Ruin has been bufed… but not in the way the community wanted

It’s still not worth running, just make it 150% for the love of god
Can we also buff Call of Brine and Overcharge back up, now that they're much more limited in uses? I don't mean a complete reversion, just increase them to 150% regression speed too.
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Not really, no.
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Hey, I'll take it. Just had a game where I brought ruin and it WASNT found by the survivors. The fact that it self cleanses is dumb.
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Yea I was hoping for 150% but I guess they dont want me to use it anymore
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It would be fair. With only 8 regression events and other regression perks, you would only get to kick the gen a few times before reaching the cap.
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If the regression speed stacking get's removed, the major issue with there original change was the fact they stacked, which was an immediate issue that somehow went ignored from the ptb.
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The deactivation upon dying has never been the problem for me... it's always been cleansed before :(
Hexes need a rework the risk of bringing them is just too high. Unless they work unconventionally like plaything.
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I honestly didnt know it cleansed itself lol i just kept thinking someone found it while i wasnt paying attention.
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What the community wanted. Those are dangerous words. If this community got everything it wanted the game would be in a terrible position.
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I want the skill check ruin back. It was funny, especially with merciless storm!