Problems with the new gen system that I can already see...

I know that the PTB hasn't gone up yet, but I can already see some issues with this new system.
The new gen system needs to be made to where perks won't contribute to it because Ruin could be easily abused by the survivors by repeatedly letting their gen get damaged by Ruin so that it can no longer be damaged by anything and Surge can also potentially be annoying with this new system.
On top of that it's potentially gonna make some killers feel like they're being backed into a corner which may result in killers tunneling and camping way more. This could also make some people feel powerless because one of the two objectives for killer is to defend the generators, but if they can't even be allowed to protect a generator then what's the point? They'll just have to sit next to the gen to camp it which isn't a healthy decision for the game which, as I said, is gonna make some people feel powerless.
Y'all really should've just gone with the idea that some people were making where there's a cooldown on the damage generator action or really just anything else besides that.
I never thought that Surge and Irruption would come with adjustments that would be on the survivor's side in some cases, BhVR goes beyond the imagination in a bad way.
What is a killer to protect at the end of a match when he is no longer able to protect his Gen and is forced to stay off the hook? Should he turn toward the survivor who is bending over and beckoning toward the Gen that has already been repaired?
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Do you have a source about what you are talking about? It looks pretty awful.
I'm not about to come back anytime soon ...
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It is important to note that a 'gen regression event' as mentioned in the dev update, only applies to actions that instantly take 2.5% of a gen or more. So a normal kick, or Pain Resonance, or Surge.
Ruin does not do that, it just causes the gen to regress from whatever point it is on. Therefore it cannot be spammed to quickly make the generator immune to further regression events.
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Ruin won't count as an regression event this is confirmed by Peanits.
Jolt will but i don't really see the problem. If you have 8 downs that means at that point you could have 2 kills. It's unlikely all 8 of your downs will affect the same generators as well.
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Yeah, I just realized the part about Ruin because I knew about the 2.5% regression, but I didn't register the "in an instant" part so that's my bad. However though the point still stands that this system could make people feel helpless/powerless(especially for new players who don't have significant regression perks yet) because then they can't defend their gens anymore leaving them with really only one option which is to tunnel and camp which, as it was already addressed, not a fun play style.
The main problem they're currently facing is that they're ONLY trying to make stuff more appeasing to survivors by taking stuff from killers which then backs them into a corner where they have to do things that aren't very fun for either side. Instead what they should be doing is giving more options to the killers to encourage more play styles so that killers would stray away from the problematic play styles more. For example: After hooking someone the a random gen with a minimum of 10% progress on it is highlighted and kicking that gen causes a basekit Pop Goes The Weasel which would encourage more killers to go to gens after hooking someone instead of straight up proxy camping immediately which could lower the chances of finding killers doing that. Or unhooking a survivor makes you exposed after 5 seconds for a short time to encourage the killer to chase after you instead of tunneling out your teammate immediately.
Adding those kinds of things would be the opposite route that they're currently going on, but would be more likely to resolve some of the problems the game currently has with play styles imo.
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survivors cannot abuse ruin because it is NOT CONSIDERED a regression event because it does NOT immediately take 2.5% or more of the progress of the generator when active, but simply begins regression. This system will essentially work only on kicks, taking 5% and everything that immediately takes a certain percentage of the generator's progress. In fact, ruin may be the only reliable tool to hold the triangle, and then only for killers like blight freddy xeno, well, killers who can effectively drive survivors away from generators and protect hex. In fact, the developers have again pinched the weak killers, who will now be able to win back from the triangle only with great luck and with 1 perk, and do you know why they did it?
I guess they're trying to create some kind of "honest killer meta," remember the last meta perk we got. "Friends to the end" is literally a serious incentive to play "honestly".
However, I did not quite understand whether the Grim Embrace effect works every time you hang a unique one for the first time, you ate only once in principle, but if the first option is correct, then friends till the end will complement it even better and considering how they treated 3gen and that in the future they will touch mangaled, then the "honest" style of play will become not only complicating the game for themselves, but also one of the few effective tactics, because in other ways they will simply be forbidden to delay the match and win.
