I know BHVR wants ptb feedback but can we talk about map offerings ?

Rick1998 Member Posts: 301
edited January 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Can something be done about map offerings ?

they remove the fun rng aspect that makes this game replayable and can make for some toxic build/scenarios on both sides. Nurse sending herself to midwitch or survivors sending themselves to badham/garden. Map offerings are hardly used for achievements or scratch mirror meme builds. Can we make them remove that map instead ?

i will get a map offering 9/10 games when i sit to play and it gets tiredsome. Is it too much to ask that i get a ramdom map good or bad and try to my best on that i stead on being sent to the same 5 maps every night ?

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,000

    There are so many posts that talk about the unhealthy issue with map offering and the devs still do not listen to this, which is really sad - iirc, they even never reply to one of the posts which is even more sad :/

    I understand this issue. For me, I don't care if the rng sends me to a bad map for my chosen killer because rng but it feels so bad when I get send to Garden Of Joy or Badham again and again. It feels even worst how easy it is to give one side a huge advantage by just dropping a simple map offering.

    I really hope the devs will finally listen and get rid of map offerings to make it more fun for everyone.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    I understand this perspective, because it is annoying when you get sent to Eyerie / Garden / Badham all the time. The RNG aspect of a random map can be fun.... Until you keep getting just MacMillan and Autohaven, and you get bored out of your mind. Yeap, RNG can do that. At those times I use a map offering to go somewhere NEW, where I haven't been that day, and feel refreshed (even if that map is objectively "bad" for my role). Without the ability to go to a map other than just autohaven or macmillan, I would probably just close the game.

    I always say, things need to be balanced, and then we won't have issues with map offerings. Nurse is too good on Midwich? The problem lies elsewhere - she is an OP killer who is in a desperate need of nerfing. Tired of Eyerie/Garden/Badham offerings? Well BHVR needs to rebalance those maps. Downsize the Garden, and remove the big chain of loops along that one wall, as well as break those OP loops at the house. Reduce the number of safe pallets on Eyerie. That's what needs to be done. Then map offerings won't be really used as gaining advantage anymore, and those of us bored of a boring map RNG on a specific day will get to use an offering for a different map, and/or one we really crave at the moment. :)

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,123

    Map offerings should be map bans. Only one ban is accepted per role. If 4 survivors do different bans, only one is chosen.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,000

    I get your point it is boring to get the same map/realm over and over. Therefore, it was really sad that the developers deleted the feature of map preventing - I hope it will come back.

    I disagree with your second point (not with the nurse nerf, she needs this). Yes, maps should be more balanced for both sides [at this point I have to admit that the developers do a good job at this which is great and I appreciate it, thus they still have to learn] and it would be great if we get to this point one day (balanced in terms of there is no extreme killer- or survivorssided maps e.g. Midwitch and Badham). However, from killer perspective there will still be maps that are better than others and many killer players won't care about the fact that every map is overall balanced because they will still send the match to their best map. Same goes for survivor players they will still use map offerings to get their best map, the map they are most familiar with, or the map that fits the best with their strategy. In the end, map offerings can still make matches unfair/unfun/disadvantage for one side.

    Tl;tr: what should the developers do? Delete map offerings, keep on making maps more balanced for both sides, give us the map preventing (maybe with an upgrade) back. In my opinion, this would make sure that by default both sides will have the same chance to win and, more importantly, a better gameplay experience overall.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited January 2024

    Map offerings should absolutely be removed from the game. Set and show the map in the lobby. This game does not have the matchmaking system to accommodate one side stacking the deck with a surprise map offering and loadout tailored to the map of their choice. The frustration they add far outweighs their merits. There's nothing fun about losing because one side decided to stack the deck without you having the opportunity to do anything to prepare for it.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    Guys, there is a middle ground solution here. BHVR could make it so SWFs of 3 or 4 people cannot use map offerings, but anyone else can. Then, you won't be able to have a full team fully prepped for a strategy on that certain map. I personally don't see an issue with 1 or a 2-man lobby bringing a map, as well as the killer bringing the map (excluding Nurse, she's a special case).

    I don't see why Myers, Ghostface or Wraith wouldn't be able to bring an indoor map, it doesn't make them OP, it just makes the use of their power more viable.

    Map offerings are some of my favorite things to collect in the bloodwebs. I don't use map offerings often, but I love knowing that I can go to a map I crave when I crave it.

    Another solution would be showing all offerings used before the match starts, so both sides can decide whether they are okay with that or not. Not every killer will go out of their way to dodge Badham or Garden of Joy. I usually also accept killer bringing Midwich, knowing that it's probably jumpscare Myers. I don't go out of my way to dodge it.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,000

    Showing the map in the lobby would result in horrible long matchmaking because every player would join the lobby, see the map, and then leave. They would do this over and over until they find a lobby with a good map for them. Yes, I am pretty sure many players would abuse this feature because according to many forumposts many players dodge the lobby when they saw a p100 charakter.

    The developers won't do this because this would look so akward - they punish friends for playing an online-multiplayergame together. And even if they would ever agree with this idea, I'm sure it would take years to implement due to the "complex" code of this game - in their latest QMA they said showing the survivor builds for the other survivorplayers in the lobby would take years because the lobby-code don't allow a faster way. Lastly, I'm pretty sure this feature would have a low priroty to them.

    It would also look akward if some killers can use a map offering but other killers not. Instead buffing/reworking these killers would be much better.

    Showing the offerings before the match starts, would change nothing because the players can still do a last second switch. It would be still a nice feature in terms of BP-Offerings but not a solution for this issue.