Alan Wake

Triplehoo Member Posts: 647

Sooo... Alan Wake is coming to DbD. Thoughts?


  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,717

    I'm really excited. I think he's such a cool fit for dead by daylight. The perks are as interesting as i hoped. The voice actor is great and the model looks pretty good.

    I think it's great that dbd added content from a recently released game. Alan Wake 2 only released last november so they must have been working on this before release which is cool. The game is also going to get expansions this year so it came out at a great time.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,719
    edited January 9


    CHAMPION OF LIGHT!!!! 🔦😱😃🤩🥳

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418

    The boon would have nice synergies if you pair it with „Better than new“ though so then your teammates can see where to run to make use of the chest unlocking speed boost they get.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    That flashlight perk is such "go ######### yourself killer haha" and makes Shadowborn look bad now since you only get half of what this perk does.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Very good on survivor role (nothing in there for killer role for sure), glad they got hands on other licensed characters.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418

    The boon perk does have synergies if you use it with „Better than new“ though, then your teammates know where to run to make use of the bonus chest unlocking speed you give them.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,948

    Never played the games so this one is lost on me. His perks are pretty doo doo as well.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 641

    First perk is pretty much a buff to flashlights. There were plenty of cases already where survivor would blind the killer after pallet stun but that did almost nothing because killer brute forced through it and went in the same direction as survivor or guessing the location of survivor despite being blinded and still landing a hit. Now a blinded killer is also slowed so there's more distance to gain.

    Second perk is pretty much a Generator beacon. It's is mediocre so I guess this perk will get a buff of some sort because nobody will lit such boon for chests, only to let other survivors know there's a generator nearby.

    Third one - there are some questions here. Does player get a chance to hit great skillchecks while being wounded? If so, do great skill checks grant bonus progression? If yes, then it can work with certain perks as a combo.

    Difficult to evaluate a survivor since perks feel a bit too strange compared to existing ones. They certainly are unique but also feel a bit out of place.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I was so excited for a new boon but then I read it lol.

    CoH: Was self-care on a totem now it's empathy/botany on a totem

    Shadowstep: Distortion on a totem

    Exponential: Unbreakable on a totem

    Dark Theory: Nerfed MfT on a totem (makes it sound so much better than it actually is lol)

    Illumination: Visionary on a totem...wait what?

    And don't get me started on the 2nd effect that doesn't matter cuz you can only have one boon and I think it only takes away 1.4 seconds lmao.

    You can tell BHVR is so scared to put good effects on boons now. When you're actually worse than Dark Theory that's a scary place to be.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,016

    I've barely heard of him or his franchise, his perks are hilariously bad... not feeling anything from this one.

  • pale_hispanic
    pale_hispanic Member Posts: 149

    I never played Alan Wake so I’m not sure how accurate of an adaptation it is but the perks are definitely something. The Boon is too limited it needs more auras and a bigger radius. Deadline is going to be a staple on Autodidact/Hyperfocus builds. Champion of Light might be broken we’ll have to see how it works.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302


  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,469

    I mean the flashlight perk is amazing for buying distance as each pallet break guarantees a lot of distance made and you can use the movement speed during the blind to counteract the distance you would lose normally on the blind.

    I see it as a very good perk that has consistent value unless the killer has franklins.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I so agree, there’s nothing like the progenitor of boonery herself, Ms. Queen of eating on Starbucks on a Sunday morning while typing away on her Mac Chromebook and having a Yerba mate drink at arms reach. Let’s not forget the unnecessarily oversized and round Harry Potter glasses, cosplaying as a wicked witch from Hog… oh wait that’s right we don’t love that anymore, I meant to say cosplaying as a witch from Elden ring, upon her name indeed.

    Her freckles? Tattooed.

    Her hair? A wig from party city, except not even because she doesn’t buy from major corporations.

    You can find her on tumblr and on MySpace, complaining about how she was recently called an aged millennial hipster that is trying too hard to cling to her youth, insulted by some bratty zoomer of all people.

    Just googled him and I saw him wearing an FBI outfit, he can be my FBI agent anytime. Joking btw.

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    That flashlight perk is a secret S tier perk. It’s really good.

  • Cypherius
    Cypherius Member Posts: 140

    Champion of Light looks like a pretty decent perk. Deadline looks like a fun perk too. Lowering the dependency on rng for skillcheck builds is a very welcome effect. Will be using this perk a lot.

    The boon looks very underwhelming. But i am glad this mechanic has not been abandoned.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651
    edited January 9

    I saw the character model and realized BHVR's character designs are outdated. They still have that wonky PS3 look to them. Alan Wake looks almost nothing like himself. I played Alan Wake 2 and had I not seen the title, you could have told me it's original character and I would have believed you.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 900

    His skill check perk is the only one that personally interests me to be honest and I don't know a lot about the character. So I think I might give this chapter a miss. He's just a dude in a suit to me. I've still got an Xbox 360 though, so maybe I'll pick up his first game sometime soon to see what I missed out on.

    Champion of Light is sure to be a big hit with a lot of Survivors able to get some use out of their flashlights (but I'm useless with those, so not a perk for me). I'll be running Lightborn on all my Killers forever now!

