Remove the 4%, add harsher DC penalties

3rd game in a row tonight someone has insta disconnected after being the first to go down, I’m so sick of games being over before they’ve even started because of this
We need harsher DC penalties, maybe something like after disconnecting 1 time in the span of 24 hours you get a 5 minute time out, 2 times = 30 minute time out, 3 times 1 hour
I think removing the 4% hook escape is necessary as well to stop people killing themselves on hook 1 minute into the game and circumventing the DC penalty. We have ‘Deliverance’ and anti face camping features now, the 4% is obsolete and only causes more harm than good
Sure. Remove Skull merchant first though.
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Can't wait for the, "Force people to try" posts!
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No, absolutely not. BHVR should be looking at positive reinforcement
Post edited by Foempticol on21 -
If someone doesn't want to play, they're going to find a different way to sandbag. I can promise removing the ability to hook suicide doesn't fix this issue, it just shifts the problem elsewhere. Instead they should look at why people do this and making the gameplay experience better - something they've resolved to not do by killing the casual experience through MMR + solo queue apparently.
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If they don't wanna stay in this match, they won't play even if you force them.
Just because you forced them stay in match does not mean they will be useful. They will play more selfish, hide and wait your death for hatch.
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People just won't play instead? They're not getting paid to play this game.
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Im sick of killers Dcing when we get 3 gens done before his first hook.
does it sound familiar?
basically the same thing, just see it more bacause 4to1 ratio
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what about people with accessibility issues towards certain killers
Dredge is a killer i have to kill myself against for example
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Actually, how is it familiar? It is a win for you, no? Escape challenges immediately trigger.
Plus, you played well by quickly doing 3 gens.
Tell me how it is fun, on the other hand, when the killer just tunnels me, I lose, get depipped, and as a spectator I can see the team miserably goes down just the same. At the end of the match there is at least 1-2 bots.
This is the problem and this is what requires a solution not the penalty system.
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Have seen this many times. Person gets unhooked when they are trying to unalive themselves and they just stand in front of the hook until the killer comes back. Either that or they just run to the killer again. I generally agree with the dev sentiment that you can't force people to play. From a rewards perspective I don't think there is currently enough incentive for people to stay in a survivor game that seems to be going badly. I think there are a multitude of problems that make survivors give up frequently
- Low bloodpoint rewards relative to killer
- Easier to depip and much harder to pip which frustrates many people if reddit is any indication
- Match has a much higher chance of being frustrating. Especially true for solo players. Killers can't be deleted from the match and have all of their addons, offerings, etc wasted in the same way
I feel like all of these things have gotten significantly worse since 6.1. In my experience people started giving up more frequently from that point on.
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Nope. The 4% is an important mechanic that shouldn't be touched.
The correct thing to do would be to understand why people want to leave trials prematurely and fix things.
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Keep it for Deli and Slippery Meat, besides that the self-unhooking feature is outdated. All it does is giving new players the wrong signs and veterans an easy way to opt out and f their team without ANY consequences. + DC penalties should only punish the first DC in a match.
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No thank you.
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When the gamer is "forced" something that they don't enjoy, what happens? They go play something else
Instead of punishing people that don't want to play, how about addressing the issue and fixing the problems that is causing people not wanting to play?
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She removes you first.
Reply to OP: I can run to a hook, then tab out from the game to draw anytime.
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people just want this game to die....
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No. It's a symptom of a larger problem, and forcing people to remain in game is just going to wind up with people going to play other games.
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removing 4% and giving a harsher DC penalties will just kill the game because most go to a different game and this game will die fast
you can't force people to keep playing if they not having fun and I know most of the playerbase Suiciding on hook...
but keep asking for it to be remove going hurt the game more then help.
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You address the systems people keep saying and do what you said.
Every other team based game doesn't allow this behavior like this game does, you can't justify it in games the 95% of the time end by 15 min(15 min being generous). The dc penalty is there if you gotta leave a couple times a day.
This game doesn't make you so miserable 2 min in the you need to leave, other games can make your life "hell" too.
All allowing people to leave freely does is create a self perpetuating cycle of bitterness. I think you guys would be surprised if people couldn't leave, how many of them would continue doing what they can in a game.
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If someone doesn't wanna stay in the match, the DC penalty doesn't force them to stay. The DC penalty prevents them from immediately trying to hop into another match. People should not be able to shop for the perfect opponent/map that suits their tastes.
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So you also agree then that killers should not be able to lobbyshop looking for the easiest survivors?
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If lobby dodging wasn't possible it would be fine. But because backfilling exists, I often duck out of obviously backfilled lobbies. It just as likely that I've been dumped on a team of newbies as it is I've been burdened with a SWF. That lobby's already a lost cause so I'll let someone else take the chance on it.
Remove lobby dodging entirely and that's no longer a problem.
But the issue is, at the lobby stage, the game hasn't started yet. So you're committing a player to an even longer period of time. If someone needs to duck out for any reason, it doesn't really make sense to penalise them before the match has even started.