In short, one thing is for sure:It will be "more fun" next
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Just make it so only kicks effect it. Idk why perks like Pain Res or Surge which you can't even control would contribute to it. Hell even reduce the kick buff to 4% instead of 5%
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It's crazy to say they're only taking stuff from killers to appease survivors. It's a pretty significant buff to killers. They're doubling the regression you get from kicking a gen and getting rid of gen tapping. Both are pretty huge and potentially affect every game. Eight regression events on a gen is a lot and will rarely come into play. I highly doubt the 5% regression per kick will make it to live servers.
Maybe if they were nerfing other slowdown it would be fine, but they're not. Even Grim Embrace will now be another viable (strong?) slowdown option.
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this is one of those things that I think looks bad on paper, but you won't actually feel in-game. I don't think this change is going to be noticable at all in the vast majority of games, and what will be noticable is the 5% reg and gentap removal. not insane buffs, but they will def have more of an impact.
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If you read the small print, this change WILL NOT go to PTB, but will be released at some point. Also this Gen change is to encourage chase instead of gen camping along with the other perk change to deter tunneling. Obviously they are aware how bad these have gotten and are trying to make small changes before drastic ones. Just like the Shadowborn players brought it on themselves. You keep doing toxic game play changes will be made.
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Overcharge, CoB, Eruption are going to be so trash perks...
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Don't forget Nowhere To Hide, Trail Of Torment, Machine Learning, etc
And the changes that are scheduled for Mangled in the future
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Nowhere To Hide will still give you lot of value.
Trail of torment was always niche at best, this won't change much.
Machine Learning was always trash.
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The point is that 2 of them require you to kick gens that you don't need to kick which can hurt you in the long run and Trail Of Torment is a perk that requires you to not run a regression perk that stacks onto it so it can get as much value as possible and you aren't gonna want to do that when you have to pretty much run hefty regression perks as well.
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1: Nowhere To Hide
Imagine this: The Survivors did gens carelessely and are now 3-genned but there's at least 3 alive. Of course the Killer will kick gens often in order to find hiding Survivors (who will of course hide early). However now the Killer is effectively doomed since (if by chance the specific gen wasn't already kicked/regressed before) he no longer has a way to find potentially hiding nearby Survivors except searching manually and wasting precious time. This system essentially inverts the current situation and mitigates the Survivors's mistake.
Before, the Survivors were in trouble if they rushed gens carelessly and 3-genned themselves, the game would go on longer and the Killer, with less distance to cover and patrol, would eventually find someone and might snowball.
With this system, the Killer is on the clock. He can only kick so many times and, if perks like Surge were brought, he might not even be able to kick more than once or twice. Eventually the gens will become impossible to regress and all the Survivors have to do is slowly but surely do the gens until one is done.
Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of 3-gen games don't end in a 3-gen because the Killer meant for it. And even then, weaker M1 Killers had issues defending said 3-gen while mobile/powerful Killers could do so at-will.
2: Trail of Torment
While it's true that kicking the same gen 8 times purely for this perk value is rare, it'll happen eventually in a 3-gen (more often than not caused by Survivors) this perk will make Killers kick a few more times than they normally would, those kicks might be vital during endgame.
Again, this new system mitigates Survivors's mistakes and limits an already niche but decent perk that gave stealth options.
3: Machine Learning
Yeah this perk was always trash. But limiting it even more is akin to kicking a dead horse: it's meaningless, uselessly cruel and just sad.
Side-note: Surge and Eruption are gonna be utter trash if this goes live.
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Not really Surge
I use it when I don't plan to kick gens at all...
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Maybe, but what are you going to do if Survivors 3-gen themselves and you see a gen but no Survivor? Well kick it of course but most "regression tokens" might have been used before the 3-gen so you can't do anything.
It's not the Killer's fault he can't defend gens and stop them from progressing, the Survivors did gens super quickly and forced him into this situation...
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Yeah, it kinda sucks survivors don't need to worry about 3-gen anymore. They can just brainlessly work on any gen they find.
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They were already made near useless because of the gen kick meta
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Well, they are even worse now. They really should buff them, when their use is so limited...