Flashlight/Flashbang Timings need to be more strict.


A while back the window for flashlight saves was extremely difficult to pull off with the window being very very precise. A lot of people complained, and so there was a change to make the window much greater.

However now that Background player basically gives everyone and their aunt and grandma free saves from quite far away, I think the overall window for the saves should be much more punishing.

The whole skill from the entire mechanic is gone now, the survivors can drop the flashbang way to early, or even late in some cases, and the save will still happen.

Either this or background player needs a reduction in speed because the amount of free saves have been sky rocketing since the buff.

You can almost never pick up, even if the survivor is out of reach when you do.


  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 808

    it used to be more precise but they expanded the timing window (for whatever reason) to the point it doesn't feel impressive anymore to see crazy plays. I used to enjoy watching cracked blinds, but they take no skill anymore.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 7

    Didn‘t the flashlights get nerfed to blind the killer slower and after that the flashlight blind got made easier?

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,273

    When i play as killer even just one player with background player and a flashlight can be a major problem to the point where i am running lightborn nearly every game. I definitely hope they get some sort of reduction.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 489
    edited January 14

    I believe the main reason why saves were made easier is because, like most things in the game, it is very ping-reliant.

    If you didn't have impeccable ping, flashlight saves were disgustingly hard to pull off pre-change, newcomers in particular just couldn't do it and even experienced players that had the bad luck of ending up in a bad server could hardly manage it.

    Background Player does make saves too lenient in the right hands though, maybe just reduce the possible distance a tad.

    Post edited by Skillfulstone on
  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,180
    edited January 7

    Yea flashlight saves are basically free at this point little risk