So the only real solution is to remove the lobby entirely and load straight into the game, similar to how Custom games work. You get your pre-queue lobby, but when you hit the 'find match' button, you get a couple seconds before you load into the trial.
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Post edited by XenRedspike on3
In principle I agree. - But there is at least one really big difference when it comes to dbd which makes me think you can't compare dbd to other games in this instance. In pretty much any other game you can say "you get what you signed up for" since in pretty much all other games both sides / everyone can choose from the same pool of stuff and/or can see what is being chosen. That's not the case in dbd. Or, well, it's only the case in tourneys or 1v1s or generally kyfs with transparent lobbies.
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Anyone who DC's should automatically get 100K Bloodpoints deducted and if they have 0, they will go into the negatives
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You cannot force someone to stay in a game. Also, DC penalties apply to those who legitimately DC because of being disconnected from the dedicated server, which has been happening A LOT lately. Or because their ping is too high. Game crashing and so on. So to up the DC penalties even in those cases will result in driving more and more players away. Less players means less revenue and that's bad for business.
Some perks and offerings play around the 4%, getting rid of the 4% would mean having to get rid of those as well and replace them with something else, which is something I doubt will happen anytime soon.
This ^ is a great idea for those who DC on first down or at the sound of Nurse's screech or in-game grass.
This would be too punishing for new players and this game is already quite unpleasant for beginners.
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You get a bot and still get points. 😂
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Bonus BP for each of your teammates who escape, even if you don't.
E.g. you die but the others escape. + 2500 for each one, you get a bonus + 7500 BP.
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DC's are up and survivor bonuses are ongoing, that tells you there is a problem.
No they should not get rid of lobby dodging either, most people don't want to play with TTV's and dip.
Maybe it's gameplay on the killers side and no one wants to admit it.
DC penalties are dumb it just makes people want to play another game and honestly the way this game is it's about time until there is some major changes.
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What's wrong with the Skull Merchant?
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I don’t think that harder DC penalties are necessary because it does no harm to you although it does get annoying it's pretty rare and if someone has to leave the match because of internet problems or other issues there is no reason to punish them.
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If I had to mention everything wrong with Skull Merchant I’d be here all day.
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They should remove the 24 hour penalty step lowering and encourage finishing games instead. If you get a penalty, finishing 10 games in a row should lower the step. I personally have random internet issues. One days it's great for 18 hours I am awake. Another it's good for 17 and a half hours and for half an hour it will hiccup and cause 3 disconnects for the game. Either that or their servers will go fucky. Haven't figured it out yet, since every other game I own and play online Versus works just fine.
Heavy Penalties for a game that isn't very serious that isn't being played for money is re-tard-ed.
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Some people just like to jump on the train of “I don’t like her” because of those ppl don’t so I want to follow the popular opinion…
Skull Merchant is fine. If they removed the broken status affect it would be perfect. Her pick rate is 1.70% so it’s rare you’ll go against her, I’d rather deal with her than Knight.
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There’s a reason it’s a popular opinion that she’s garbage design. All her gameplay is is pressing M2 when it’s convenient and then just follow a survivor. They’ll eventually get injured from brainless gameplay and also eventually deal with the hindered. That’s it. No skill component for either side. At least Nurse has skill expression and at least Knight can do a couple cool things like long patrol.
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your subjective opinion doesn't have any merit over other people's subjective opinion. obviously removing skull merchant is a bit extreme (i'm sure they were half-joking though, but ((in my subjective opinion)) her issues are so bad her design is borderline hopeless).
preferring her over knight is also subjective, people also would prefer knight over SM. i wish forum users could accept not everyone has the same opinion about killers, and you're allowed to agree to disagree on things without starting a debate.
also, assuming because someone disagrees with you, they're on some sort of "hate train" is very immature, might I add.
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Knight being able to do a “few cool things” doesn’t justify Skull Merchant. Again she’s rarely in the game. If they removed the broken effect she would be fine.
She’s still a M1. I don’t have a lot of issue against her as survivor. Just my opinion.
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I didn’t say it did respectfully…That goes vice versa too. My point to all of this is that I disagree that she is completely in a bad design. I don’t feel she is. I like her current design. If they removed broken status and made drones when hacked lose a stack it would be perfect.
Also I never assumed nor referenced that because they disagree with me that GannTm is on a hate train. Nowhere in what I said indicated that I was talking about them specifically. I also never said “hate” so to call someone out on that and make the assumption goes to show you misread my message, which in return would make you immature for making such assumptions.
In GENERAL- I’ve talked to several people across social media and in Dbd. I have asked the question of “Why do you dislike skull merchant?” The answer I get 80% of the time is. “I just do. Everybody does, I don’t really have a reason I just do.”
Its silly and not valid.
People are allowed to have their opinions. I have mine. Debating is what forums are about. My intent wasn’t to start anything or a debate. I simply expressed my opinion followed by a statistic followed by another opinion.
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it should not happen inless it's proven that the DC wasnt done due a technical difficulty
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How is it important?