of this perk to tunnel as the aura reading/screams ONLY work on first hook, and upon a death this perk will deactivate, granting practically no value for tunneling with this perk.

This also makes it worth mentioning that Pain Resonance, although also only works on first hook, has a much more powerful slowdown effect (-25% on the most important gen!) which makes tunneling with it very viable, since while tunneling the one survivor the slowdown is too much for other survivors to blast through generators while the tunnel is underway.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,200

    When you have 4 tokens, all generators are blocked for 40 seconds. Then this perk deactivates for the remainder of the trial. 

    Take out this deactivation, as this would encourage the killer to purposefully avoid the 4th survivor. But keep the deactivation on survivor elimination.

  • TheRealChessBoy
    TheRealChessBoy Member Posts: 24

    @Seraphor I disagree. Hooking the 4th survivor is what makes the most important part of the perk (blocking all gens) which not at all encourage the killer to avoid the 4th survivor. Keeping the effect after the 40 second blockage is too much. At that point, the game is already in the killer's favor (like 40 seconds of survivors not being able to do anything!) and keeping the 16% slowdown is just too much

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,200

    I guess I'm not a fan of blocking gens. In my experience with the likes of Corrupt, etc. It just causes survivors to hide and stall the game.

    If anything it encourages camping, because you've just hooked someone, and now survivors can't do gens for 40s, so all they can do it go for the save.

  • TheRealChessBoy
    TheRealChessBoy Member Posts: 24

    @Seraphor I understand the concern with camping, but I do not believe this will encourage camping because camping someone on the hook during the 40 seconds is literally the worst way to spend your time as a killer. Note that it takes 60 seconds to camp someone 1 hook stage, and grim embrace will be over by then (not to mention anti camp forcing the killer to camp from a distance allowing for easier saves, PLUS all survivors can't do gens so they can ALL go for the save).

    My point is that camping is not at all the playstyle supported by this change, it is the most inefficient way to play this perk. The most important point is to reward killers for not tunneling, which I believe incentivizes killers to go for healthy and fun playstyles.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,200
    edited January 4

    You're right that it's the perfect opportunity not to camp, but you know players are going to see it as "40 seconds of free camp time".

    Another option could be that after 4 unique hooks the perk activates, while avtivated when a survivor is next rescued it blocks all gens for 40 seconds.