There should be an option for the killer to immediately end the trial once the exit gates are open.

Survivors are waiting to t-bag the killer at the gate, the killer is waiting for the survivors to leave, familiar?
A pointless tug of war, similar to the old hatch mechanic, which has been fixed already.
This change would definitely be very welcome by those who play killer and it would get rid of a whole plateau of toxic behavior.
It would be optional. Just a text prompt appearing on the killer's screen, e.g.:
"Press [assigned buttton] to end the trial."
Just chase tho survivors out or alt-tab to Youtube.
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Have you ever seen killers just walking around on the empty map for a minute, rather than having to chase the survivors out?
If that and alt-tabbing to YouTube is not a sign of an issue with that part of the game, than what is?
Post edited by unavoidablevoid on6 -
While it's a good suggestion I don't give them the satisfaction I walk around the board finding pallets I didn't break lol. They want to teabag let them find me and risk the hook.
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From your thread, it is obvious that you are not a veteran player ... because long end games used to be an issue!
EGC literally fixed that issue few years ago, once the exit gates were opened. Devs even allowed killers opening them to prevent any abuse/troll from survivors.
You just complain for nothing.
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What are you even talking about? EGC takes 2 minutes.
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EGC used to not exist at all, which allowed survivors to take the game hostage. This is a non-issue now that it has been changed, and is nothing like the hatch stand-off.
No one is forcing you to wait the EGC out instead of literally just walking up to the survivors. A button to end the trial would just deny survivors points for no reason (other than saving your ego from seeing survivors crouching ig).
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To decide if it's an issue one should look into it how many players refuse to partake in that toxic ritual that you call "survivors crouching".
You KNOW that If this feature was implemented, it would see use almost all the time.
It would rid the toxic bully crowd of an avenue of hazing, so I'm sure they'll fight tooth and nail against it.
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It would rid the toxic bully crowd of an avenue of hazing
It's literally just people taunting you in a video game, and if you can't take it you're very welcome to wait out the EGC.
You KNOW if this feature got implemented it would see use almost all the time.
Of course it would, that's why it's not a good idea. It'd just be a way to deny survivors chase points, altruism points, challenges, event rewards, escape points...
Killers would be able to just open gates -> end game because they don't like that they're losing or literally any reason ever.
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Things being better now doesn't mean that there is no problem.
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"a way to deny survivors chase points, altruism points, challenges, event rewards, escape points..."
Not necessarily. It's all a matter of how the developers implement the feature.
Pressing the end trial button could cause only the killer to exit the trial and the survivors then can stay as long as they want.
"It's literally just people taunting you in a video game"
What is toxic behavior then, if that is not it? It would be a healthy step for the game to make the exit gate t-bagging a thing of the past.
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Just make them leave and go to next match. When they Tbag i always nod in response and that's it. If you take these things too seriously you end up mad.
Edit: also, some killers have addons that apply Bloodwarden or can prevent survivors from leaving the trial (Cenobite, Deathslinger, Freddy, Knight) You could try playing with those killers if this is bothering you too much
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I don't think it's only me who would love to use this.
The "come to the exit gate" <-> "I won't" tug of war is quiet often the conclusion of a match, which aggravates both parties and wastes time.
It would be an option, if you don't need it, you don't use it.
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I don't think it's only me who would love to use this.
The "come to the exit gate" <-> "I won't" tug of war is quite often the conclusion of a match, which aggravates both parties and wastes time.
It would be an option, if you don't need it, you don't use it
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There is a way to immediately end the trial. If Survivors are teabagging at the exit, run at them and swing your weapon. Whether you get a hit or not, they'll always panic and run out. It's worked every single time for me.
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You think that the players who walk around for a minute on the empty map, rather than going to the exit gates, are not aware that they can chase the survivors out?
The survivors who refuse to leave the trial in order to T-bag the killer are behaving toxicly.
You can play the survivor's toxic game if you want but some people would welcome a solution.
Post edited by unavoidablevoid on2 -
The situation with this idea is, that the only people who can be against it, are those who want to T-bag killers at the gates.
Unfortunately for them, they can't argue in favor of that, because "I want to bully people" is not a defendable position, so they have to come up with some sort of bogus reason to oppose it, while on the inside, they panic at the thought of their toxic-fix being taken away.
Killers who want to use Blood Warden or some other startegy can opt not to use the feature I'm proposing.
For survivors who really fear they would lose some bloodpoints, achievements etc. it could be implemented in such a way that they would remain in the trial until the EGC, while the killer despawns.
Post edited by unavoidablevoid on3 -
Pressing the end trial button could cause only the killer to exit the trial and the survivors then can stay as long as they want.
Unless survivors suddenly gain the ability to chase, hit, down and hook eachother it would very much still result in a BP loss. Also, why would anyone want to stay in PvP game without an opponent ? If that was an option survivors would be free to give up and be replaced by bots, and killers having to go against 4 bots if everyone DCs wouldn't be an issue.
What you're suggesting isn't an anti-toxic option, it's an anti-EGC option, which is a whole part of the game on its own. I'll happily go against tbagging survivors if it means I can actually play a full game on the survivor side without being cut short because "oh well I probably wasn't going to win anyway".
And like everyone is telling you: just walk up to the survivors and voilà problem fixed. It's weird to complain about the "tug of war" that wastes both parties' time when both parties are doing it willingly. Survivors are wasting their own time to rub their win in the killer's face and the killer is wasting their own time by refusing to take the L and make them leave.
It's not like slugged survivors who are forced to wait out the timer or killers who were forced to wait for survivors to leave before the EGC was created.
There's no problem to fix when either side can very easily choose to not partake in tug of war and leave / make survs leave.
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You are either willingly avoiding what I'm talking about or you're failing to understand it.
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A) killers can already force egc by opening the exit gates.
B) killers can force survivors out the open door, or even earn kills during an egc.
C) killers can continue to earn BP around the map even if they don't want to force survivors out.
There are options here.
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Unless I severely misunderstood everything you're asking for a button to end the trial when gates are opened so killers don't have to watch survivors t-bag or wait out EGC, and I'm explaining how such a mechanic would be bad for multiple reasons on top of being not needed because either party can put an end to this silly stand-off very easily.
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They certainly act like they're not aware, if this thread is any indication. I just gave a solution. If Survivors are hanging in the exit gate and t-bag, run to the gate and chase them out. It's what I do when I play killer, and it ends the "toxic behavior" in a heartbeat. Try it.
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Devs, this would be a healthy change for the game.
Once the exit gates are open, either give an option to the killer to immediately collapse the trial via the push of a button or allow the killer to disconnect from the trial without penalty!
Toxic survivors SO OFTEN just stand at the exit gates, REFUSING to leave, doing NOTHING but WAITING for their chance to T-BAG the killer.
Put this annoying, unhealthy behavior where it belongs, in the past with other venues of toxic behavior now closed.
Post edited by unavoidablevoid on0 -
This is actually the best solution for this issue.
I absolutely hate when the gates open and they're either hiding the whole EGC, or just waiting for me to watch them leave (for some reason) or teabag. On both gates. Just leave dude.
But yeah, this would be very nice to have, actually