Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Can we please get the hacking under control?

Cryopier Member Posts: 59
edited June 27 in General Discussions

I'm seeing them in nearly 1 out of 5 games.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Kronos
    Kronos Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    No im pretty sure thats false. I dont believe they are really banning at the moment. To be honest there are PLENTY of hackers currently. Most of them are subtle. For example I've had 4 games today alone where I have hit someone at one exit gate like on nostromo and just off of their sheer speed (Without any perks like hope) they made it to the second gate on the opposite side of the map, and were able to finnish the 99 on the gate and still get out without me getting close enough to hit them. No pallet drops just a straight B line and I even got bloodlust 2 by the end of it and I wasnt able to catch up and its happened several times. Like most everytime I play, ill bump into a survivor moving WAY too fast and are able to hit any loop after a pallet stun from any location on the map. Additionally I've already reported with video evidence of people using "running flashlights" and have still played against them most every week to date. I dont know why they dont care but most companies dont care anymore. It's all just a money grab now and they will do the least work possible to fixing hacker issues because it doesnt make them money. I mean how do you prove a sublte hacker without haveing to dive into the videos and study them for the while. With a game that hinges on moments it's just sad they are abandoning real issues just so they can release a new character to get the extra change in their pockets. I highly doublt they are going to FIX the issue.

    Now to give them some credit the hacker industries are finding new ways to cheat constantly, but there needs to be more effort into anti cheats. Valorants anti cheat system helps tremendously. Never once felt like the game was unfair or that players had those cheating advantages even when I loose I've never felt that way. I know Valorant notifies players if their reported player was banned and thats very revitalizing and hopeful and I dont fully understand why Behavior doesnt do that. I've heard reasonings saying that if they do that then players will report themselves to see what they can get away with, but I think that is really just a way of them hiding the fact that they dont trully care. only if its extremely blatent ones will they spend any time to ban because you can see the cheat within the first 7 seconds whereas subtle cheats have to be studied quite a bit more and they arent willing to go into that much detail, let alone get decent anti cheat software to do the work for them because that costs money and they want ALL of that in their pockets dont they.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Personally, I think players should have to upload videos when they complain about Cheaters. Because as I said, often enough it is just players missing something. A few weeks ago a Killer reported us for being Cheaters because of BT. They did not realize it was BT in Endgame and were mad that they lost a Kill and that the Endurance was longer than 10 seconds. And cases like this exist.

    And even without players being unable to see certain perks or other things, there are also unintentional Bugs which can happen, but dont mean that the person using them is cheating.

    Personally, I have not run into a Cheater for weeks. And I doubt I am the odd case. The last time was a Nancy with a Year 7 Anniversary Cake who as P0. This might not even be a cheater, but I found it highly unlikely that they never played Nancy before (Stranger Things was not available during the Year 7 Anniversary) and got an Offering on a P0-Nancy. So I think they were a Cheater, but this isnt even 100% certain, just very, very likely.

    And whenever I reported a Cheater, I at least got feedback via the ingame-System or saw that they got a Ban (when they were on Steam and I saved their Profile). So BHVR is doing something against Cheaters, but as usual, Cheaters (or the Hackers who create the Cheating-programs) try to bypass it.

  • Ladygagagaghost
    Ladygagagaghost Member Posts: 1

    I had tons of hackers on Friday. I could honestly say that there was only one killer that I could say was not hacking at all. Saturday was bad and today was bad. I come across a killer with no hook timer and he camped us all. Others are using more subtle hacks. Today I had one that was using perks he didn't have and when I was the last survivor, I went to open the gate and it wouldn't open until he shut the hatch. I am tired of it. As if killer perks weren't OP enough they have to cheat because they lack the skills to use the perks the game gives them. At this point I am not willing to spend anymore money on this game on cosmetics or new survivors (Survivor main here) until BHVR puts a stop to this. These hackers are selling their hacks which is theft and should be punishable by law. I do submit video proof and will be sending yet another to the devs.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 635

    I was killed by teleporting Bot Killer in first 5 seconds of the game once.

    I had to deal with ''subtle'' cheater who was outrunning me with bloodlust 2 and reading mind games perfectly almost every game.

    Seems like it will take a while as always because apparently majority of cheaters are survivor players and we all know if the problem doesn't ruin survivor players experience, it can wait if needed.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598

    They are aware of cheaters.

