Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Clarification on the Dev Notes gen kick

Okay I understand that after 8 "regression events" they are no longer going to be able to occur. But I am confused with how some of this works.

Will this remove the killers ability to kick the gen or will it just remove the ability to do damage to it. Like will the killers act like old kicks or will killers not even be able to make the gen passively regress anymore?

Will surge still make someone scream if the gens already been hit with 3? Will it still regress if noone is on it?

Will a failed skill check count as a regression event if its caused by a killer perk, ie Overcharge, Oppression, Merciless? Even less so but Huntress Lullaby and Unnerving Presence?


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,850

    It will for sure remove trail of torment from being used which is an unnecessary nerf. Also, eruption actually takes up TWO charges to be used. Ridiculous how fast these charges will get eaten up, especially with rapid damage perks like surge which was NERFED to lower damage to compensate for being DESIGNED to be used multiple times.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    edited January 8

    I can clear some of this up.

    1. Once a generator has reached the limit, it can no longer be kicked or damaged by Perks.
    2. Any generator which has already exceeded the limit cannot be affected by Surge, and therefore will not cause any Survivors working on it to scream.
    3. Failed skill checks are not considered regression events, even if they are caused by the Killer's perk. This is because it's caused by the Survivor(s) missing, not the Killer.
  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    Yes on eruption but IDK where you're getting trail being nerfed. Trail for the most part got a buff if the survivors need to be on it for 5 seconds to stop the regression. and if it just stops when the regression stops for the instant the survivors tap it even if they dont fully stop the regression it would be the same as it is now because its cooldown would make it really hard for a single gen to experience 8 events (given how difficult it is anyway). A perk that I do think gets slightly buffed by this is Surveillance because you can see a gen go white/yellow/white. meaning a survivor just stepped off it. I am more curious with if the perks will keep the regression happening if triggered even if they are maxed on regression events, and about the skill check thing.

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111
    edited January 8

    Thank you so much Peanits. Will trail still end activation when a survivor taps it since its "not regressing" or will they need to be on it for 5 seconds? Same question with overcharge if a survivor gets off it before it hits that 5% mark will a skill check be required for the next survivor or is it a one time thing? (same goes for the regression speed i guess)

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 8

    Every time you kick a gen, you're using up 1 of the 8 charges. That means at most you can only ever get 8 ToT uses on a gen, and that count goes down every time the gen is hit by regression. Has surge hit that gen 5 times during the course of the match? You can only use ToT on that gen 3 times, now. Have you erupted that gen 3 times in the match? You can only use trail of torment twice now on the gen!

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111
    edited January 8

    You have the potential of 56 ToT in the match which is 4 less than technically possible now with the 60 minute timer. Like how often do you even do 3 ToT on one single gen. This is also assuming 5 surges which means 5 downs next to that gen. Like its not gonna come into play all but one in a million, and thats being generous, games. In addition the eruption kick would trigger trail of torment so 3 eruptions would most likely be at least 1 if not 3 ToTs.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060
    edited January 8

    Well, but it happens that you let go of the Gen, hear the Skill Check-sound and it is auto-failed.

    But ok, it is intentional to give 10% regression for free, got it.

    But thank for the answer, this is actually the first time in years that there is a response to that.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    If i throw a knife at you its your fault if you die, cause you didnt dodge in time. See the logic?

    Also there are still those skillchecks that get instant failed while letting go of a gen. You just hear their sound after letting go there is no possibility to hit them at all and they can cause severe disadvantages. It would be soo damm easy to fix thos by implementing the overcharge treatment to all skillchecks. Not exploitable but fixing the issue. And you guys still ignore this for no reason.

  • xerox8521
    xerox8521 Member Posts: 112

    What about No where to hide the perk gets indirectly nerfed with the 8 stack limit. Imo the killer should always be able to proc NWTH on a gen regardless of its stack status even if no damage to the gen can be done.

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    I am sorry but

    1) kicking a gen 8 times would still be insanely high and

    2) having NWTH having 0 cooldown, and follow your character makes it either the strongest or second strongest information perk (if you feel ultimate weapon is stronger) It having a very niche and slight limitation isn't bad especially given the doubled power of gen kicks.

    In addition people are focusing on all the perks that are "nerfed" by the 8 max hits but not the ones that a buffed by this change. Overcharge and Call of Brine both are getting a slight buff because of how much it takes to stop the increased regression. But the perk that's getting a biggest buff is Surveillance since a survivor working on the gen needs to be on for so long and if you head to a gen and it turns white you know they just stepped off and hadnt been on for 4.5 seconds. The perks getting "nerfed" are all meta perks. According to Nightlight Pain Res and Surge have 23% and 15% pick rates. NWTH and Eruption both have around 5%. Meanwhile CoB and Overcharge are 3-4% and Surveillance is less than 1%.

    This is a big buff for killers in general with losing gen tapping and doubling the initial damage. Even if you hit the cap with gen kicks you took 40% or 36 seconds from the survivor and 20% of that is from the buff. If you are getting it from perks you are getting min 60% (from 4 eruptions) on a single gen which is an INSANE amount of value.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,850

    It's not kicking a gen 8 times, it's any regression event 2.5% or higher. That means if eruption hit the gen 4 times in a match, you'll never be able to kick the gen again.

