Upcoming survivor - whom would you love to see?

I love the variety we've been getting lately - a future man (black/asian?), a man from the past, brazilian siblings, an Indian lady deeply connected to the lore, a young witch/mystic, a latino mathematician CIA agent, etc. I feel like the variety really benefits the game and lets more people connect/relate to characters.
I hope that the upcoming survivor (and/or survivors coming this year) is something among this:
- a drag queen - with a fabulous drag queen community (especially streamers), this would be a great addition
- a trans person - Tubarao is fantastic addition already, but having an original representation would be great, too
- a femboy (feminine guy?), someone with a distinct style, potentially uses make-up
- a goth girl, who likes wearing black lipstick, and has matching wardrobe and personality
- a granny character - one of my most wanted, she would be so badass <3
- a muscular black man - I'm talking about the level of buffness like David, or even more
- a muscular woman - she would be so badass
- a survivor who is an android/robot, either fully or partially - this would be so cool!
- a survivor who is fully or partially a zombie
- a furry character as survivor -'cause why not? I love furry characters and they could be a cool addition
- someone from an existing survivor's/killer's lore - e.g. Tristan from David's lore
I really hope this year will continue bringing us fun new suvivors, with even more representation.
---- AND a Werewolf killer!
Brenda Meeks.
Shes all I want. She has plenty of cosmetic potential from the Scary Movie Franchise and plenty of lines they can give her.
Cindy would be a nice addition as well, but Brenda is a must.
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a "lore" survivor, like Julian from Mikaela's backstory or another member of Felix' and Elodie's friend group
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Omg yes!! I want those 2 so bad too!! 🤩
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I haven't read their backstories yet, but that would be cool!
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Another good looking female survivor.
Last original survivor i loved was Mikaela, after her so much flops.
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Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), an older female survivor, a goth girl, and more black survivors (both male and female)
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I wouldn’t say Ripley and Thalita were flops. The resident evil female characters are also popular.
Haddie definitely was though.
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I said original, so Ellen does not count.
Thalita is decent, i will give that.
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Sidney Prescott, only because her inclusion will hopefully open up the possibility of getting the Scream ropes and the Buck 120 knife as cosmetics for Ghostface with voicelines from Roger L Jackson included, it would also check Scream off the list of the last 6 remaining licenses from the 80s & 90s missing from dbd's roster before it is complete in my eyes.
Also, would absolutely hate having a furry Survivor.
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I would like to see Vigo.
Guy is implied to have created the Hatch, wrote things about the killers and the Entity, and straight up escaped the void.
He is an amazing character.
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Benedict Baker
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White straight male.
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That would be awesome.
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I just want a native American survivor, I feel like native american characters are so few a far between and something BHVR should do in the future.
I don't think that's what we're getting but we should eventually.
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Crutches/ Wheelchair dependent physically challenged Survivor
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Someone from Australia.
There's 24 original survivors and 15 licensed survivors, and none of them are from the biggest (populated) island in the world!
How am I supposed to identify with any of the cast if none of them have the same funny accent and vocabulary as me?
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Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. More then any other celebrity in human history, she would perfectly fit in Dead By Daylight
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Someone said goth?
Make it Richmond Avenal from the IT Crowd.
His perk would be making a pause and looking into the distance for 5 secs (and getting Endurance for it).
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I want another Yun-jin. Someone whose not good, not bad, just human.
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We need that one cop from the concept art it would be so awesome.
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I'll be shocked if it ever happens but I still want Aya Brea. But to add her without Eve would be a crime.
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As an original, I'd quite like to see a Black Veil character. Someone who worshipped the Entity, but is taken into the Trials either as some sort of warped "reward", or just to show the Entity as a creature that doesn't need them, but uses as it needs. Could be an interesting view on what happens to those supposedly in its favour.
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I like the idea going around of adding a survivor that is not a human. I think they could have a more interesting backstory than a human character possibly could have
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I want a survivor, who looks like a killer (with masks …)
Post edited by jonifire on2 -
The entire Viva la dirt league Playtech roster. Especially Rowan as the delusional, always angry and Alan hating Boss.
While it would be a big suprise, it dont think it is outer this world unrealistic. They get sponsored by DBD Mobile and pump out great DBD content as many probably know:
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Ripley is cool!
I like her a lot.
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Maybe one of these entity realm creature gone rogue?
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He also has an connection to other survivors if we can trust cosmetic descriptions.
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One for me would be Sydney or Gale from Scream. I personally would prefer Sydney.
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I want Elvira with all my heart
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"I can see the outline of your skull"
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We need Pee Wee Herman. Imagine his sounds lol.
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I said original...
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This might be because she doesn't look like Sigourney Weaver. I know a streamer that was really looking forward to Ellen when the Alien chapter was announced, and wanted to P 100 her, but when we found out Ellen didn't get Sigourney's likeness, they lost interest. I completely understand.
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All your suggestions are terrible besides goth girl, which more or less already is filled by Mikaela.
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An ugly gremlin-like survivor akin to old Quentin. We need more ugly survivors in DBD to scare my fellow solo queue teammates and even the slashers themselves.
As a bonus, as a legendary skin for Dwight: an alternate version of Evan MacMillan (The Trapper) who did not become a serial killer like he did in the original lore, complete with unique voice lines.
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I want a trash talking gigachad that swears at the killer like how chucky does to us. I think it would be cool if he flirts with all the female survivors too. 😁
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I’m hoping this is the year we get an indigenous survivor considering the game is Canadian
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I play as Ripley a lot. Had a bad game? No worries, seeing Jones in the lobby soon will make everything feel OK again. That alongside hearing Steve's stupid screams are two DBD things that are kinda soothing to me.
But you're right, she doesn't look a thing like Sigourney Weaver. It's not a huge deal to me, but I can see why others were super disappointed.
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Could you imagine the Perks Rowan would have? They would be the most meme of Perks ever!
1. Proud Of You: When being chased by the Killer and they hit Bloodlust 1, POY activates. For the next 20 seconds, the Killer gains a Mad Grit effect to all swings. Survivor earns 200% Blood Points in chases as compensation.
2. Flashlights Are Hard: Using Flashlights now use inverted controls. Gain 500% BP and 50 Iri Shards if you somehow blind the Killer.
"Not today, Terror! Not today!"
3. Unbelievable: If a Killer chases you off the hook, press the action button to turn around and lecture the Killer for 10 seconds on how pathetic they are. This acts as a 10 second stun for the Killer.
"... and there it is!"
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Same situation for me. Was planning to play Ripley as one of my mains but since they couldn't get Weaver's likeness i just lost interest
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I'd personally like to see a non-human make into the game as a survivor. Maybe a vampire or some other humanoid... but not human. Would tickle me pink.
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‚Terrible‘? Really? 🤨🚩
also Mikaela is far from being a goth girl..
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Yeah, I don't personally mind too much Ellen not having Sigourney's likeness, I still like her a lot, and play her. (her Christmas sweater is super cute too <3 )
But giving the natural lack of cosmetics (and those she has are mostly linked), a major drive for maining her, for certain people, would be her having Sigourney's likeness. Who knows, maybe in the near future? :)
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Please explain how Mikaela is goth...like....at all
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Tyrion from GOT, but also would love to see him paired with Joffrey. You'd always get mixed feelings seeing him killed, right?
+ Would pair great with a white walker/ direwolf or the mountain as killer