Where's the map graphical rework as mentioned in the year 7 roadmap?
on this roadmap (shared on the official twitter I believe) there is a mention of a map graphical rework, presumed to be backwater swamp, yet there is no mention of it on the developer update, has it been delayed or...?
Whether or not it was going to be a swamp rework I am assuming it got replaced by the Ormond rework
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There is a chance it's still happening and maybe they just didn't put in the dev update because it was getting too long. Otherwise it's probably just delayed i guess
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Thank the Entity it got delayed!
Now I still have some maps in the game that I enjoy. At least for a little bit longer.
...If it really got delayed, that is.
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Just popping in quick. DbD is a live service game and things are always subject to change - and that includes the map rework that was included on the original roadmap.
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So it definitely won’t be part of this PTB/midchapter?
also, is it then postponed to the next chapter or next midchapter update?
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Poor swamp map. Being neglected is honestly a trend these days. Not just for certain survivors. No worries. Patience will be rewarded.
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Hopefully they don‘t change it too much. Imagine having no grass on this map.
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Swamp is immortal at this rate, I will continue to get lost in the docks of the map.
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I have no hope the rework will be good, in my honest opinion none of them are. So I just want it to be delayed as much as possible.
WishIcouldmain! It is good to see you, my friend!
I take it you are here for the Hillbilly changes? Finally a good thing happening, eh?
And I sure hope you're correct and Swamp remains immortal. It is the only realm I have left. Don't want to lose it.
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First map visual rework was in Sep 2020. 4 years after the game release. We are going to have the last map visual rework soon.
This Sep 2024 is 4 years since the first map visual rework. I think we need the second Yamaoka and Badham visual rework : D
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I honestly don't think swamp could get worse so I think in this case, it'll do the map a favor. It did Ormond one, at least.
The rest, ya, balance wise they just added some awful breakable walls to maps that did not need them at all.
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Swamp's gameplay I think is okay. I have a bigger problem with the graphics changing.
Ya know me, my friend, I prefer the older style of the game. But I am not complaining this time, because it seems I'll be keeping Swamp for a little bit longer.
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Swamp is more than likely going to be the biggest rework from all the realm beyonds since both maps have unnecessary elevations. They've said in the past they don't want those anymore since it screws up a few killers for no reason.
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I actually really like those elevations, they add more fun to the map (imo).
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Yes, us five Hillbilly mains have been waiting for this day. Better then I expected not only overheat gone but actual buffs to the Hillbilly, which I thought impossible. Hopefully Freddy gets his redemption next year maybe
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I'm really happy for the five of you :)
I always said Freddy and Hillbilly were fighting the same battle, but it seems your victory is finally here. I sincerely hope Freddy is next.