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    And that also means you got 4 downs and 60% off that gen. And the screaming and the aura reads. How much are you wanting from a perk because in my mind that is well worth the perk slot, if you ever get to that point. which again idk how often you get 4 pops of eruption on one gen but for me that is a very niche case. This will be even more niche now that survivors cant tap gens. My whole point is whether its 8 gen kicks, surges, eruptions, pain res whatever you've maxed out the value you can do on that gen, which makes sense because this only happens if youre only focusing on something like a 3 gen. If you are partaking in normal gameplay you got other downs, regressions etc. Youve done ~1/3 of your objective with those 4 eruptions on 1/7 of the gens or 1/5 of the gens needed to be completed.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 9

    Fair thoughts, but the problem is that this also affects perks that don't even do gen damage but require kicks such as Nowhere to Hide or Trail of Torment. Not only that, but both can even literally provide no benefit (such as no one being near near gen on nowhere to hide, or otherwise distortion being in play).

    On top of all of that, killers have a million and one things to worry about and balance, and now there is a generator just sitting there and they have to feel discouraged from kicking it? Playing killer is feeling more like jumping through loops of what they are not allowed to do so survivors can just keep standing there teabagging. Can't grab of hook, can't kick gens, have to stand way over there if someone is hooked, can't hit people off hook, can't just simply hook someone on a scourge without worrying about PR getting wasted on a 0% gen, and so on. While some of that definitely was needed (ie basekit BT), killer is constantly being bombarded of things they aren't allowed to do and it's becoming and increasingly more frustrating experience where every patch has the hands tied behind your back becoming tighter and tighter.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,720

    Fair thoughts, but the problem is that this also affects perks that don't even do gen damage but require kicks such as Nowhere to Hide or Trail of Torment. Not only that, but both can even literally provide no benefit (such as no one being near near gen on nowhere to hide, or otherwise distortion being in play).

    These perks just got a buff (and killer overall got a buff). You've got enhanced gen kicking power and harder for survivors to regress a gen - so even if you don't get the perk value, kicking itself is buffed meaning going around kicking gens is more valuable. Trail of Torment especially is buffed, it just got a 5 second extension.

    Hypothetically, I can see a killer running 4 gen regression perks very rarely running out of 8 charges on a gen while playing normally, but I doubt it will happen. Kicking a gen though 8 times and still needing to kick it a 9th (especially being gen kicking will be rarer with no gen tapping)? There's just not enough time in the game for that to occur. The only way that happens is with the dedicated 3 gen from the beginning, the exact thing the change is saying it should prevent.

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    Again its the same gen those 8 times. Given Trail of Torments cooldown if you ever manage to have that issue idk whats been going on that game. Kinda the same thing with NWTH. In normal gameplay youre not gonna notice this, but moreover you will get the additional 2.5% instant regression and the survivors lack of ability to tap it. If anything I would state that because of those parts its actually making ToT and NWTH stronger. Same goes for CoB, Overcharge and especially surveillance because you'll know they are somewhat committing. Again 8 is so high on regression events to as single gen that it is a struggle to reach without multiple regression perks and even if you have multiple regression perks alot of them are combinable. Pop goes the same as literally kicking a gen and surge+eruption happen at the same time so they are going to be the same regression event. Then we have pain res which is only 4 regression events total. This literally is a buff to killers in 99% of games.

  • sharpef3rn
    sharpef3rn Member Posts: 111

    Exactly this. I am saying this as a DBD player, both survivor and killer, this is a good thing. For killers who play normally they get a gen kick buff, even it they are a regression heavy killer. And for survivors you will not be stuck in a match where the killer is stalling a 3 gen from the start.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 9

    Just a quick note, ToT buff is a wash. Yes, you have 4.5 seconds longer in undetectable, but at the cost of not knowing the moment someone jumps on the gen. That gives that person 4.5 free seconds of progress. For every 1 second of progress, it takes 4 seconds to regress it. That means you gain 4.5 seconds of undetectable at the cost of 18 whole seconds of lost regression (it takes 18 seconds of regression to make up for that 4.5 seconds). To be fair, the kick does get an extra 2.5% damage now, but still, with the change, that extra 4.5 seconds isn't worth how much regression you lose. Under normal circumstances, if I initiate ToT and head away and suddenly lose undetectable, I can immediately head back knowing someone is on the gen. The survivor is now protected from this and gets free 4.5 seconds of progress risk free.

    Even if you disregard all of that, the fact is, people who are using ToT and NtH are completely negatively affected by this change, as now they have limits (even harder limits if they use regression perks) that did not exist before. That sucks.

  • PastaSauce
    PastaSauce Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    I'm confused as to how you even have so much time to kick gens. Even when i'm running a build where i'm planning to be kicking gens (like with trail of torment, overcharge call of brine, ect) I don't think i go above around 15 gen kicks the entire match in 90% of cases, and that's spread across 7 generators.

    Obviously this is a much greater worry if you're using a perk like Surge with a gen kick build, but Surge doesn't exactly have amazing synergy with gen kick builds in the first place. Honestly the new system is more likely to make me start kicking gens more often than usual than it is to make me kick them less out of worry, because now it's way more likely i'll get good value out of the time i waste on kicking a gen even if i don't have any perks up.