Dear fellow survivors...

Either LEAVE through exit gate or COME take a hit. Sitting in the gate doing nothing but waiting prevents hatch from spawning and makes chances of getting out 0% instead of some other random percentage.
Never! I will butt dance until the killer comes on over and moon walks, takes a hit or excepts my toolbox/medkit/flashlight :)
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So you're the Claudette that just killed me 💀
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I don't think I was :( I have been playing other games recently, but I mean I could of been? -offers a cookie- friends?
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If I'm waiting (because I know the killer is approaching) it's to stand at the exit line and let the killer hit me across it. I might not be selfless enough to give them a free kill (99% of the time atleast) but it doesn't hurt me to give them a hit score.
Deathslinger, Victor and Pinhead are no fun though.
If there's no killer in sight I'll likely go. But it's not like you can tell what the other survivor is up to most of the time.
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Was just kidding friendo it just happened to be a Claudette who stayed in my game and prevented me from getting hatch 😂
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Sadly I am a killer who lets one get the hatch and Claud is my home girl and i know! lol :) I hate though killers dont let you get your green shards etc lol