  • OwlWithMustache
    OwlWithMustache Member Posts: 57

    Yeah the first game just like tarkov, cod, rust, apex, r6, and about a hundred more.

    If the devs could remove all cheaters from their game with the push of a button, they would.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,367

    Yes quite a few times i've been accused of hacking by a survivor when playing Legion. I run halfway across the map and pull them out of a locker. How other than hacking could I possibly know they are there? Legion's Feral Frenzy that's how.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    I had a match yesterday on RPD against Plague and I didn't realize till near the very end, that she had basically stopped moving. Powered gens and started running to the back-gate & Nancy, Bill were following me to try to grief. I was going to get there first and the Steve teleported himself right to the gate and just stood there, then Bill & and Nancy both stood there as well and they just turned their cameras so they were staring at me, lol. As the killer approached, the Nancy and Bill tried to bodyblock grief me from moving and leaving, thankfully the Plague didnt care for the match anymore and just wanted us to leave. IDK if the Nancy and Bill were with the hacking Steve but it seemed very coordinated, like they told him.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    You actually have people who openly post videos of themselves using cheats. Sometimes those cheats are obvious like going super fast while other times, the viewers only know because we can see the wallhacks.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    Just so I understand right...

    You were the last survivor so you went and tried to open the gates, but couldn't until the killer closed hatch. That sounds completely normal unless you finished the gens.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    This is true, people often forget that coincidence can just exist. That the Killer knows that the Survivor is in a specific Locker or behind a specific rock might seem strange to the Survivor, but can only be coincidence. (And I actually prefer if Survivors report something like this. From their PoV it might be either hacking or coincidence, but if it happens over multiple matches, the Devs can at least check if something fishy is going on)

    Yeah, I know those people. Pretty disgusting. But often enough you dont even actually see them use cheats, e.g. there was a videoe of Hens regarding a Wesker who was cheating and it was only really visible because he was facing towards Survivors who were behind walls.

    But I still think most of the people who claim to go against Cheaters might just mistake something for Cheats. And this is why video-proof would be nice to have. I got reported by a Spirit a few months ago for using OTR, because she did not know that it does remove grunts of pain. Also got reported for playing Huntress, because I grabbed someone out of a locker they were hiding while I was just reloading (they reported me for Wallhacks, because I kicked the Gen nearby and they thought I could see them with NWTH in the locker...).

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    No, I mean a cheater themselves puts up videos blatantly showing their cheats. That's how I know the hatch spawn location is determined when the match starts. The dude was walking by, looked down and the word "hatch" was on the ground.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 406

    This game has had the most cheating I have seen in any game. It is at a point that the devs should place it at a higher priority. Allowing these cheats to continue will cause player loss and thus money loss. They might want to stop it before it festers.

  • Bartolomeo87
    Bartolomeo87 Member Posts: 35

    Yep. Can’t even test out any of the new changes because if it. I play on console and so turning off cross play is a solution but not a very good one seeing as the que times are far worse, I’m talking a minimum 10-15 minutes before finding a match. At that point I’ll just go play something else.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,156

    It's almost 2:00AM EST where I live, they tend to come out at this hour. I had this cheater in my match last month and got feedback from the system saying appropriate action was taken. Those tutorials on the internet and the number of people interested in them is what really worries me 😟

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    Avoid anonymous players and players with a history of bans. By doing so, you can reduce your chance of encountering a cheater to about 1/5 to 1/10.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,156

    I unfortunately have been doing just that but there's an anonymous in every Killer lobby, so many people are playing anonymous now. Even as Survivor, it is hard to find a lobby without one.

    Not all are cheaters, but they do tend to be trolls or griefers. Or just waiting for Hatch.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,779

    The problem is it's really an arms race.

    Anticheat can only go so far, legally, to detect third party software interfering with the game files. I'd suggest they add detections in-game for things survivors/killers should NEVER be able to accomplish (downing all survivors and hooking in x timeframe for example, or you know the flying around and disabling all hooks/breaking all generators instantly should be detected) but even those has it's downsides if the hackers can make it detect a different player or if the game itself throws up a false positive on a player.

    I mean, people crack DRMs pretty quickly these days, I would assume it's pretty simple to get around any anti-cheat relatively the same in terms of time. It's really just a game of whack-a-mole, and the best we hope for is BHVR gets to them fast.

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