Blight is a broken killer

I don't see how people can defend this killer. He is able to catch you no matter how far you are. Going around corners doesn't help much of the time as he can just swing around a corner a long distance. He recovers so fast, especially with add-ons. Once he starts chasing you, there's very little you can do to create distance. And if you don't create that distance, well, he's just gonna catch you the old-fashioned way since he is not a slow killer by any means.
Running away from this killer unless in an interior map where blight has enough obstacles in the way to defend oneself from his pinball attacks, is not fun.
We’re still making post about blight? xD
Aren't there more important things to look at than this killer?
He's scheduled to have his addons balanced out here between Jan-March.
He will be looked at.
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Well you’ll be happy to hear that his add ons are getting nerfed soon.
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A killer that you can't defeat by prerunning the moment you hear their terror radius the horror. Once his addons get nuked it will be a whole new experience without as many boosted players.
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That's the point, you don't W.
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Are we sure his addons are getting nerfed, and not buffed again? 😬😥
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It's funny how survivors complain about hold W killers like Knight, or Skull merchant, but also don't like killers where you need to play loops properly instead of just holding W.
I guess a punching bag is only option.
Blight is completely fine except some addons. I consider him quite fun to play against.
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just had a "fun" match against a instadown alchemist ring blight. His add ons ned a rework now, not in 6 months.
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*Coughs in skull merchant*
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There is quite literally no where to go but down for his add-ons lol.
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I agree, its not fun when the killer can catch up in seconds and there is nothing you can do.
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Well, his addons getting nerfed is the expectation of some of us, but that doesn't mean that BHVR hasn't decided to up him a bit, to get to the Nurse's level.
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I’m certain 🙂🙃
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Blight is strong for sure. Broken? No. His addons need some tweaks. That’s all. I wouldn’t mind him being 4.4 😂😂 but that’s me being freaky. Lol
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We'll they have explicitly stated that they are nerfing his add-ons and depending on map/add-ons blight can rival nurse. Which is absurd.
Alch-ring/green speed is a 250% increase on an extremely well designed kit and a strong kit at that.
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Well, he was looked at and now we see he won't be fixed beyond his addons. He remains a broken killer.
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I literally don't play survivor anymore because of Blight. He's not fun to play against.
They didn't fix hug tech, who knows why, they wouldn't say anything in the dev stream even though people were spamming the chat. 🤷♂️
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Because fixing hug tech is as simple as mashing a keyboard on the forums. It exists because of his underlying code and it's clear they don't want to break him by removing it.
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Why fix it anyway?
I really don't consider Blight issue without addons. I am looking forward playing against him after his addon changes.
I think there is quite big skill expression when you play against Blight, Wesker etc. That's why I like to play against them.
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His addons is what made him broken. That’s been fixed now as of today’s patch notes for the public test server.
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Now blight is more powerful but need less skill.
is not good for game.
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His addons were never the core issue. His pinball ability is.
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Respectfully I disagree. I don’t have issues evading that. It’s the speeds increased by his addons that get me.
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Plot twist: he's getting buffed.
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Well we don't know what the actual reason is why they wont fix it. So you and everyone else are just speculating. They didn't answer when everyone asked.
Don't ignore the community. Be transparent.
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He is a blast. Alchemist ring is a issue but he isn't nurse.