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,717

    Kinda surprised at the reactions. I guess this is going to end up being a pretty niche chapter. But, i think for the people that want it, it is really good.

    Same thing happened when alan wake was put in fortnite actually. It's just weird, because it's so critically acclaimed.

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    I think Alan Wake is a good survivor for DbD. I remember playing the first Alan Wake years ago on the xbox 360 and just being mesmerized by the story. His flashlight perk being Low Key OP for dodging and gaining distance is pretty lore accurate too.

    I could see him being the survivor meant for the Dredge chapter. I don't hate Haddie though, I just think Alan is a better fit.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,939

    Anyone know where we can see the perk list?

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,717
  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,092

    Very hype! the devs did a great job here. Although.... the champion of light perk look kinda unfair if u ask me. A good amount of pallets are safe so it's quite easy to lock a killer into a breaking animation. Why should i be hit with clown level amount of slowdown? because i broke a pallet?

    PTB looking good! shout out the devs

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937
    edited January 9

    If he's anyhting like he was when I played the game, his flashlights run outta batteries in seconds lol.

    I can see why people are excited for him, but I'm not. As a female myself I really only play females. He really does fit dbd really well though. The Alan wake games are awesome.

    Since his perks aren't that great and I don't use flashlights, I think this will be the first one I skip. Plus after what happened to MFT and CoH yeah...

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,257

    Alan Wake being in is great! I do think BHVR missed an opportunity to bring in some more aggressive Perks involving lights from generators, but his Perks may be growers.

    Champion of Light is clearly the best. It can be used in more ways than just the blind (use it with Fixated for a really fast walk - great when recovering Endurance if needed).

    Boon: Illumination is more a shared planner to help SoloQ. Being able to see all Generators on the map as well as Chests will be good for tactical planning. Not sure it has much use for SWF, but it's a good Boon for newer players and for those who want more shared info in SoloQ.

    Deadline at first look is a bit crap. However, I think this Perk is more an enhancer. Stick this with Hyperfocus, Autodidact, Stake Out and maybe some others will help get those bigger bonuses sooner. As an enhancer, it has promise. On its own it's sitting next to This Is Not Happening.

    I really hope when Alan Wake is released we'll get Saga Anderson as a Legendary. What I would LOVE is to have Sam Lake as another legendary later on! Him on the loading screen with a mug of coffee and doing the Max Payne gurn alone would be great, but he definitely deserves a place.

    Also - and I may be wrong - but is the next Tome focusing on Alan Wake? If so - and if it's written in conjunction with Remedy - that would be brilliant! Maybe they could even loosely tie the Dark Place and the Entity's Realm into the Alan Wake narrative!

    Finally - and this is just a wishlist thing - but if DBD got Alan Wake, it would be quite cool to have a reference for DBD in Control 2 when it comes out, since it would absolutely be an anomaly. Even if it's just a document or something, that would be very cool!

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,393
    edited January 9

    They needed a whole DLC just to give us a flashlight buff?? 🤔

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 352

    Probably the least interesting licensed chapter so far. Kinda neat though.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Alan wake is a video game author. That is tormented by darkness. What ever he writes comes true.

    Well Alan writes horror stories.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Dont see why exactly that character was needed in DBD. Also i think just pumping in characters of other games is quite lame.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,178
    edited January 9

    Meh, don't really care to be honest. He grunts super loudly when injured & his perks are nothing special.

    The flashlight one will be the most used & the one that shows gens across the map will see some play in solo que I suppose but nothing that will change up the meta.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,717

    If you mean the reveal range on gens and chest. If you are in the boon it reveals all gens on the map and chests

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,257

    The whole map. It would be absolutely underwhelming otherwise.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,067

    Perfect combination with Dead by Daylight. Alan Wake's Dark Presence is now the Fog.

    The model looks like Jake Gyllenhaal, though.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,686

    Alan Wake is a perfect fit for DbD, I've been wanting him in the game for quite a while now, I like his perks, I think he looks cool in-game, so I'm pretty happy. Definitely going to play as him.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,535

    Champion of Light is the best perk but I think when people start using it like old Dead Hard for distance (cos honestly, I'd use it for those moments I'm not gonna quite reach the pallet) I feel like it'll get nerfed.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    If you want a Medkit from chest (where you spend 30sec to find a Dull, 14sec to bless, 15sec run to a chest, 10sec to unlock, 24sec to self healing). I suggest you to use Bond (where you spend may be 20sec to a teammate and get healed in 16sec).

    If you want to find a totem (where you spend 15sec run into Boon range, 15sec run to a totem). I suggest you to use Map or either Small game or Counter force.

    Map is the weakest item (and Items are already weak), that put into a perk, when perks like Sprint burst exist. You dont waste a Sprint burst to put a worse version of Map.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I think the perk works best if you use it for anti tunneling for teammate. Its never good to flashlight for yourself mid chase.

    Deadline may be good with Rebecca focus perk and Skate out. But does it worth to use full perk build for may be save 20sec of Gens?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,535

    I'm not good with flashlights/blinding but I mean for the 50% speed boost whenever you turn it on. In a chase it'll be handy for those moments you're not sure you'll reach a vault or pallet.